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Richard Dagley Collection

Background imageRichard Dagley Collection: English gentleman at a music lesson, Regency era

English gentleman at a music lesson, Regency era. A lady in plumed headdress dances with a violin master, while a dandy stands next to the pianist. Tom Takeall passes a love letter to Charlotte

Background imageRichard Dagley Collection: English gentleman eloping with a lady, Regency era

English gentleman eloping with a lady, Regency era. Tom Takeall helps Charlotte escape down a ladder from her walled boarding school. A coach awaits in the background. Taking Amiss

Background imageRichard Dagley Collection: English gentleman with lady in a riot at the opera, Regency era

English gentleman with lady in a riot at the opera, Regency era. Tom Takeall with Delia in the pit at the theatre. Regency dandy in hat, riding coat, breeches and hose

Background imageRichard Dagley Collection: English gentleman in a boxing match, Regency era

English gentleman in a boxing match, Regency era
English gentleman in a bare-knuckle boxing match, Regency era. Timid Tom Takeall in the ring supported by boxing coach Moulsey Hurst. Bottles of wine in the ring. Taking Courage

Background imageRichard Dagley Collection: English gentleman placing a bet at Newmarket, Regency era

English gentleman placing a bet at Newmarket, Regency era
English gentleman placing a bet with a bookie at Newmarket racecourse, Regency era. Tom Takeall extending his gambling debts. Regency dandy in hat, riding coat, riding boots, with horse whip

Background imageRichard Dagley Collection: English Regency gentleman ogling a lady's ankle

English Regency gentleman ogling a lady's ankle
English gentleman ogling a lady's ankle. Tom Takeall watching Delia enter her front door. Regency dandy in top hat, riding coat, striped waistcoat, riding boots, with cudgel and monocle

Background imageRichard Dagley Collection: A family drawing their children in a toy coach, Regency era

A family drawing their children in a toy coach, Regency era
A family drawing their children in a toy coach on the road to Highgate, Regency era. Mr and Mrs Hobbs pulling daughter Kitty in a shay. Taking Pleasures

Background imageRichard Dagley Collection: English gentleman being measured by a tailor, Regency era

English gentleman being measured by a tailor, Regency era
English gentleman dandy being measured by a tailor in his room, Regency era. Tom Takeall looks at the bill while a tailor takes his trouser length with a tape. A dog sleeps in front of the hearth

Background imageRichard Dagley Collection: English gentleman writing poetry in a garret, Regency era

English gentleman writing poetry in a garret, Regency era. Tom Takeall sat at his desk with quill pen and paper, his elbow on a book. His pet cat eating his porridge. Taking Thought

Background imageRichard Dagley Collection: English gentleman losing his wig and hat, Regency era

English gentleman losing his wig and hat, Regency era
English gentleman losing his wig and hat in the wind, Regency era. Tom Takeall's friend the Alderman in trouble at the coast and almost losing a silk umbrella. Taking Flight

Background imageRichard Dagley Collection: English society portraitist and his client, Regency era

English society portraitist and his client, Regency era. Tom Takeall painting a flattering portrait of Mrs Bosky in Margate. Tom with palette and brush in a studio with easel, bust and portfolio

Background imageRichard Dagley Collection: English gentleman taking medicine, Regency era

English gentleman taking medicine, Regency era
English gentleman taking medicine from a maid, Regency era. A man with a hangover in nightcap and gown seated in front of a screen

Background imageRichard Dagley Collection: English gentleman playing with a dog in a study, Regency era

English gentleman playing with a dog in a study, Regency era
English gentleman listening to a lecture from his bewigged father in a study. Tom Takeall in riding coat, striped waistcoat, buff trousers and riding boots, plays with his dog. Taking Advice

Background imageRichard Dagley Collection: A nightwatchman brings a drunk home, Regency era

A nightwatchman brings a drunk home, Regency era. Watchman with lantern holds up a drunken alderman and MP. His shocked wife holds a candle at the door. Taking Home

Background imageRichard Dagley Collection: Bourgeois Christians leaving a Sunday mass, Regency era

Bourgeois Christians leaving a Sunday mass, Regency era
Bourgeois Christians leaving a church after Sunday mass, Regency era. A deacon extends a collection plate. Tom Takeall's cousin leaves no charity

