Oxton House, Devon, seat of Rev. John Beaumont Swete. Handcoloured copperplate engraving from Rudolph Ackermanns Repository of Arts, London, 1827
Pynes House, Exeter, Devon, 1825Pynes House, Exeter, Devon, the seat of Sir Stafford Henry Northcote 1792-1850. Queen Anne style red brick house with slate roof and four brick chimney stacks built by architect Inigo Jones
View of the River Wye and Old Wye Bridge at ChepstowView of the River Wye (at low tide) at Chepstow, Monmouthshire, Wales
Irish gentleman in a whisky bar in Dublin prison, 1821Irish gentleman in Croftons whisky and beer bar in Dublin prison, 1821. Bankrupt Brian Boru with his friends in the taproom drinking with criminals and debtors. The Tap in Sheriffs Prison
Kashmir Shawl Dress 1810Red evening shawl dress created from a Kashmir shawl has short puffed sleeves & is worn over a habit shirt. She carries a green shawl & wears a pearl bandeau in her hair. Date: 1810
Gardener from Sense and SensibilityThe gardeners lamentation upon blights, an illustration to Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen, first published 1811. Date: 1908
Lady Wearing a SpencerOne woman wears a fur-lined spencer the other a pelisse. Fashions of around 1805 according to a later source
An illustration of a courtshipA scene by Marcus Stone (1840-1921) of a young Regency couple relaxing together on a summers evening
Riding Dress 1819 MenTop hat, high white cravat, blue fob ribbon, trousers, riding boots & spurs, brown coat with tails, knuckle length cuffs & cut away to reveal the waistcoat
Regatta at ChelseaUnspecified regatta on the Thames between Chelsea & Battersea attended by fashionable spectators & rowers. NB Royal Hospital & Doggetts coat & badge. Date: circa 1815
COSTUME FOR 1815-1820French & German dress 1815-20 according to a later source: cut-away coat & white trousers, pelisse with mancherons & dresses with profusely trimmed hemlines
Swinging Fashions C. 1810White robes: sleeves with a double puff, scalloped hem & worn with boots, a net cap & a fringed shawl tied at the back or with vandyked hem & pantelettes
Tiny Parasol Circa 1810White muslin dress with high stand collar & single ruff worn with a pale green spencer with collar & lapels, matching boots, a lace cap & a small hat. Her parasol is tiny
Male Riding Dress 1813Double-breasted cut-away coat worn open to reveal a white waistcoat with stand collar, shirt frill & white stock, leather breeches with falls, top boots, spurs & top hat
View of a Gothic ruin, Netley Abbey, Hampshire, 1805Netley Abbey, Hampshire, view towards the east from the transept. Ruins of a 13th century Cistercian abbey destroyed during Henry VIII's Dissolution of the Monasteries
Woman selling new potatoes at Middlesex Hospital, London, 1805Woman selling new potatoes at Middlesex Hospital. In bonnet, fichu, dress and petticoats with wheelbarrow of potatoes. Gate and gardens of Middlesex Hospital, built in 1755 and demolished in 2017
Cossack Trousers 1820Furry top hat, cut-away coat with long narrow tails, fawn colour cossack trousers, red under-waiscoat, shawl waistcoat, fob ribbon, watch seals & chain & tie-pin
Man & Quizzing GlassBlue cravat, tartan under- waistcoat, D-B waistcoat with pointed front, grey woollen pantaloons, brown frock coat: gigot sleeves, black lining, roll collar & lapels
Nankeen Trousers 1818Pink striped waistcoat, blue tight fitting double-breasted coat with hip pocket, velvet collar, narrow tails & padded shoulders & top hat, nankeen trousers & black pumps
Man falling off a broken chair at a dinner party causing a servant to spill a soup tureen over him. Other guests shocked, servants amused. More Miseries
Four fashionable Regency ladies playing cards in a candlelit room.. Handcolored copperplate engraving by Francis Eginton from Christopher Ansteys The New Bath Guide, John Browne, Bath, 1807
Indian Puppet Show for European ChildrenKaut-pootlies, or Puppets exhibited by Native Jugglers, for the amusement of European children. (Plate 18 of 20). Date: 1813
Evening full dress 1807Evening full dress, woman wearing plain blue dress, cut low and square at front, fastened in the center with a broach, white satin sleeves caught up with broaches, trimmed with swansdown
6th Duke of DevonshireWilliam Spencer Cavendish 6th Duke of Devonshire Date: 1790 - 1820
Session on 16th September 1715 of the regency council when Louis XV was a child. The prince Philippe d Orl顮s was elected president of the Council. Anonymous paiting circa 1720. Oil on canvas
Brompton in 1822 by George ScharfView of Brompton in West London in 1822 with what looks like a market garden on the left, backed by country houses and poplars. On the right appears a sign bearing the words, Bishops Palace
