Gas works retort house, Horseferry Road, Westminster, LondonMen at work in the retort house of the gas works at Horseferry Road, Westminster, London. The retort house contained the retorts (vessels) in which coal was heated to generate the gas
Women making ceramic retorts. Date: 1902
Suffragette Old Man Paid to the Cause. A suffragette addresses a gathering of women. Speaker says, My old man paid 100 to the cause for every day I was in jail
Retorts and stills. Drawing from a Greek manuscript of alchemy. Drawing. FRANCE. Paris. National Library
Boys Tease Redhead 1924Two boys tease a redheaded girl, calling her carrot-head: she retorts that her hair is auburn
Gas-Making in LondonDrawing the Retorts at the Great Gas Light Establishment, Brick Lane, London : at this time the streets of London are lit by gas, so the demand is huge
Stoking the RetortsA man with a long, heavy steel pole, stokes the retorts at a gasworks
Gas / Drawing Retorts / 1903South Metropolitan Gas Company. An interior of a factory showing retorts being drawn by hand