Background imageRichard Dagley Collection: Beggar with dog sitting on some stairs, London, Regency era

Beggar with dog sitting on some stairs, London, Regency era. Man in ragged clothes with hat and stick

Background imageRichard Dagley Collection: Two botchers repairing clothes, London, Regency era

Two botchers repairing clothes, London, Regency era. The tailor and cobbler employed by Captain Flykite, a fashionable dandy, to mend his clothes and boots. Taking Stitches

Background imageRichard Dagley Collection: English gentleman fishing on a river bank, Regency era

English gentleman fishing on a river bank, Regency era. Cockney angler and his dog sleeping next to a fishing rod. Taking Nothing

Background imageRichard Dagley Collection: Egyptian sphynx, scarab beetle, Horus, etc

Egyptian sphynx, scarab beetle, Horus, etc
Egyptian sphynx from the obelisk of the sun, Campus Martius, serpent with tail in its mouth, scarab bettle, head of Sphynx, Horus with whip emerging from a lotus. Vignette of Egyptian Symbols

Background imageRichard Dagley Collection: English gentleman in a duel, Regency era

English gentleman in a duel, Regency era. A gent in bicorne, riding coat and boots, fires his pistol watched by two seconds

Background imageRichard Dagley Collection: English gentleman Tom Takeall riding by a river

English gentleman Tom Takeall riding by a river
English gentleman Tom Takeall riding a horse by a river in red coat, waistcoat, buff trousers and riding boots. Another rider has fallen in, with only hind legs and a top hat visible. Taking Leaps

Background imageRichard Dagley Collection: Apollo, god of music and dance, and his attributes

Apollo, god of music and dance, and his attributes
Fragment of the face of Apollo, god of music and dance, Apollo Musicus holding a lyre from a cameo in Stosch's collection, figure of Apollo with bow from a cameo in the Marlborough Collection

Background imageRichard Dagley Collection: Ancient games - horse racing, quoit throwing, wrestling, etc

Ancient games - horse racing, quoit throwing, wrestling, etc
A driver in his quadriga or four-horse chariot, a quoit player throwing a quoit near a term, a wrestler or boxer anointing his body with oil, and a young man with brass trochus or hoop and key

Background imageRichard Dagley Collection: Cupid, with whip and bridle, mounted on a lion

Cupid, with whip and bridle, mounted on a lion
Cupid, Roman god of love, with whip and bridle, mounted on a lion. The lion holds a goat's head between his paws. Cupid curbing a Lion. From a sardonyx in the Cabinet of Strozzi

Background imageRichard Dagley Collection: Jupiter in a chariot crushing the Titans

Jupiter in a chariot crushing the Titans
Jupiter, king of the Roman gods, in his four-horse chariot holding a lightning bolt. The Titans, with serpents instead of legs, are crushed beneath the quadriga. Jupiter destroying the Titans

Background imageRichard Dagley Collection: Acratus, a winged Bacchus with myrtle, ivy and rosebud crown

Acratus, a winged Bacchus with myrtle, ivy and rosebud crown
Acratus or Acratopotes, a winged Bacchus with myrtle, ivy and rosebud crown. Genius of pure wine and companion of Bacchus or Dionysus. From a purple amethyst gem

Background imageRichard Dagley Collection: Figure of Diomedes, with the Palladium

Figure of Diomedes, with the Palladium
Figure of Diomedes with short sword holding the Palladium, a wooden image of Pallas. King of Argos, hero in the Trojan War. On cornelian in the Duke of Devonshire's collection

Background imageRichard Dagley Collection: Apollo, god of music and dance, and the satyr Marsyas

Apollo, god of music and dance, and the satyr Marsyas. Apollo stands with a lyre, while Marsyas is tied to a tree to be flayed alive after their contest. In red jasper in the Farnese cabinet Naples

Background imageRichard Dagley Collection: Roman wedding ceremony with bride, groom, and bridesmaid

Roman wedding ceremony with bride, groom, and bridesmaid
Roman wedding ceremony with bride in veil and groom. The probuba or maid of honour supports the bride. Aldobrandini Marriage or Nozze Aldobrandina. Roman nuptials

Background imageRichard Dagley Collection: Profile bust of King Priam of Troy

Profile bust of King Priam of Troy
Profile bust of Priam, King of Troy. during the Trojan War. He wears a Phrygian cap. Head of Priam. From a gem in the possession of the Duke of Devonshire

Background imageRichard Dagley Collection: Gems illustrating Cupid and Psyche

Gems illustrating Cupid and Psyche. Cameo in the Florentine Museum (top), Cupid burning a butterfly on cornelian in the possession of Mr

Background imageRichard Dagley Collection: Cupid bound to a post

Cupid bound to a post
Cupid, Roman god of love, bound to a post with his head turned to watch a butterfly flying behind him. A convex jacinth in the possession of Mr

Background imageRichard Dagley Collection: Cupid embracing Psyche, Greek goddess of the soul

Cupid embracing Psyche, Greek goddess of the soul. From a cameo in the possession of Marquis Selini

Background imageRichard Dagley Collection: Head of Psyche, Greek goddess of the soul

Head of Psyche, Greek goddess of the soul, holding a butterfly on her throat. From a cast engraved on cornelian in Tassie's collection

Background imageRichard Dagley Collection: Fragments and attributes of Roman god Jupiter

Fragments and attributes of Roman god Jupiter

Background imageRichard Dagley Collection: Figure of Clio, Muse of History, seated in a chair, reading a sc

Figure of Clio, Muse of History, seated in a chair, reading a scroll

Background imageRichard Dagley Collection: The marriage of Cupid and Psyche

The marriage of Cupid and Psyche. Winged Cupid, god of love, with bow and arrow approaches the seated figure of Psyche, Greek goddess of the soul

Background imageRichard Dagley Collection: Bust of Jupiter Aegiochus in breastplate or aegis

Bust of Jupiter Aegiochus in breastplate or aegis
Bust of the Roman god Jupiter Aegiochus in breastplate of divine armour or aegis. From a cast in the Musee Nationale, Paris

Background imageRichard Dagley Collection: Title page with vignette from Richard Dagley's Gems, 1804

Title page with vignette from Richard Dagley's Gems, 1804
Title page with calligraphy and vignette of winged Cupid writing in a book. Near antique ruins with vase, plinth, coins, and bust with wreath

Background imageRichard Dagley Collection: The skeleton of Death and the gamester

The skeleton of Death and the gamester. A gambler sits at a table with cup and dice, as Death enters with legal scrolls reading Assignment Property and Estates Entail and a cup to cover the dice

Background imageRichard Dagley Collection: The skeleton of Death and a minstrel

The skeleton of Death and a minstrel. The troubadour plays a lute and serenades a woman at an upper window, while Death armed with daggers hides in a doorway

Background imageRichard Dagley Collection: The skeleton of Death bowls a ball at a cricketer at bat

The skeleton of Death bowls a ball at a cricketer at bat. The wicket keeper is Father Time with his scythe. A top hat, coat, cricket bat and ball lie on the ground

Background imageRichard Dagley Collection: The skeleton of Death and the artist

The skeleton of Death and the artist. A painter with paintbrush and palette paints a figure of Father Time with a scythe while the skeleton of Death sits at a table

Background imageRichard Dagley Collection: The skeleton of Death and the angler

The skeleton of Death and the angler. Death with a fishing net approaches a fisherman on a riverbank with fishing rod and basket

Background imageRichard Dagley Collection: The skeleton of Death brings a scroll to a woman on a terrace

The skeleton of Death brings a scroll to a woman on a terrace. The woman lies dead on the ground next to the scroll. Death in a cape holding a staff

Background imageRichard Dagley Collection: Vignette of three skeletons on a gravestone

Vignette of three skeletons on a gravestone, the Last of the Graces

Background imageRichard Dagley Collection: The skeleton of Death on the theatre stage

The skeleton of Death on the theatre stage. Death in a crown, tunic and cape, a globe, playscript of Life a Play, drama masks on the stage, Tutto Finisce on the curtains, a woman weeping in a box

Background imageRichard Dagley Collection: The skeleton of Death and the Phaeton

The skeleton of Death and the Phaeton. Death kneels behind a two-horse gig loosening one wheel from the axle. A man cracks a whip in the driver's seat and a woman holds a parasol

