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Rhymes Collection

Background imageRhymes Collection: The nursery rhyme, Mary, Mary, quite contrary

The nursery rhyme, Mary, Mary, quite contrary
Mary, Mary, quite contrary, how does your garden grow? Silver bells and cockle-shells, and pretty maids all in a row. Date: c. 1930

Background imageRhymes Collection: Georgie Porgie

Georgie Porgie, pudding and pie - Kissed the girls and made them cry. When the boys came out to play - Georgie Porgie ran away

Background imageRhymes Collection: Hills. Christmas Is Coming. Cecil Aldin. 1898. jpg

Hills. Christmas Is Coming. Cecil Aldin. 1898. jpg
Illustration by Cecil Aldin depicting a kindly Father Christmas reciting the traditional song, " Christmas is Coming, the Goose is getting Fat" to a gaggle of obviously dim geese

Background imageRhymes Collection: The Land of Christmas Plays by Pauline Baynes

The Land of Christmas Plays by Pauline Baynes
Charming illustration showing a land populated by all the characters from Christmas plays and pantomimes including Aladdin, Sleeping Beauty, Red Riding Hood, Jack and the Beanstalk and Robinson Crusoe

Background imageRhymes Collection: Lucy Locket lost her pocket

Lucy Locket lost her pocket, Kitty Fisher found it. But ne er a penny was therein, except the lining round it. 20th century

Background imageRhymes Collection: Polly Put the Kettle On

Polly Put the Kettle On
Polly, put the kettle on, we ll all have tea; Sukey, take it off again, they ve all gone away !

Background imageRhymes Collection: Wee Willie Winkie

Wee Willie Winkie runs through the town, upstairs and downstairs in his nightgown, rapping at the window, crying through the lock, Are the children in their beds...?

Background imageRhymes Collection: The nursery rhyme Lets go to bed

The nursery rhyme Lets go to bed
Lets go to bed, said sleepyhead. Tarry a while, said slow, Put on the pan, said greedy Nan, Lets sup before we go. Date: c. 1930

Background imageRhymes Collection: Ride-a-cock-horse to Banbury Cross

Ride-a-cock-horse to Banbury Cross to see a fine lady ride on a white horse... 20th century

Background imageRhymes Collection: Three Little Kittens

Three Little Kittens
The Three Little Kittens are washing their mittens. 19th century

Background imageRhymes Collection: Polly Put the Kettle On

Polly Put the Kettle On
Polly, put the kettle on, we ll all have tea; Sukey, take it off again, they ve all gone away ! - Polly fills her kettle at the pump

Background imageRhymes Collection: I had a Little Nut Tree

I had a Little Nut Tree
I had a little nut tree, nothing would it bear but a silver nutmeg & a golden pear The king of Spains daughter came to visit me, all for the sake of my little nut tree

Background imageRhymes Collection: Puss in Boots

Puss in Boots -- walking along a country lane. 19th century

Background imageRhymes Collection: Taffy was a Welshman

Taffy was a Welshman, Taffy was a thief, Taffy came to my house and stole a piece of beef; I went to Taffys house

Background imageRhymes Collection: Lucy Locket / Greenaway

Lucy Locket / Greenaway
Lucy Locket lost her pocket, Kitty Fisher found it. There was not a penny in it but a ribbon round it

Background imageRhymes Collection: Little Miss Muffet (K. G

Little Miss Muffet (K. G
She upsets her stool when she finds a - really, rather small - spider sharing it with her

Background imageRhymes Collection: Hey diddle diddle, the cat and the fiddle

Hey diddle diddle, the cat and the fiddle, the cow jumped over the moon, the little dog laughed to see such sport, and the dish ran away with the spoon

Background imageRhymes Collection: Song of Sixpence 1818

Song of Sixpence 1818
Sing a song of sixpence, A bag full of rye, Four-and-twenty blackbirds Baked in a pie

Background imageRhymes Collection: Hey Diddle Diddle

Hey Diddle Diddle
Is the cow jumping over the moon as a result of the cats fiddling, or is the cat simply providing a musical accompaniment to the cows feat ? Difficult questions

Background imageRhymes Collection: The nursery rhyme, Georgie Porgie, pudding and pie

The nursery rhyme, Georgie Porgie, pudding and pie
Georgie Porgie, pudding and pie - Kissed the girls and made them cry. When the boys came out to play - Georgie Porgie ran away. Date: c. 1930

