Your Britain - Fight for it NOW - World War 2 public information Poster designed by Abram Games for the War Office - first published in 1942. Date: 1942
Nehemiah in JerusalemCupbearer at the court of Artaxerxes, king of Persia, he is sent to Jerusalem to rebuild the walls of the city
Lockheed EP-3E Aries II 156511 - PR-32United States Navy - EP-3E Aries II 156511 / PR-32 (MSN 285A_5505)
The Propylaea in Athens, 1818An architectural pencil drawing of the Propylaea of the Athenian Acropolis, a monumental gateway commissioned by Pericles in order to rebuild after the Persian wars. Date: 1818
St Pancras Church, Chichester, West Sussex, prior to its 1869 rebuild. circa early 1860s
Wallis and Steevens Road Roller GOU 537 AmyWallis & Steevens Road Roller GOU 537 Amy at Redruth steam rally
Che Guevara / SundayERNESTO GUEVARA, KNOWN AS CHE GUEVARA. Latin American guerrilla leader & revolutionary theorist. Voluntary work (Sun)day; many Cubans worked to rebuild Cuba. *UNAVAILABLE FOR USE IN ASIA AT PRESENT*
NEHEMIAHNehemiah, cupbearer to the king of Babylon, asks to be allowed to go to Jerusalem so that he can rebuild the walls there. The king says yes
Paris, France - Eglise Saint Germain L Auxerrois During Rebuilding of District. Date: 1856
Givenchy, adopted by Liverpool post-First World WarThe Lord Mayor of Liverpool at Givenchy, an adopted French village : a ceremony at the 55th West Lancashire Division Memorial
Gift of Old Etonians to French village of Eton WoeuvreThe gift of Old Etonians to Etons adopted French village devastated in the First World War : the opening of the school and mairie at Eton Woeuvre near Verdun
Liverpools gift - new memorial hall at GivenchyLiverpools gift to its adopted French town : the new memorial hall at Givenchy after the opening ceremony performed by the Lord Mayor of Liverpool
Ex-RAF English Electric Canberras being rebuilt for export at Samlesbury. November 1970
Norsemen Besiege ParisBishop Joscelin orders a high tower to be constructed, from which the defenders can assail the invaders : the Norsemen destroy it, but the Parisians rebuild it
Civilians SurvivingAfter the fighting has destroyed their home, surviving civilians try to rebuild their lives
The Temple RebuiltThe Jews rebuild the Temple of Jerusalem which had been destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar II, king of Babylon
Jews Return to IsraelBabylon is taken by Kurash II (Cyrus) king of Persia, who allows the captive Jews to return to Israel, where they will rebuild Jerusalem
Cyrus Returns the JewsKurash II (Cyrus), king of Persia, takes Babylon and allows the captive Jews to return to their own land, where they will rebuild Jerusalem
Sf Earthquake Cartoon 3America helps San Francisco to rebuild after the earthquake, pointing to future prosperity
Sleeps during BattleHe sleeps during the battle of Wagram, snatching the chance to rebuild his strength