Background imageRichard Dagley Collection: The skeleton of Death and the lawyer

The skeleton of Death and the lawyer. The barrister in wig and gown sits at a table writing a document with a quill pen. Death enters his chambers with a brief

Background imageRichard Dagley Collection: The pilgrim handed a letter by the skeleton of Death

The pilgrim handed a letter by the skeleton of Death
The pilgrim handed a letter by the skeleton of death in hat and cassock with staff. The pilgrim sits at a table with a lute and her foot on a footstool

Background imageRichard Dagley Collection: The skeleton of Death and the miser

The skeleton of Death and the miser. The skeleton holds up a bag of stolen gold as the miser holds up his hands at the loss of his treasure

Background imageRichard Dagley Collection: The skeleton of Death with university students

The skeleton of Death with university students. Death in mortarboard and gown sits on a throne and offers laurels to two students in gowns

Background imageRichard Dagley Collection: The skeleton of Death and the quack doctor

The skeleton of Death and the quack doctor. Death enters the room with bottle of medicine as the mountebank takes the pulse of a sick man in a chair with a footrest

Background imageRichard Dagley Collection: The skeleton of Death and the glutton

The skeleton of Death and the glutton. Death carries a platter with a fish head. The obese man sits at the dining table waiting with knife and fork in hand

Background imageRichard Dagley Collection: The skeleton of Death and the alchemist

The skeleton of Death and the alchemist. Death holds a vial above a chemistry experiment that explodes in flame in the alchemist's tongs

Background imageRichard Dagley Collection: The skeleton of Death brings the last bottle of wine to a drinke

The skeleton of Death brings the last bottle of wine to a drinke
The skeleton of Death brings the last bottle of wine to a group of drinkers in a room. The men raise their glasses in a toast to Death. Empty wine bottles lie on the floor

Background imageRichard Dagley Collection: The skeleton of Death and the warrior

The skeleton of Death and the warrior. Death helps the knight put on his plumed helm before a tourney. The knight wears full plate armour and holds a sword

Background imageRichard Dagley Collection: The poet and the skeleton of Death

The poet and the skeleton of Death

Background imageRichard Dagley Collection: The skeleton of Death pricks bubbles of life

The skeleton of Death pricks bubbles of life
The skeleton of Death pricks with his darts the bubbles of life blown by a philiosopher and a fool before a pyramid

Background imageRichard Dagley Collection: The skeleton of Death preaching to a crowd

The skeleton of Death preaching to a crowd. Death stands in a necropolis of bones and skulls, and rests his ledger on a crouching skeleton. Wealthy ladies, a gentlemen, an old man and child watch

Background imageRichard Dagley Collection: Title page from Volume 2 of Death's Doings

Title page from Volume 2 of Death's Doings
Title page with calligraphy and vignette of the skeleton of Death with rope and whip looking at a man hanging from a gibbet, the Last of the Graceless

Background imageRichard Dagley Collection: The skeleton of Death as champion boxer

The skeleton of Death as champion boxer
The skeleton of Death in boxing gloves and breeches stands over dead boxers in a ring. Three bare-knuckle prizefighters lie dead next to an empty wine bottle. The Champion

Background imageRichard Dagley Collection: The skeleton of Death and a woman at her toilette

The skeleton of Death and a woman at her toilette. A young woman holds flowers in her hair sitting in front of a mirror at her dressing table. A mask and invitation to a masked ball lie on the floor

Background imageRichard Dagley Collection: The skeleton of Death and the Antiquary

The skeleton of Death and the Antiquary. Death sits behind a gravestone reading Hic Jacet Jonathan Oldbuck FAS Obit. The historian sits at a desk writing in a ledger

Background imageRichard Dagley Collection: The skeleton of Death at the insurance office

The skeleton of Death at the insurance office. Death behind the counter with a quill pen gives out Life Assurance contracts to an old man and woman in an office

Background imageRichard Dagley Collection: The skeleton of Death and the mother

The skeleton of Death and the mother. A skeleton feeds a baby on its knee, while the mother examines embroidered fabric and a young servant holds up a hat

Background imageRichard Dagley Collection: Title page from Volume 1 of Death's Doings

Title page from Volume 1 of Death's Doings
Title page with calligraphy and vignette of three skeletons on a gravestone, the Last of the Graces

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