Background imageRhymes Collection: Nursery Rhyme - Ride a Cock-Horse

Nursery Rhyme - Ride a Cock-Horse
Nursery Rhyme -- Ride a Cock-Horse to Banbury Cross. Showing a cute little boy on a hobby horse. Date: circa 1920s

Background imageRhymes Collection: Humpty Dumpty by Dorothy Wheeler

Humpty Dumpty by Dorothy Wheeler
A little boy and girl stare up at a wall on which sits a very superior looking Humpty Dumpty wearing a crown and an eye glass

Background imageRhymes Collection: Humpty Dumpty looking unhappy after his fall

Humpty Dumpty looking unhappy after his fall, with cracks all over his head. A soldier in the background looks on helplessly

Background imageRhymes Collection: Nursery Characters - How Many Can You Spot? by Pauline Bayne

Nursery Characters - How Many Can You Spot? by Pauline Bayne
Stunningly detailed illustration by Pauline Baynes featuring no less than 56 different nursery rhyme characters. Can you spot them all? If not, there is a key to the picture in Holly Leaves, 1954

Background imageRhymes Collection: Sing a Song of Sixpence, Four and Twenty Blackbirds

Sing a Song of Sixpence, Four and Twenty Blackbirds
Silhouette, Nursery Rhyme, Sing a Song of Sixpence, Four and Twenty Blackbirds Baked in a Pie. 20th century

Background imageRhymes Collection: The man in the Moon

The man in the Moon
A boy, retrieving his kite from the branches of a tree, finds himself confronted by the Man in the Moon

Background imageRhymes Collection: Nursery Rhyme -- Baa Baa Black Sheep

Nursery Rhyme -- Baa Baa Black Sheep
Nursery Rhyme - Baa Baa Black Sheep, have you any wool? Date: circa 1920s

Background imageRhymes Collection: J Mercer. The Queen of Hearts

J Mercer. The Queen of Hearts
The Queen of Hearts she made some tarts... 20th century

Background imageRhymes Collection: Old mother hubbard: dog standing head and smoking pipe

Old mother hubbard: dog standing head and smoking pipe
She went to the hatters to buy him a hat, but when she came back he was feeding the cat. She went to the tavern for white wine and red, but when she came back the dog stood on his head

Background imageRhymes Collection: Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, Bakers Man

Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, Bakers Man... 20th century

Background imageRhymes Collection: Sing a Song of Sixpence

Sing a Song of Sixpence -- the king cuts into his pie, and the blackbirds start to sing. 19th century

Background imageRhymes Collection: If all the World Was

If all the World Was
If all the world was apple pie; And all the sea was ink, And all the trees were bread and cheese, What should we have to drink? Date: circa 1912

Background imageRhymes Collection: Rhymes / Doctor Foster

Rhymes / Doctor Foster
Dr Foster went to Gloucester In a shower of rain He stepped in a puddle right up to the middle, And never went there again

Background imageRhymes Collection: Cock Robin 1

Cock Robin 1
After the unfortunate death of Cock Robin, the Rook reads the burial service

Background imageRhymes Collection: Baa Baa Black Sheep / 1884

Baa Baa Black Sheep / 1884
Baa baa black sheep, have you any wool? Yes Sir, Yes Sir - three bags full. One for the master and one for the dame, and one for the little boy who lives down the lane

Background imageRhymes Collection: Nursery rhyme, This Little Pig

Nursery rhyme, This Little Pig
Depiction of the nursery rhyme, This Little Pig -- This little pig went to market, This little pig stayed at home, etc

Background imageRhymes Collection: Christmas is coming, the geese are getting fat

Christmas is coming, the geese are getting fat. Please put a penny in the old man's hat. An illustration of Father Christmas keeping his eye on the curious geese. Date: 1900

Background imageRhymes Collection: Rather wonderful pair (possibly father and son?) dressed as Tom, Tom the Pipers Son

Rather wonderful pair (possibly father and son?) dressed as Tom, Tom the Pipers Son. The boy on the right is Tom, while the man on the left, dressed as a yokel, holds the pig that Tom steals

Background imageRhymes Collection: Hey Diddle Diddle

Hey Diddle Diddle
The artist has got cow, cat, fiddle, dish, spoon and dog into his picture, but the connection between them remains obscure

