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Pursuing Collection

Background imagePursuing Collection: Silhouettes from the Somme by H. L. Oakley

Silhouettes from the Somme by H. L. Oakley
Various scenes on the Somme cut by famous silhouette artist, Captain H. L. Oakley showing the work to be done when pursuing the retreating Germans

Background imagePursuing Collection: Cover design, Popular Aviation Magazine

Cover design, Popular Aviation Magazine combined with Practical Mechanics, showing two criminals in a red car being pursued by two policemen in a biplane

Background imagePursuing Collection: Teasing Tirpitz, or luring a U boat to Dover, Heath Robinson

Teasing Tirpitz, or luring a U boat to Dover, Heath Robinson
A battered British plane suspends a tiny toy boat on a string, fooling a German U boat into pursuing it all the way to Dover. Another mischievous war tactic dreamed up by William Heath Robinson

Background imagePursuing Collection: Eskimo Hunts a Narwhal

Eskimo Hunts a Narwhal
An Eskimo fisherman pursuing a narwhal

Background imagePursuing Collection: Captain Ross pursuing his discoveries at Cape Garry

Captain Ross pursuing his discoveries at Cape Garry - The Guide to Knowledge edited W. Pinnock, 1833 Date: 1833

Background imagePursuing Collection: WW2, Peter The Pilot Saves The Children

WW2, Peter The Pilot Saves The Children
This illustration depicts a scene in which Peter the Royal Air Force pilot fires his fighter plane guns towards two robbers who were pursuing the children in the woods. Date: circa 1940

Background imagePursuing Collection: Comic postcard, cockerel chasing hen across the road Date: 20th century

Comic postcard, cockerel chasing hen across the road Date: 20th century

Background imagePursuing Collection: Farmhand with his girl

Farmhand with his girl
A farmers boy with a rake pursuing a pretty young maid. Artist: Frances Brundage Date: 1901

Background imagePursuing Collection: Thomas Mantell

Thomas Mantell
Captain Thomas Mantell, 25- year old USAF pilot, who died pursuing a UFO, now generally considered to have been a Skyhook weather balloon

Background imagePursuing Collection: Pharaoh and his host drowned in the Red Sea

Pharaoh and his host drowned in the Red Sea - Exodus 14. circa 1690

Background imagePursuing Collection: Pinocchio -- pursued by a sea monster

Pinocchio -- pursued by a sea monster
Quick, Pinocchio... but it was too late! The monster had overtaken him. Date: 1911

Background imagePursuing Collection: Victorian Scrap - soldiers pursuing a cyclist

Victorian Scrap - soldiers pursuing a cyclist. late 19th century

Background imagePursuing Collection: Motoring / Hotspur 1949

Motoring / Hotspur 1949
" You can t escape from the evil eye!" A man in a car tries to escape from a man pursuing him on a motor bike: the back of the car, including the wheels, is missing! Date: 1949

Background imagePursuing Collection: Foxhunters and hounds in pursuit of the fox

Foxhunters and hounds in pursuit of the fox. Date: 1926

Background imagePursuing Collection: The German DIII Albatros diving at a foe, WW1

The German DIII Albatros diving at a foe, WW1
The German fighter plane, the D III Albatros, which carried a 175 hp Mercedes engine pictured diving at speed towards a British plane below

Background imagePursuing Collection: British fighting triplane in action

British fighting triplane in action
The new British fighting triplane in action, a model described by General von Hoppner, Chief of the German Flying Corps as excellent. Date: 1917

Background imagePursuing Collection: Stage illusions

Stage illusions
Illustrations depicting various cutting-edge stage illusions at the beginning of the 20th century. The first shows the race of a motor-car again a train; also shown

Background imagePursuing Collection: Francois De Paris

Francois De Paris
FRANCOIS DE PARIS works as a stocking-maker, while pursuing his mission to help the poor. Date: 1690 - 1727