Silhouette portrait of King George IVSigned silhouette portrait of King George IV (1762 - 1830), by Adolph with hair and jewels pencilled in gold. Date: c.1820
Man Dressing Circa 1800An elderly gentleman at his toilet buttons up his waistcoat before donning his green coat. He also wears stockings & slippers, breeches a white shirt & cravat. circa 1800
Autumn Girl 1814A young girl, wearing a charming Regency style dress, coat and bonnet walks through a meadow strewn with autumn leaves
Silk Topper & Crop 1824Tall silk top hat, pink striped English cravat, single-breasted brown frock coat with roll collar, yellow waistcoat, white strapped trousers & riding crop
Man & Woman Costume 1806Man: top hat, top boots, drab coat with sleeves padded & gathered at the shoulder, breeches. Woman: close bonnet, blue pelisse, short cape, vandyked falling collar
Hampton Court Stair CaseThe Grand or Kings Staircase in the portion of the palace designed by Wren and built in 1689. The classically inspired walls & ceilings were painted by Antonio Verrio
Old & New Pipes / HeathThe old way of smoking a pipe & the new way: an upright Georgian gent smokes his long stemmed clay pipe while a semi-recumbent Regency fop, puffs away on his hookah
Man being attacked by a parrot and cat in a drawing room. More Miseries
Three soldiers in uniform parading outside a tavern, while a barmaid and man laugh at them. Production at a Alehouse
Design for a Regency park entrance with neoclassical walls and wrought iron gates. Handcoloured copperplate engraving from Rudolph Ackermanns Repository of Arts, London, 1816
Regency BuildingThis house (or shop front) of the Regency period is a gem, with its bow windows and iron- railed balcony, at Thaxted, Essex, England. Date: circa 1800
Green Coat & Cane 1807Green double-breasted cut-away coat with stand-fall collar & revers, white waistcoat, cravat & silk stockings, pale grey breeches, black pumps, top hat & fob ribbon
Skating on the ice
Backstage Covent GardenFashionable visitors in the salon at Covent Garden Theatre, London Date: 1820
Flirtation by H. Gillard GlindaniA scene showing showing two young ladies in Regency costume with a pug dog, flirting with two men, one of whom is wearing a military redcoat uniform, sword and wig
Gents Private CarriageThe comfort of being driven like a gentleman
Coat / Brandenbourg TrimHat with spreading crown, white cravat, brown coat with Brandenbourg trim & roll collar, strapped pantaloons, red under-waistcoat, black & yellow waistcoat
DRESSMAKERs BILL C1816Maids dress: melon sleeves, deep v corsage, chemisette & ruff, apron & turban. Lady: white pelisse with scallop edging & ribbon trim, dress with ruff & decorative hem
French Velocipede C1820An elaborately dressed man embarks on a velocipede ride, to the amazement of a lady spectator
Beaux & Belles / Cassell sBeaux and belles of the Regency period in Vauxhall Gardens
Man, woman and baby of Corea, Korea, 1818
Brighton's Regency BallGuests take in the evening air between dances on the floodlit lawns of the Royal Pavilion during the Regency Festival Ball, held 27th July 1951 at the Corn Exchange, Brighton. Date: 1951
Leopold of Bavaria (1821-1912). Prince regentLuitpold of Bavaria (1821-1912). Prince regent of Bavaria from 1886 to 1912. Portrait. Engraving. Historia de la Guerra Franco-Alemana de 1870-1871. Published in Barcelona, 1891
Baldomero Espartero (1793-1879). Spanish militaryJoaquin Baldomero Fernandez-Espartero Alvarez de Toro (1793-1879), called Baldomero Espartero. Spanish military and politician. He served as the Regent of Spain
Courts of Lerida (Lleida), 1375. Catalan Courts that were convened in 1375 by King Peter IV the Ceremonious (1319-1387) in Lerida (Lleida)
Silhouette - Postcard DesignRomantic scene. Circular image. Regency gentleman on bended knee proposing to his elegant lady with roses. Date: 1920s
Silhouette - Postcard DesignRomantic scene. Seated Regency couple in a close embrace out, in the countryside. Date: 1920s
Silhouette - Postcard DesignRomantic scene. Bewigged Regency couple about to kiss, out in the countryside. Date: 1920s
Silhouette - Postcard DesignRomantic scene. Regency couple in a close embrace, out in the countryside. Date: 1920s
Silhouette - Postcard DesignRomantic scene. Bewigged regency gentleman on bended knee proposing to his love, out in the countryside. Date: 1920s
Silhouette - Postcard DesignRomantic scene. Suitor in Regency times, about to kiss the hand of a lady in a crinoline dress. Date: 1920s
Christmas GreetingsCouple in Regency costume laden with gifts Date: circa 1950
Charles Whitworth, 1st Baron Whitworth, 1675-1725Charles Whitworth, 1st Baron Whitworth, British diplomat, 1675-1725. In wig, cravatte and coat. Charles Lord Whitworth, from an original picture in the collection of R. Whitworth
