Sympathy by Briton RiviereA young girl sitting contemplatively on carpeted stairs, being comforted by her pet dog. Date: Christmas Number 1900
Cliquot by Frank W Green and J RivierePromotional music sheet for Cliquot music hall song of 1870 by Frank W. Green & J. Riviere and sung by the ever-popular Alfred Vance, billed here as The Great Vance
La Riviere QuimperleThis painting looks up the line of a canal, which goes under a small bridge in Quimperle, a commune in Brittany, north-western France. Date: circa 1915
Briton Riviere RA, artist, holding a palette Date: circa 1910
Geranium varieties, Pelargonium hybridum: Le Cygne, M. Jules Malou, Commandant Riviere and Madame Jay Gould. Chromolithograph by P
Dancer Mlle. Riviere as Lucette in La jolie fiancee by Charles-Gaspard Delestre-Poirson at the Theatre du Vaudeville, Paris
Briton Riviere R. A. at workBriton Riviere R.A. at work (1840-1920) - British artist of Huguenot descent Date: circa 1910s
Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres (1780-1867). Portrait of MadamJean Auguste Dominique Ingres (1780-1867). French painter. Portrait of Madame Riviere, 1805. Musee d Orsay, Paris. France
St. George and the Dragon by Briton RiviereSt. George lying prone and perhaps thanking some higher deity for helping him slay the dragon, the remains of which are coiled beside him. Date: 1914
Mother Hubbard by Briton RivierePainting by Briton Riviere illustrating the nursery rhyme, Old Mother Hubbard. A young girl in a mop cap goes to open a cupboard door while her Jack Russell terrier waits intently
Music cover, Spring! Gentle Spring! A song from Babil and Bijou, first performed at the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden, London, in 1872. Words by J R Planche, music by J Riviere. circa 1873
Grace Church, Riviere Doree, St Lucia, West IndiesGrace Church, Choiseul, Riviere Doree, St Lucia, West Indies. Date: circa 1908
Cartoon, M Riviere and Mrs WeldonCartoon, Jules Riviere (1819-1900), composer and conductor, and Georgina Weldon (1837-1914), classical singer and conductor
Charles Riviere DufresnyCHARLES RIVIERE DUFRESNY French writer Date: 1648 - 1724
Briton Riviere PhotoBRITON RIVIERE Artist Date: 1840 - 1920
Wilkie Collins / WoodburyBRITON RIVIERE Artist Date: 1840 - 1920
Henrietta MosseHENRIETTA MOSSE (nee Riviere) Writer, penned eleven novels including Arrivals from India. Date: 1770? - 1835
Antiquite de l Homme Alpes-Maritimes. Pl XTete, thorax et membres superieurs du premier squelette d adulte trouve dans la quatrieme caverne des Baousse-Rousse ou de Menton, le 26 mars 1872
Grottes des Enfants burialSkeletons of two boys with clusters of perforated shells and probably traces of decorated clothing. Pl
On the St. Lawrence at Riviere du Loup. Date c1901
A view in Hudsons River of Pakepsey & the Catts-Kill Mounta
A view of the great Cohoes Falls, on the Mohawk River, the fall about seventy feet, the river near a quarter mile broad Vue de la grande cataracte de Cohoes, sur la riviere des Mohawks
Briton Riviere in his studioBriton Riviere, British painter (1840 - 1920), pictured at work in his studio in St. Johns Wood in London
Disloyalty / Arrested / 1393Sire de la Riviere arrested for supposed disloyalty, but eventually released
Briton Riviere / CostumeA lounge suit (consisted of a lounging jacket, waistcoat & trousers all of the same material) in a light, checked fabric worn with a wing collar & tie