Sinking of the EmdenThe predatory German cruiser Emden is sunk upon coral reef by the Australians
Use of the Naval Rangefinder for Merchant Navy Navigation, 1Illustration showing how a Naval Barrster or rangefinder could be used for Merchant Navigation
Geologists viewing the reef in front of Fingal's Cave, Staffa, 1Geologists viewing the reef in front of Fingal's Cave, Staffa, Inner Hebrides, Scotland. The isle of Boo-sha-la has horizontal bundles as well as vertical columns of prismatic basalt
White peony, Paeonia lactiflora (Paeonia albiflora). Chromolithograph from an illustration by Desire Bois from Edward Steps Favourite Flowers of Garden and Greenhouse, Frederick Warne, London, 1896
Africa Johannesburg Gold Mine on Line of Reef pre-1900
Dassault-Breguet HU-25B Guardian 2111United States Coast Guard - Dassault-Breguet HU-25B Guardian 2111 (MSN 413), of CGAS Corpus Christi, (Hulk sunk as artificial reef off North Carolina 3 May 2006) Date: circa 2000
Catching rays at BelizeFoxy-Golf on tour catching rays at Caye Chapel on the second biggest Barrier Reef in the World. Date: 1990
Manta ray, Manta birostris, devil ray, Mobula mobular, and reef manta ray, Manta alfredi
Coral reef araucaria or Cook pine, Araucaria columnaris
Poster, Great Barrier Coral Reef, AustraliaPoster, The Marine Wonders of the Great Barrier Coral Reef, Australia -- Take a Kodak, designed by Trompf. 1933
Lake LA-4-200 Buccaneer VH-EJY (msn 643), of Seair Pacific ( The Great Barrier Reef Airline ), at Shute Harbour, Whitsunday, Queensland. Date: circa 1990
GAF Nomad 22B VH-BRQGAF Nomad 22B amphibian VH-BRQ (msn 33) of Barrier Reef Airways. Fitted with floats in 1980, number: 33 was first delivered to the United States as N59365 in October 1977
CORAL REEF / J. W. WHIMPERWaves crashing against a coral reef. Date: circa 1860
Puynipel (Bonibai), Caroline Islands, Pacific OceanView of Puynipet (Bonibai), in the Caroline Islands, a group of around 500 coral islands in the Pacific Ocean, to the north of New Guinea. Seen here with surrounding coral reef and natives in boats
Hippurites radiosus, rudist mollusc shellRudist mollusc shells are elongated molluscs and were also reef builders. Specimen dates from the Late Cretaceous, Des Moulins, Charente, France
Diagram of scouting knots -- Reef Knot, Sheet Bend, Bowline, Middlemans Knot, Sheepshank
Australia - Coral on the Great Barrier Reef near Cairns Date: circa 1920s
The Reef, Johannesburg, Transvaal, South AfricaThe Reef (looking west), Johannesburg, Transvaal, South Africa, with mining dumps (Robinson Deep) in the middle distance. Date: circa 1930
Village Main Reef Gold Mine, South Africa - Engine Chamber (9th level) - depth 1275 feet. Date: circa 1911
The Channel Islands - Greve Le Lecq - Looking down onto bay, beach, houses Cow in foreground
Art nouveau style coral on the seabed. Date: circa 1920s
GM Coy Gold Mine, Johannesburg, South AfricaGM Coy Gold Mine, Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa. Captioned Village Main Reef. Date: 1904
Visit to Madeira - Deck of the Drummond CastleBlack and white lantern slide of the deck of the Drummond Castle steamer - Visit to Madeira. Part of Box 125 - Madeira. Boswell Collection
Display in Baden Powell House, LondonDisplay of items in Baden Powell House, South Kensington, London. Date: circa 1960s
Nukapu, Solomon Islands - Patteson Memorial Cross. In 1871, a memorial was erected close to the hut where John Patteson, Bishop of Melanesia was killed. Date: circa 1910s
Gold Prospecting party testing the reef, South Africa Date: 1904
Eimeo and barrier reefIllustration (p.432) from Charles Darwins Journal of Researches, first illustrated edition 1890
Synanceja verrucosa, poison stonefishFf. 17 Vol 2. Watercolour painting by Sydney Parkinson made during Captain James Cooks first voyage to explore the southern continent 1768-1771
Egretta sacra, Pacific reef egretFf. 114. Watercolour painting by George Forster (1773) annotated Ardea jugularis and made during Captain James Cooks second voyage to explore the southern continent (1772-75)
Rhinecanthus rectangulus, wedge-tailed triggerfishFf. 58a. Watercolour painting by Sydney Parkinson made during Captain James Cooks first voyage to explore the southern continent 1768-1771
Photograph of coral from the Yonge collection
Photograph of reef flat with lighthouse in the background. Plate XXXIII
Low Isles LabPhotograph of Low Isles Lab with ships in background. Archives ref - DF 421/2
Corals on cement blocks GBR Expedition 1928-1929
Mrs Stephenson wearing a diving helmetPhotograph of Mrs Stephenson wearing a diving helmet. Great Barrier Reef expedition 1928-1929
Phyllopteryx taeniolatus, weedy seadragonPlate 38 from Zoological drawings by Ferdinand Bauer. This amazingly camouflaged fish is endemic to the south Australian coast from central New South Wales to south-western Western Australia
Coral collectionPart of a coral collection given to HM Queen Elizabeth II on behalf of the people of Queensland, Australia
Stylina alveolata, reef coralA reef building coral originating from Jurassic limestones in Europe, eastwards into Asia Minor, and also in the U.S.A
Photograph of corals from the Yonge collectionPhotograph from the collection of Sir Charles Maurice Yonge (1899-1986) relating to the Great Barrier Reef Expedition (1927-1929), in the Archive of the Natural History Museum, London
Reef rockThis specimen was collected by Charles Darwin in 1836 from Keeling Atoll, Indian Ocean
Buccoo Reef SnorkellersA group of snorkellers at Buccoo Reef, famous for its coral beauty, Tobago, West Indies. Date: 1960s
Poster advertising Harrismith, South AfricaPoster advertising Harrismith, a large inland town in South Africa, named after the British Governor, Sir Harry Smith
RMS Forth, 1849Engraving of the Royal Mail Steam-Packet Companys paddle-steamer Forth. Built in Leith in 1841, the Forth went missing between Southampton and the West Indies early in 1841
Coral Reef / J. W. WhimperVegetation has taken root on the upper levels of a coral reef, forming a kind of island
Whitsunday IslandA madreporic atoll comprising a ring-shaped coral reef, on which seeds borne by the wind have taken root
Australia / Barrier Reefpart of the Great Barrier Reef