Leonard Willan, English writer and poet, fl. 1648-1670. Roman bust on a pedestal. Author of Astrea 1651, and Orgula, 1658
Philip Wharton, Duke of Wharton, 1698-1731. Powerful Jacobite politician, lost his fortune in the South Sea Bubble of 1720. Philip, Duke of Wharton, from an original picture by Charles Jervas
Sir Bulstrode Whitelocke, English lawyer, diplomat, 1605-1675Sir Bulstrode Whitelocke, English lawyer, diplomat, writer, parliamentarian and Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England, 1605-1675. In collar and cloak, with coat of arms and wreath
Francis White, English bishop, c.1564-1638Francis White, Bishop of Ely, controversialist, c.1564-1638. In skull cap, ruff collar, doublet and mantle, writing with quill pen in a book. Fran. White T
Samuel Wesley, English divine and poet, 1662-1735Samuel Wesley, English clergyman, divine and poet, 1662-1735. Writer of controversial prose, and book of poetry, Maggots. In laurel wreath, cravatte, doublet, with quill pen and books
Mary Rich, Countess of Warwick, 1625-1678. English noble woman and diarist, wife of Charles Rich, 4th Earl of Warwick, maid of honour to Queen Henrietta Maria
John Weever, English antiquary, poet and historian, 1576-1632. In skull cap, ruff collar and doublet, with books and human skull
Robert Rich and Henry Rich, father and sonRobert Rich, 2nd Earl of Warwick, 1587-1658. English colonial administrator, admiral, and Puritan, commander of the Parliamentarian navy during the Wars of the Three Kingdoms
Robert Rich, 2nd Earl of Warwick, 1587-1658. English colonial administrator, admiral, and Puritan, commander of the Parliamentarian navy during the Wars of the Three Kingdoms
John Hewson, Colonel in the New Model Army, died 1662John Hewson, one-eyed Colonel for the Parliament, regicide, died 1662. Fought in the English Civil War, led a New Model Army regiment in Oliver Cromwell's invasion of Ireland
Sir William Waller, English Parliamentarian soldier, c. 1597-166Sir William Waller, English soldier, c. 1597-1668. Commander of Parliamentarian armies during the First English Civil War
Sir William Waller, English Parliamentarian soldier, c. 1597-166Sir William Waller, English soldier, c. 1597-1668. Commander of Parliamentarian armies during the First English Civil War. On horseback in plate armour, sash, collar and boots with spurs
King William II of England, William Rufus, c.1056-1100. In crown, ermine mantle and jeweled collar, holding orb and sceptre. Wilhelmus II, DG Rex Anglia et Dux Norman
William the Conqueror as Saint George slaying a dragon. In oval frame with crown and coat of arms and dates of the kings of England. William I, first Norman king of England, c.1028-1087
King William I of England, c. 1028-1087William the Congueror, King William I of England, c. 1028-1087. In helmet crown with dragon crest, plate armour, holding a sword and shield. Wilhelmus Conquestor Rex Anglia Dux Norman
Eva Vliegen, the woman who lived on the smell of flowersEva Vliegen, woman who lived on the smell of flowers, 16th century Germany. The miraculous maid of Moers who lived without food for 17 years. From a curious and scarce print. Heva Vliegen Tot Meurs
Barbara van Beck, German celebrity, 1629-c.1668Barbara van Beck, German celebrity and performer, 1629-c.1668
Thomas Vaux, English poet, 1509-1556Thomas Vaux, English noble and poet, 2nd Baron Vaux of Harrowden, 1509-1556. In cap, fur mantle, doublet and collar. Eldest son of Nicholas Vaux, 1st Baron Vaux, and Anne Green. Lord Vaux
John Hay, 1st Marquess of Tweeddale, 1626-1697. Second Earl of Tweeddale and Lord Chancellor of Scotland. In wig and ermine mantle. Marquis of Twedale. After a portrait by Sir Godfrey Kneller
John Tradescant the Younger, botanist and gardener, 1608-1662. Collector of specimens for his father John Tradescant the Elder's cabinet of curiosities. From a drawing
Thomas Seymour, 1st Baron Seymour of Sudeley, c. 1508-1549. Brother of Jane Seymour, 3rd wife, and later husband of Catherine Parr, 6th wife of King Henry VIII. In cap, ruff collar, fur cape
Sir James Thornhill, English baroque painter, 1675-1734Sir James Thornhill, English painter, 1675-1734. Artist of historical subjects working in the Italian baroque tradition.. In wig, cravatte and coat
John Strype, English historian and biographer, 1643-1737John Strype, English clergyman, historian and biographer, 1643-1737
Henry Grey, 1st Earl of Stamford, c. 1599-1673. English nobleman and military leader. Roundhead general defeated at the siege of Exeter. Vignette of Exeter Cathedral and the River Exe
Thomas Wentworth, 1st Earl of Strafford, 1593-1641. English statesman, supporter of King Charles I and Lord Deputy of Ireland. Thomas Earl of Stafford, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland