Francis White, English bishop, c.1564-1638Francis White, Bishop of Ely, controversialist, c.1564-1638. In skull cap, ruff collar, doublet and mantle, writing with quill pen in a book. Fran. White T
Samuel Wesley, English divine and poet, 1662-1735Samuel Wesley, English clergyman, divine and poet, 1662-1735. Writer of controversial prose, and book of poetry, Maggots. In laurel wreath, cravatte, doublet, with quill pen and books
John Strype, English historian and biographer, 1643-1737John Strype, English clergyman, historian and biographer, 1643-1737
Portrait of Saint Thomas Aquinas, with halo, quill pen and Bible, in a decorative border of foliage and gilt
King Henry II with his notaries and secretaries, 14 April 1540King Henry II of France in the Chamber of College of Notaries and Secretaries to the King, 14 April 1540. The king holds a quill pen at the table surrounded by officials
Briseis writing a love letter to AchillesBriseis wipes her tears with a handkerchief while writing a love letter to Achilles
Edward I forming an alliance with Guy, Earl of Flanders, 1294King Edward I of England forming an alliance with Guy de Dampierre, Earl of Flanders, 1294
Wulstan II (or Wulfstan), Archbishop of York, died 1023.. He is shown seated in his study, writing in a book open before him. From Cotton MS Claudius A iii, f.30r
Wulstan II (or Wulfstan), Archbishop of York. The portrait of Wulfstan, the second archbishop of York of that name, is extracted from a manuscript from the 11th century
The skeleton of Death with the author and artist, 18th centuryThe skeleton of Death, Freund Hans, embracing the author Musaus and the artist Schellenberg. They stand in a library and shake hands while holding a print of the Grim Reaper, a skeleton with scythe
A letter writer with customers in Padua, Italy, 19th century. He sits at a desk with quill pen, and a crowd of women customers dictate love letters to him. A printseller shows prints beside him
Lieven Mehus, Flemish painter, 1630-1691Lieven Mehus, Flemish painter, draughtsman and engraver 1630-1691. Baroque artist who trained in Milan, and worked in Florence. Holding quill pen, paint brush and palette before a canvas and easel
Salvator Rosa, Italian Baroque painter, 1615-1673Salvator Rosa, Italian Baroque painter and poet, 1615-1673. Painted romanticized landscapes and history paintings. With paint brush and quill pen. Pittore, Poeta
Reading lectern with landscape and ink stand with inkwell with quill pens
Louise, Duchess of Savoy, 1500. French noble and regent, mother of King Francis I, 1476-1531. Taken from a miniature in the Livre d'heures of Catherine de Médicis
Ceremonial uniform of a member of the Tribunat, 1803. Bicorne with cockade, silver-embroidered blue coat, cravat, blue breeches, calf-length boots. With documents and quill pens on a table
Napoleon Bonaparte in the uniform of the First Consul, 1799. He wears a gold-embroidered red coat, gilet, white breeches, calf-length boots. A bicorne, quill pen and paper lie on a table
Ceremonial dress of the president of the French Directory, 1796Ceremonial dress with gold embroidered cape of the president of the French Directory, 1796
Henri François d'Aguesseau, 1668-1751, Chancellor of France three times between 1717 and 1750 during the Regency of Philippe II, Duke of Orleans, and later under King Louis XV
John Law, French Controller General of FinancesJohn Law, 1671-1729, Scottish economist and banker who served as Controller General of Finances under the French Regency, 1715-1723
Jean de La Fontaine, French fabulist, writer and poetJean de La Fontaine, 1621-1695, French fabulist, writer and poet, seated at his writing desk, wearing brown jacket and breeches, a quill pen in his right hand. Lafontaine
French writer Pierre Corneille, 1606-1684, tragedian and dramatist. In black cap, jacket, breeches, hose, seated at desk with quill pen and paper inscribed Le Cid
Cardinal Jules Mazarin, 1602-1661, Italian cardinal, diplomat, and politician who served as the chief minister to the kings of France. In crimson cap and robe, with books and quill pen on table
Francois Malherbe, French poet, critic and translatorFrancois Malherbe, 1555-1628, French poet, critic and translator. In ruff collar, black doublet, breeches, holding a quill pen seated at a desk. Francois Malberbe, mort en 1628
Rector at the University of Paris, 1586Costume of a Rector at the University of Paris, 1586. In blue cap, ruff collar, blue robes with fur capelet over his shoulders. Recteur de l'Universite de Paris
Clement Marot, French Renaissance poet, 1496-1544. In black cap, black coat and robe, holding a quill pen and paper
Nicholas Borbonius, Latin poet and tutorNicholas Borbonius or Bourbon, Latin poet of middling fame, tutor to Joan d'Albret, daughter of Margaret Queen of Navarre, 1503-c.1550. Nicholas Borbonius Poeta
Portrait of novelist Miguel Cervantes de Saavedra, 1547-1616. Man with Van Dyke beard in ruff collar, doublet, breeches, hose, sitting in a library, writing with quill pen on paper
17th century monk reading a Bible at a desk in his cell. A quill pen and ink and hourglass on the table, a human skull on the window sill, crucifixion scene on the wall
17th century rustic school scene. A man sits in a window seat writing with quill pen at a desk. Children and adults sit on the floor or on stools at tables. A man descends a ladder from the ceiling
European school scene from the 17th century. Children sit at tables with horn books, while others listen to a tutor speaking from a pulpit at right
English gentleman writing poetry in a garret, Regency era. Tom Takeall sat at his desk with quill pen and paper, his elbow on a book. His pet cat eating his porridge. Taking Thought
The skeleton of Death and the lawyer. The barrister in wig and gown sits at a table writing a document with a quill pen. Death enters his chambers with a brief
The poet and the skeleton of Death
The skeleton of Death at the insurance office. Death behind the counter with a quill pen gives out Life Assurance contracts to an old man and woman in an office
German ornithologist in his study, 18th century. Writing in a book with a quill pen while looking at a stuffed specimen
Two young ornithologists studying bird prints, 18th centuryFrontispiece with two young cherub ornithologists writing in a book while looking at prints of birds, 18th century
Metamorphic furniture, library reading chairs, 1810Metamorphic library chairs, 1810
Sir Anthony Mildmay, Elizabeth I's ambassador in ParisSir Anthony Mildmay, Queen Elizabeth I's ambassador to the court of Henry IV in Paris for two years, died 1617