The education of British Youth: Stonyhurst CollegeAs part of their series on the education of British Youth, the Illustrated London News ran a feature on Stonyhurst College, Lancashire
Andrew Carnegie at St Andrews University, ScotlandThe Scottish-born American philanthropist, Andrew Carnegie, at St Andrews University in Scotland. He served as Rector from 1901 until 1907. He is processing with others in academic robes
Inclined Plane ClockClock using an inclined plane designed by Maurice Wheeler, rector of Sibberton
Brass rubbing, Ralph Hamsterley, rector of Oddington, OxonMonumental brass rubbing, Ralph Hamsterley, rector of Oddington, Oxfordshire. circa 1518
William Kirby (Howard)WILLIAM KIRBY entomologist, rector of Barham, Suffolk Date: 1759 - 1850
Samuel Wesley (Father)SAMUEL WESLEY churchman, rector of Epworth, poet, father of John and Charles
Right Hon George Wyndham, Edinburgh University, in 1907 Date: 1907
Monumental Brass Rubbing, Henry Martin, rector Upwell Church, Norfolk unknown publication
Georgian milkmaid serving cups of milk to a chimney sweepGeorgian milkmaid serving cups of milk to a sooty chimney sweep and his apprentice boy on a street corner in Oxford. In the background, a new rector Doctor Broadbase rides past a blacksmith
Rector at the University of Paris, 1586Costume of a Rector at the University of Paris, 1586. In blue cap, ruff collar, blue robes with fur capelet over his shoulders. Recteur de l'Universite de Paris
Portrait of Bonifacius Amerbach, 1495-1562. German jurist, scholar, an influential humanist and the rector of the University of Basel
Harold Davidson, former rector of Stiffkey, NorfolkHarold Davidson (1875-1937), defrocked former rector of Stiffkey, Norfolk, seen here lion taming at Skegness in July 1937. Unfortunately, this kind of activity led to his being attacked and killed
The Reverend Wilson Carlile of the Church Army, preaching from the pulpit of St
Dipping needle compass made by Edward Nairne, 1772Dipping needle compass made by Edward Nairne for the Board of Longitude based on plans for the Reverend John Mitchell, Rector of Thornhill, 1772
Charles Rollin, French historian and educatorCharles Rollin (1661-1741), French historian and educator, Rector of the University of Paris. early 18th century
University of Glasgow - Exodus from Old CollegeUniversity of Glasgow - Exodus of Rector, Dean and Masters from the Old College. late 19th century
Edward Balston - Headmaster of EtonDate: 1864
Sabine Baring-Gould (1834-1924), an English author and Rector in North Devon. Date: 1893
Sir Henry Thomas Tizard (1885a'1959) - English chemistSir Henry Thomas Tizard (1885-1959) - English chemist, inventor and Rector of Imperial College, who developed the octane rating to classify petrol, helped develop radar in World War II
Rev Canon Baillie MA, Rector of Rugby, Warwickshire. Date: circa 1905
St Martin in the Bull Ring, Birmingham, West MidlandsInterior view of St Martin in the Bull Ring (parish church), Birmingham, West Midlands, with an inset portrait of its Rector, Canon Denton Thompson. Date: circa 1910
Johannes HeldJOHANNES HELD German hebrew scholar and rector of the Gymnasium at Nurnberg. Date: 1628 - ?
