Death of VIrgin Mary by Joan Llimona Bruguera (1860-1926). BJoan Llimona Bruguera (1860-1926). Spanish artist. Death of Virgin Mary, 1912. Baldachin altar of the Church of Saint Mary's of Ripoll Monastery. Museum of Ripoll. Catalonia. Spain
Pistol of flint stone. 18th century. SpainPistol of flint stone. 18th century. Made in Ripoll (Girona province). Ethnographic Museum. Ripoll. Spain
Act of vassalage. 11th century. Miniature. Ripoll Bible (also known as Farfa Bible). 11th century. Vatican Apostolic Library. Italy
Percussion cap handgun (beginning 19th c. ). SPAINPercussion cap handgun (beginning 19th c.). SPAIN. Ripoll. Ripoll Ethnographic Museum
Juame Huguet (1412-1492). Moses. C. 1455Juame Huguet (1412-1492). Catalan painter. Compartments from the back of predella with Moses. Tempera on wood. Around 1455. From Monastry church of St. Maria in Ripoll. Episcopal Museum of Vic
The Monastery of Montserrat, 1912, by Joan Llimona BrugueraJoan Llimona Bruguera (1860-1926). Spanish artist. The Monastery of Montserrat. 1912. Painting of the baldachin altar of the Church of Saint Mary of Ripoll Monastery. Museum of Ripoll. Catalonia
The Oblation of Radulf by Joan Llimona Bruguera (1860-1926)Joan Llimona Bruguera (1860-1926). Spanish artist. The Oblation of Radulf. Wilfred the Hairy gives his son to the abbot of Ripol. lBaldachin altar of the Church of Saint Marys of Ripoll Monastery
Ripolls weapons deposit, Late Bronze Age. SpainPrehistory. Late Bronze Age. Ripolls weapons deposit, Catalonia. Detail. Girona Archaeological Museum. Spain
Jaume Huguet (14121492). Catalan painter. Moses. 1455. ChurJaume Huguet (14121492). Catalan painter. Moses. 1455. Compartment from the predella of the high altarpiece of the Church of Monastery of Santa Maria de Ripoll. Episcopal Museum of Vic. Catalonia
Parchment. 11th century. Land donation for Monastery of Santa Maria de Ripoll. Document signed by the Abbot Oliva (972-1046). Episcopal Museum of Vic. Catalonia. Spain
Demostratio Artis Geometricae Ex Multis Voluminibus Digestum. Schematic map of the Iberian Peninsula. 11th century. Depicts the Iberian Peninsula in a pentagon invested
Farmers field work. Miniature. Ripoll Bible (also known as Farfa Bible). 11th century. Fol. 6 r. Vatican Apostolic Library. Italy
Emilio Castelar - 2EMILIO CASTELAR Y RIPOLL Spanish statesman, President 1873-4, exiled after military coup; historian and biographer of Fra Lippo Lippi and Byron (!) Date: 1832 - 1899
Emilio Castelar Y RipollEMILIO CASTELAR Y RIPOLL Spanish politician and writer Date: 1832 - 1899
Monastery of Santa Marde Ripoll. SPAIN. RipollMonastery of Santa Maric de Ripoll. SPAIN. Ripoll. Monastery of Santa Maric de Ripoll. Gate. Romanesque art. Sculpture; Architecture
Pecussion cap gun (mid. 19th c. ). SPAIN. RipollPecussion cap gun (mid. 19th c.). SPAIN. Ripoll. Ripoll Ethnographic Museum
Pecussion cap gun (19th c. ). SPAIN. Ripoll. RipollPecussion cap gun (19th c.). SPAIN. Ripoll. Ripoll Ethnographic Museum
Ramon Berenguer III (1082-1131). Count of Barcelona (1096-1131). Sepulchre made in 1893 in which is contained the sarcophagus of 12th c. SPAIN. CATALONIA. GERONA. Ripoll
Blunderbuss (19th c. ). SPAIN. Ripoll. RipollBlunderbuss (19th c.). SPAIN. Ripoll. Ripoll Ethnographic Museum
Arrow tips from Ripoll, Castellterzol and Pobla de Lillet (rArrow tips from Ripoll, Castellterol and Pobla de Lillet (right). Eneolithic. Proc: SPAIN. BARCELONA
RIPOLL, Josep Maria (1962). SPAIN. CATALONIA