Background imageRhymes Collection: Little Jumping Joan

Little Jumping Joan
Here am I, little Jumping Joan, when nobodys with me I m all alone

Background imageRhymes Collection: Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat

Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat
Pussy-cat, pussy-cat, where have you been? I ve been up to London to look at the queen. Pussy-cat, pussy-cat, what did you there? I frightened a little mouse under the chair Date: circa 1912

Background imageRhymes Collection: Song of Sixpence 2 / 3

Song of Sixpence 2 / 3
The King stands ready to carve the enormous pie... (2 of 3)

Background imageRhymes Collection: Little Brown Owl / Boyle

Little Brown Owl / Boyle
THE LITTLE BROWN OWL sits up in the tree, and if you look well his big eyes you may see !

Background imageRhymes Collection: Jack Horner (Anderson)

Jack Horner (Anderson)
Little Jack Horner sat in a corner, eating a Christmas pie; he put in his thumb and pulled out a plum and said, Oh, what a good boy am I !

Background imageRhymes Collection: Hickory Dickory Dock

Hickory Dickory Dock
A child watches the swinging pendulum of the grandfather clock

Background imageRhymes Collection: A Farmer Went Trotting

A Farmer Went Trotting
A farmer went trotting upon his bay mare

Background imageRhymes Collection: Daffy down Dilly

Daffy down Dilly
Daffy-down-dilly has come up to town in a yellow petticoat and a green gown

Background imageRhymes Collection: Curly Locks 2

Curly Locks 2
Bonny lass, pretty lass, wilt thou be mine ? Thou shalt not wash dishes nor yet feed the swine... (except for the opening words, its the Curly locks rhyme)

Background imageRhymes Collection: Song of Sixpence 19C

Song of Sixpence 19C
When the pie was open the birds began to sing, and wasn t that a dainty dish to set before a king?

Background imageRhymes Collection: Kate Greenaway

Kate Greenaway
The Bubble from Rhymes for the Young Folk by William Allingham. Facing page 62 Date: 1887

Background imageRhymes Collection: Kate Greenaway

Kate Greenaway
Mother Goose or the Old Nursery Rhymes'. There was an old woman lived under a hill Date: 1881

Background imageRhymes Collection: Kate Greenaway

Kate Greenaway
Mother Goose or the Old Nursery Rhymes'. Dedication page Date: 1881

Background imageRhymes Collection: Kate Greenaway

Kate Greenaway
Mother Goose or the Old Nursery Rhymes'. Reverse of half-title page depicting children playing ball in a field outside their house Date: 1881

Background imageRhymes Collection: Kate Greenaway

Kate Greenaway
Mother Goose or the Old Nursery Rhymes'. Title page Date: 1881

Background imageRhymes Collection: Kate Greenaway

Kate Greenaway
Mother Goose or the Old Nursery Rhymes'. Front cover. Date: 1881

Background imageRhymes Collection: Kate Greenaway

Kate Greenaway
Mother Goose or the Old Nursery Rhymes'. Half-title page depicting children in a field of daisies. Date: 1881

Background imageRhymes Collection: Little Boy Blue

Little Boy Blue
Our Darlings Nursery Rhymes Back cover of a child's story book. Artist: May Smith Date: circa 1930

Background imageRhymes Collection: Little Miss Muffett

Little Miss Muffett
Our Darlings Nursery Rhymes Front cover of a child's story book. Artist: May Smith Date: circa 1930

Background imageRhymes Collection: A Diller a Dollar, a Twelve O clock Scholar

A Diller a Dollar, a Twelve O clock Scholar
Nursery rhyme illustration -- A Diller a Dollar, a Twelve O clock Scholar, what makes you come so soon? You used to come at ten o clock, and now you come at noon

Background imageRhymes Collection: Suppose we found snow fairies there, by Minnie Asprey

Suppose we found snow fairies there, by Minnie Asprey. circa 1918

Background imageRhymes Collection: Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat, Where have you been?

Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat, Where have you been? by Peggy Earnshaw. 1947

Background imageRhymes Collection: Jack and Jill, nursery rhyme scenes

Jack and Jill, nursery rhyme scenes

Background imageRhymes Collection: Illustration, In Nursery-Rhyme Land

Illustration, In Nursery-Rhyme Land - Why, all the people are alive, cried Betty. Date: 1938

Background imageRhymes Collection: The Queen of Hearts baked some tarts

The Queen of Hearts baked some tarts, illustration by Chris G. Temple Date: circa 1920

Background imageRhymes Collection: The ogre dragged the children from under the bed

The ogre dragged the children from under the bed
Book illustration, The ogre dragged the children from under the bed Date: circa 1920

Background imageRhymes Collection: Jack and the Beanstalk, descending with the hen

Jack and the Beanstalk, descending with the hen that laid golden eggs Date: circa 1920

Background imageRhymes Collection: Advert for Celanese

Advert for Celanese, a chemical and speciality materials company whose products included acetate yarn and artificial silk. Date: 1943

Background imageRhymes Collection: 1890s Poor Dog Dead Old Woman Looking Down Floor

1890s Poor Dog Dead Old Woman Looking Down Floor
1890s, poor, dog, dead, old, woman, looking, down, floor, Nursery, Rhymes, lantern, slide, 11058600

Background imageRhymes Collection: There was a little man

There was a little man
Black and white. Young boy with gun and dead duck standing on steps in front of young girl. Part of Box 102, Nursery Rhymes. Part of Boswell collection, slide number 118 and 2 Date: late 19th century

Background imageRhymes Collection: Ogden Nash, popular American poet

Ogden Nash, popular American poet
Frederic Ogden Nash (1902-1971), American poet popular for his light verse. Date: circa 1960s

Background imageRhymes Collection: HUBBARD / TUCK SERIES 6

She gave him rich dainties whenever he fed and wept over his monument when he was dead

Background imageRhymes Collection: GREEN GRAVEL / BOYLE

Green gravel, green gravel, the grass is so green, the fairest young maiden that ever was seen... Oh Mary, oh Mary, your true love is dead

Background imageRhymes Collection: Cock Robin Nursery Rhymes Unfortunate Death Thrush

Cock Robin Nursery Rhymes Unfortunate Death Thrush
cock, robin, nursery, rhymes, unfortunate, death, thrush, mourns, dear, departed, history, historical, 10132680

Background imageRhymes Collection: Illustration, Malbrough is going to war

Illustration, Malbrough is going to war
Illustration, Malbrough s'en va t'en guerre (Marlborough is going to war). Elegant ladies faint when they hear that Monsieur Malbrough is dead and buried as a result of going to war

Background imageRhymes Collection: MOTHER HUBBARD/MONUMENT

So she gave him rich dainties Whenever he fed, And erected a monument When he was dead Date: 1890s

Background imageRhymes Collection: MOTHER HUBBARD/DOG DEAD

She went to the baker's to buy him some bread, But when she came back The poor dog was dead Date: 1890s

Background imageRhymes Collection: Old Mother Hubbard: went to the cupboard

Old Mother Hubbard: went to the cupboard
Old mother hubbard went to the cupboard to get her poor dog a bone, but when she came there the cupboard was bare, and so the poor dog had none

Background imageRhymes Collection: OLD MOTHER HUBBARD

She went to the baker's to buy him some bread, but when she came back the poor dog was dead

Background imageRhymes Collection: Dame, what makes your ducks to die

Dame, what makes your ducks to die, ducks to die, ducks to die; Dame, what makes your ducks to die, on Christmas-day in the morning

Background imageRhymes Collection: Children's design ( nursery rhymes, book characters)

Children's design ( nursery rhymes, book characters) by Flora White

Background imageRhymes Collection: Original Artwork - Nursery Rhyme Series Gummed Stickers

Original Artwork - Nursery Rhyme Series Gummed Stickers
Original Artwork - Designs for six Nursery Rhyme Series Gummed Stickers Date: circa 1937

Background imageRhymes Collection: Original Artwork - Nursery Rhyme Series Labels

Original Artwork - Nursery Rhyme Series Labels
Original Artwork - Designs for six Nursery Rhyme Series Labels Date: circa 1937

Background imageRhymes Collection: A little girl called Ursula, dressed in a very smart outfit as the nursery rhyme

A little girl called Ursula, dressed in a very smart outfit as the nursery rhyme character, Little Bo Peep for the Mansion House Ball held by the Lord Mayor in January 1912. Date: 1912

Background imageRhymes Collection: Arithmatic

Children at a blackboard, learning to count. From Ride a Cock-Horse and Other Rhymes, published by Raphael Tuck. Artist: May Bowley Date: 1912

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