REV SMITHThe Reverend GUY ERIC SMITH, rector of Borley from 1928 to 1930
Mabel SmithMabel, wife of the Reverend GUY ERIC SMITH, rector of Borley from 1928 to 1930
Rev L a FoysterLIONEL ALGERNON FOYSTER, rector of Borley 1930 to 1935
MARK NOBLE Churchman, rector of Barming, Kent, biographer and antiquary. Date: 1754 - 1827
Lady Adelaide LawLADY ADELAIDE EMMELINA CAROLINE LAW (nee Vane) wife of Frederick Law, rector of Lee in Kent. Date: ? - 1882
The Very Rev Bruno Townsend, Roman Catholic rectorThe Very Rev Bruno Townsend, Rector of St Marys Roman Catholic Church, Harborne, Birmingham, West Midlands
USA - The Empire Building - New York - Empire Building. New York
Croatia. Dubrovnik. Rectors Palace. 15th century. Atrium
Zachary GreyZACHARY GREY Churchman and antiquary, rector of Houghton Conquest. Date: 1688 - 1766
Richard Graves, WriterRICHARD GRAVES Churchman, rector of Claverton, and writer. Date: 1715 - 1804
George GaskinGEORGE GASKIN English churchman : rector of Stoke Newington, prebendary of Ely, secretary of the Society for promoting Christian Knowledge. Date: 1751 - 1829
Daniel FeatleyDANIEL FEATLEY (orig. Fair- -clough) English churchman, rector of Lambeth, engaged in controversy with Jesuits on one hand, Baptists on other, imprisoned for Royalist views. Date: 1582 - 1645
William FalknerWILLIAM FALKNER English churchman : rector of Greenford, Suffolk, and preacher at Kings Lynn. Date: ? - 1682
Robert DingleyROBERT DINGLEY Puritan churchman, rector of Brixton, Isle of Wight. Date: 1619 - 1660
Sir John CullumSIR JOHN CULLUM Churchman, rector of Hawsted, Suffolk; antiquary and historian. Date: 1733 - 1785
Derwent ColeridgeDERWENT COLERIDGE Churchman, Principal of St Marks College, Chelsea, and Rector of Hanwell. His father was the poet Coleridge. Date: 1800 - 1883
Charles CoffinCHARLES COFFIN French churchman, Rector of the University of Paris and Principal of the College of Beauvais : writer. Date: 1676 - 1749
Robert Peel(Y) / GlasgowSIR ROBERT PEEL (THE YOUNGER) British statesman as Lord Rector of the University of Glasgow Date: 1788 - 1850
William Stirling-MaxwellSir William Stirling-Maxwell of Keir (1818 - 1878) writer; Lord Rector of the University of Edinburgh
William Kirby / YoungWILLIAM KIRBY entomologist, at age 19, later rector of Barham Date: 1759 - 1850
Mark PattisonMARK PATTISON Writer and scholar, at one time follower of Cardinal Newman, later rector of Lincoln College, Oxford Date: 1813 - 1884
William Foster Pigott (1748 - 1827), Rector of Mereworth and Clewer
Thomas Foxley, (circa 1784-1838), Rector of Radcliffe Date: 1835
Jan Baptista de Bisthoven, SJJoannes (Jan) Baptista de Bisthoven, SJ (1603-1655), Jesuit missionary and college rector from Antwerp, Belgium
Musical InstrumentsAm interesting collection of over 600 musical instruments, owned by the Reverend F. W. Galpin, Rector of Falkbourne, Witham, Essex, England. Mrs Galpin shows some of them off. Date: 1930s
Thomas WilsonTHOMAS WILSON churchman, prebendary of Westminster and rector of St Stephen s, Walbrook. Date: 1703 - 1784
Robert WarrenROBERT WARREN churchman, rector of Saint Mary s, Stratford-atte-Bow and author of discourses. Date: CIRCA 1725
John WatsonJOHN WATSON churchman, rector of Stockport, and antiquary : a very unusual engraving not at all characteristic of the period. Date: 1725 - 1783
Samuel StennettSAMUEL STENNETT Churchman, rector of the Baptist church in Lincolns Inn Fields, London. Date: 1728 - 1795
Walter ShirleyWALTER SHIRLEY churchman, rector of Loughrea in Ireland, chaplain to the countess dowager of Huntingdon. Date: 1725 - 1786
Richard SherlockRICHARD SHERLOCK Churchman, rector of Winwick, opponent of the Quakers. Date: 1612 - 1689
John Scott, ChurchmanJOHN SCOTT English churchman, rector of St Giles-in-the-fields and canon of St Pauls : writer. Date: 1639 - 1695
Samuel Rogers (Church)SAMUEL ROGERS English churchman, rector of Husbands Bosworth and Brampton in the county of Northampton and chaplain to earl Spencer. Date: ? - 1790
William RichardsWILLIAM RICHARDS English churchman, non-juring rector of Helmdon in Northamptonshire Date: 1643 - 1705
Thomas PenroseTHOMAS PENROSE churchman, rector of Beckington, and poet in such hours of leisure as he was able to spare from his parochial duties. Date: 1742 - 1779