Background imagePursuing Collection: Juichidanme - act eleven of the Chushingura - assualt on Kir

Juichidanme - act eleven of the Chushingura - assualt on Kir

Background imagePursuing Collection: The Japanese cavalry taken possession of Khobarovsk pursuing

The Japanese cavalry taken possession of Khobarovsk pursuing and attacking the enemies. Date ca. 1919

Background imagePursuing Collection: Curtained litter and cavalry exercise, Persia

Curtained litter and cavalry exercise, Persia
Two Persian images. The first, entitled Takht-e-Ravan, shows a curtained litter being escorted by horsemen. The second, entitled The Key Kaj Exercise, shows two horsemen

Background imagePursuing Collection: Hounds in Full Cry

Hounds in Full Cry -- racing along a country lane, no doubt in pursuit of a fox. 1892

Background imagePursuing Collection: THE BEETLE EXPERIMENT

THE BEETLE EXPERIMENT (Russell Hays) The reckless scientist, pursuing knowledge regardless of the consequences, confronts his unintended creation Date: 1929

Background imagePursuing Collection: Policeman and dog by a railway line

Policeman and dog by a railway line
A policeman and his alsatian dog by a railway line, next to a freight train transporting mini cars

Background imagePursuing Collection: Mistaken Identity

Mistaken Identity
A group of children pursuing an old man carrying sacks and baggage through the snow, in the belief that he is Father Christmas

Background imagePursuing Collection: Murderers pursued by police in Tottenham

Murderers pursued by police in Tottenham
A chase between police and Russian Anarchists. Charles Wyatt, the conductor, was forced at gun point to drive the tram. A second Russian fired at the pursuing police from the back platform during

Background imagePursuing Collection: Pilgrims Progress 5

Pilgrims Progress 5
The Interpreter shows Christian the Man in the Iron Cage, brought there by pursuing the lusts, pleasures and profits of this world

Background imagePursuing Collection: Eros and Psyche

Eros and Psyche
Love pursuing the soul - what appears on the surface to be no more than a simple love story, can, if you wish, be interpreted as carrying a profound spiritual message

Background imagePursuing Collection: Battle of Ramillies

Battle of Ramillies
BATTLE OF RAMILLIES Marlborough and Prince Eugene inflict a decisive defeat on the French under Villeroy : here, the allies are pursuing the retreating French

Background imagePursuing Collection: Napoleon III in Milano

Napoleon III in Milano
Napoleon III, pursuing French interests in Italian affairs, accompanies Vittorio Emanuele in a procession through the streets of newly liberated Milano

Background imagePursuing Collection: Napoleon III in Torino

Napoleon III in Torino

Background imagePursuing Collection: Moose / Elk Sweden 1855

Moose / Elk Sweden 1855
Pursuing an elk, Sweden

Background imagePursuing Collection: Moses : the Red Sea

Moses : the Red Sea
THE RED SEA : God parts the waters to let the Children of Israel pass across safely, but Pharaohs pursuing troops are overwhelmed by the waters and drowned

Background imagePursuing Collection: Hunting / Deer, India

Hunting / Deer, India
Indians pursuing deer - one on horseback, two others on foot with lassoos

Background imagePursuing Collection: Battle of Pirot / 1885

Battle of Pirot / 1885
Retreating, following their defeat at Slivinitza, Serbian forces are again defeated by the pursuing Bulgarians at Pirot

Background imagePursuing Collection: Fugitive Fires at Posse

Fugitive Fires at Posse
A fugitive gunman fires at a pursuing posse

Background imagePursuing Collection: Mother and children frightened by wolves

Mother and children frightened by wolves
A mother and her children, returning home through the snow in a sleigh, are frightened by wolves pursuing them

Background imagePursuing Collection: Shark pursuing a shipwrecked sailor

Shark pursuing a shipwrecked sailor
A Common Shark (carcharias lamia) about to make a meal of a shipwrecked sailor

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