Comic postcard, Woman rejects Scotsman - Awa wi ye! Ah want something in troosers!! Date: early 20th century
Romantic postcard, Girl rejects boy - Tis sweet to love, but ah, how bitter, to court the girl and then not git'er. Date: early 20th century
Emperor Julian as Graeco-Egyptian deity SerapisGraeco-Egyptian deity Serapis in breastplate and modius headdress. Roman Emperor Julian (331-363) rejected Christianity and was depicted as the god Serapis in this engraved cornelian gem
Comic postcard, Take back the Heart that thou gavest -- a female customer rejects the heart delivered by the butcher as it seems to be past its use-by date. Date: circa 1905
Evolution. Chinese women reject traditional shoes and tell Mr John Bull Chinaman, They are no use, we re quite grown out of that sort of shoe! Please take fresh measures
WW2 - Keep em Flying - Off the Beam - It looks as if our plucky pilot was a bit out of line and is now facing the consequences!! Date: 1942
Girl looks longingly at her unobtainable hearts desireA girl looks longingly and very sadly at her unobtainable hearts desire, sadly buried in a prickly thistle. Date: 1906
Lamartine and the FlagsAlphonse de Lamartine, poet and statesman, urges his countrymen to reject the red flag of revolution and adopt the tricouleur. symbol of liberty. Date: 25 February 1848
Lamartine and the Flags2Alphonse de Lamartine, poet and statesman, urges his countrymen to reject the red flag of revolution and adopt the tricolore, symbol of liberty
The Tsars UkasePolish villagers listen to the tsars ukase, read to them by their priest. He offers an amnesty to all who lay down their arms, but the rebels reject his kind offer
Vertumnia and HamadryadVertumnia loves a hamadryad, but he doesn t love her; so she disguises herself as an old woman and tells him awful stories of what happens to people who reject love
Appius ClaudiusThough old and blind, Appius Claudius convinces the Senate that they should reject the peace proposals offered by Pyrrhus