Henry Peckwell - 2HENRY PECKWELL controversial churchman, rector of Bloxholm and minister of Westminster Chapel, styling himself the sick mans friend. Date: 1747 - 1787
Henry Owen, ChurchmanHENRY OWEN Welsh churchman and scholar, rector of St Olave s, Hart Street, London Date: 1716 - 1795
John NewtonJOHN NEWTON Churchman, rector of St Mary Woolnoth, London, hymn writer and friend of the poet William Cowper. Date: 1725-1807
Nelsons FatherEDMUND NELSON, rector of Burnham Thorpe, Norfolk, whose son Horatio became a sailor. Date: 18th century
Robert Markham, ChurchROBERT MARKHAM English churchman, rector of Whitechapel and chaplain to the king. Date: 1727 - 1786
Augustus JessoppAUGUSTUS JESSOPP English churchman, rector of Scarning, Norfolk, author of Trials of a country parson and other writings. Date: 1823 - 1914
Richard Hooker - 2RICHARD HOOKER English churchman, rector of Bishopsbourne, Kent, author of Ecclesiastical Polity. Date: 1554? - 1600
John Orator HenleyORATOR JOHN HENLEY English churchman, rector of Chelmondiston, Suffolk. Date: 1692 - 1756
PRIAMO DELLA QUERCIA (c. 1374-1438). Investiture of the Rector of the Hospital. 1442. ITALY. Siena. Ospedale di Santa Maria della Scala (Santa Maria della Scala Hospital). Central detail
Henry Burton - 3HENRY BURTON - Dissenting minister, rector of St Matthews, Friday St. London : pilloried, his ears cut off, exiled to Guernsey for his outspoken preaching. Date: 1578 - 1648
Henry Burton - 2HENRY BURTON - Dissenting minister, rector of St Matthews, Friday St. London : pilloried, his ears cut off, exiled to Guernsey for his outspoken preaching. Date: 1578 - 1648
Henry Burton - 1HENRY BURTON - Dissenting minister, rector of St Matthews, Friday St. London : pilloried, his ears cut off, exiled to Guernsey for his outspoken preaching. Date: 1578 - 1648
Charles Burney, ScholarCHARLES BURNEY Churchman, rector of Deptford and prebendary of Lincoln, classical scholar Date: 1757 - 1817
Kingsleys StaircaseA most unusual wooden staircase in the rectory where CHARLES KINGSLEY was rector. The stairs lead to attic rooms. A rope hangs from a rope to act as a safety hold. Date: 1819 - 1875
Richard YatesRICHARD YATES churchman, rector of Ashen, Essex, and chaplain of Chelsea Hospital, historian of Bury St Edmunds. Date: 1769 - 1834
Rev. Dr. A. C. Don, Dean of WestminsterThe Dean of Westminster, according to ancient traditional rights, assists the Archbishop of Canterbury at the coronation of British Sovereigns, in particular at the Unction, the Investiture
Rectors, New YorkFuturist Ball Room, Rectors, New York City, America
Open air Pulpit at Holy Trinity Church, London, 1893Engraving showing the open air pulpit outside the Holy Trinity Church, Marylebone, London, 1893. This pulpit was erected as a memorial to Rev. Canon William Cadman, the previous rector
Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton (1803-1873)Engraved portrait of Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton (1803-1873), the British politician, poet and novelist, pictured in 1856 when he was Lord Rector of the University of Glasgow
W. E. Gladstone addressing the University of Glasgow, 1879Engraving showing William Ewart Gladstone (1809-1898), the English Liberal statesman, delivering his address as Lord Rector of the University of Glasgow
Monocled Glasgow University Undergraduates, 1926Photograph of some of the 2000 undergraduates who welcomed Sir Austen Chamberlain to Glasgow for his installation as Lord Rector. Date: 1926
Edinburgh University Undergraduates Battle for the QuadranPhotograph showing the traditional battle fought by Edinburgh University Undergraduates for possession of the Quadrangle steps after the election of a new Lord Rector of the University
Richard Hooker - 1RICHARD HOOKER English churchman, rector of Bishopsbourne, Kent, author of Ecclesiastical Polity
William GougeWILLIAM GOUGE English puritan churchman, rector of St Anne s, Blackfriars, London
Rectory & RectorBorley Rectory seen from the Nuns Walk towards the end of the Bull incumbency : members of his family on the tennis court
Harry Bull & ChoirHARRY BULL, rector of Borley from 1892 to 1927, with the church choir
Disraeli / Glasgow SpeechBENJAMIN DISRAELI Earl of Beaconsfield Delivering his installation address as Lord Rector of Glasgow University in 1873