Crime / ResurrectionistsRobbing graveyards for corpses which will be sold to medical schools for purposes of anatomy
Robbing and ScalpingNative American women rob and scalp a U. S. cavalryman Date: 1876
Cupid robbed of his Pinions
The Christmas Robbers by William Heath RobinsonA cheery looking cook enjoys forty winks by the kitchen fire, blissfully unaware that an army of mischievous pixies and elves are busy plundering all the Christmas food she has been baking. Date: 1924
Tennis Illustrated - Comic Postcard - Our Advantage A romantic liason between the local Bobby (Definitely off the Beat)
Brothers rob a train at Rocky CutBrothers rob a train on the Missouri Pacific Railway at Rocky Cut. 19th Century
Train robbers in AmericaTrain robbers steal $12000 in New Mexico
Thieves robbing a cartA group of brigands accost a peasant and steal all the goods hes carrying in his cart. Date: 16th century
Cowboy holding up a bartender in a barWho is the bravest, the one with the gun or the one without. Cowboy holding up a bartender in a bar
Egypt - Tourists hassled by localsHumourous postcard, depicting the hardships endured by European Tourists in Egypt, cornered by a vast horde of helpful Egyptians who are aggressively " Dividing the Spoils" !
Andreas Reischek - AustrianAndreas Reischek (1845 - 1903), an Austrian taxidermist, naturalist
Robbing the Orchard by Louis WainAn unusual illustration by Louis Wain, more usually known for his cat drawings, showing a group of children stealing apples from an orchard
Carr, Royal LoveROYAL LOVE (Kathryn Carr) Looks like shes got the young man drunk in order to steal the secret papers she knows hes carrying - but oh dear, heres a man with a gun !
Crime / Captain Hind / C17ThCaptain Hind robbing Colonel Harrisons carriage at Maidenhead Thicket
Hereward & his MotherHEREWARD THE WAKE Herewards interview with his mother and the priest Herluin, in which she accuses him of robbing the Church of God
Robbing GravesWitches rob graves and gallows for little bits of this and that which will come in handy for their magical rites
Futuristic birdsnestingA futuristic scene showing two naughty boys birdsnesting with the help of wings. The mother eagle has spotted them and they are having to fight her off