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Purple Collection

Background imagePurple Collection: Suffragette Cat In Hat and Flag

Suffragette Cat In Hat and Flag. A cat wears a large picture hat and a flag in WSPU colours, purple, white and green, fastened as a shawl with VFW badge

Background imagePurple Collection: Poster advertising Linherr Vermouth

Poster advertising Linherr Vermouth, showing an elegant woman sipping from a glass. circa 1950s

Background imagePurple Collection: Suffragette W. S. P. U Badge and Ribbon

Suffragette W. S. P. U Badge and Ribbon
A circular tin badge with green border, white centre and purple lettering - W.S.P.U Votes for Women. Attatched to the badge is a piece of purple, white and green satin ribbon. Date: circa 1908

Background imagePurple Collection: Suffragette W. S. P. U Holloway Brooch

Suffragette W. S. P. U Holloway Brooch
The Holloway Brooch, designed by Sylvia Pankhurst, for presentation to W.S.P.U released prisoners. It depicts the portcullis symbol of the House of Commons with chains and broad arrows in purple

Background imagePurple Collection: Suffragette W. S. P. U Badge Sylvia Pankhurst

Suffragette W. S. P. U Badge Sylvia Pankhurst
Badge issued by the Womens Social & Political Union with design by Sylvia Pankhurst. This circular tin badge in purple, green and white, shows a young woman

Background imagePurple Collection: Suffragette Cat I Want My Vote

Suffragette Cat I Want My Vote. A suffragette cat or kitten against a background of purple, White and green (The colours of the Womens Social & Political Union) says I Want My Vote Date: circa 1908

Background imagePurple Collection: Ancient Roman costume

Ancient Roman costume from the time of the late Roman Republic -- warriors, legionnaires (infantry soldiers), a cavalryman, a centurion, an emperor in purple (red), an ensign bearer

Background imagePurple Collection: British Butterflies - Various

British Butterflies - Various - including: Chalk Hill Blue Butterfly (male), Wood White Butterfly, Purple Hairstreak Butterfly (female), Purple Hairstreak Butterfly (at rest)

Background imagePurple Collection: A Group of Auriculas

A Group of Auriculas, engraved by Lewis & Hopwood after Henderson, in a book entitled The Temple of Flora by Dr Robert John Thornton (1768-1837). The book was published between 1799 and 1807

Background imagePurple Collection: Primula auricula, primrose

Primula auricula, primrose
Folio 78 from A Collection of Flowers (1795) by John Edwards. Held in the Botany Library at the Natural History Museum, London

Background imagePurple Collection: Clematis viticella, Polish spirit

Clematis viticella, Polish spirit
Painting by Pierre Joseph Redoute (1759-1840), from his publication Choix des plus belles fleurs (The Most Beautiful Flowers), c. 1827-33

Background imagePurple Collection: Suffragette W. S. P. U Sash Votes for Women

Suffragette W. S. P. U Sash Votes for Women
Womens Social & Political Union sash, in the colours of purple, white and green. White background with border edging of purple and green, dark green lettering

Background imagePurple Collection: Suffragette W. S. P. U Ribbon Badge

Suffragette W. S. P. U Ribbon Badge
Suffragette badge in purple, white and green grosgrain ribbon, with Votes for Women woven into the middle white section. Issued by the Womens Social & Political Union

Background imagePurple Collection: Little girl playing in a garden by Muriel Dawson

Little girl playing in a garden by Muriel Dawson
A little girl in a red smock standing in a garden, by Muriel Dawson. Date: circa 1920s

Background imagePurple Collection: Birthstone Series: Amythest Quartz

Birthstone Series: Amythest Quartz
An Amythest quartz specimen. Amythest is a form of quartz that is usually purple in colour, it is the birthstone for the month of March. Natural History Museum specimen number 84817

Background imagePurple Collection: Connaught Gardens at Sidmouth, East Devon

Connaught Gardens at Sidmouth, East Devon
View of Connaught Gardens at Sidmouth, East Devon, with an array of flowers in flowerbeds, with trees in the background. The gardens were named after the Duke of Connaught

Background imagePurple Collection: Cattleya Trianae Mrs Phillips

Cattleya Trianae Mrs Phillips, also known as Flor de Mayo (May Flower) or Christmas Orchid (Orchidaceae family), with pink, purple and yellow colouring

Background imagePurple Collection: Janthina violacea, violet snail

Janthina violacea, violet snail
Watercolour 398 by Thomas Watling, entitled Boala, from the Watling Collection

Background imagePurple Collection: Suffragette W. S. P. U Sash Votes for Women

Suffragette W. S. P. U Sash Votes for Women
Sash produced for the Womens Social & Political Union, in the colours of purple, white and green. The sash is made in a heavy woven cotton material with white central panel and borders

Background imagePurple Collection: Botanical Sketchbook -- Fine Leaved Heath

Botanical Sketchbook -- Fine Leaved Heath. Date: 1920s

Background imagePurple Collection: Arum dioscoridis

Arum dioscoridis
Engraving by George Sowerby from original watercolour by Ferdinand Bauer, published in Flora graeca 10 (1840) by James Edward Smith

Background imagePurple Collection: S Dixon & Co seed catalogue

S Dixon & Co seed catalogue
The colourful front cover of thes Dixon & Co seed catalogue, offering choice seeds for the flower and kitchen garden

Background imagePurple Collection: Sporty Lacrosse Girl

Sporty Lacrosse Girl - The Sporting Girl - " The Fellows like the girl of sport, shes such a jolly, chummy sort." Date: circa 1910s

Background imagePurple Collection: Poster, Pan American to the Caribbean

Poster, Pan American to the Caribbean
Poster, Pan American airline to the Caribbean. circa 1950s

Background imagePurple Collection: Resplendent quetzal, Pharomachrus mocinno

Resplendent quetzal, Pharomachrus mocinno, and purple-rumped sunbird, Nectarinia zeylonica.. Chromolithograph by unknown artist/engraver from Mary

Background imagePurple Collection: Oldway Mansion, Paignton, Devon

Oldway Mansion, Paignton, Devon, in the style of the Palace of Versailles. Showing part of the formal gardens. Date: circa 1950s

Background imagePurple Collection: Blue John vase

Blue John vase
A vase carved out of the mineral Blue John. The mineral is so far unique to one location in the Derbyshire Peak District, England

Background imagePurple Collection: Silybum marianum, milk thistle

Silybum marianum, milk thistle
Illustration from the Botany Library Plate Collection held at the Natural History Museum, London. Entitled Chardon Marie

Background imagePurple Collection: Iris Bruno (Tall Bearded Iris)

Iris Bruno (Tall Bearded Iris), a flowering perennial of the Iridaceae family, with gold, purple and brown colouring. A close-up of the head in full flower

Background imagePurple Collection: Black Swan

Black Swan
A very stylised airbrush painting by Malcolm Greensmith depicting a mysterious-looking Black Swan (Cygnus atratus) serenly swimming across dark, still waters, dark

Background imagePurple Collection: The Dave Clark Five, English pop group

The Dave Clark Five, English pop group Date: 1964

Background imagePurple Collection: Cover design, London Mail, Christmas Extra 1923

Cover design, London Mail, Christmas Extra 1923
Cover design in art deco style, London Mail Christmas Extra 1923 Date: 1923

Background imagePurple Collection: Comic postcard, Enormous man with woman in the sea Date: 20th century

Comic postcard, Enormous man with woman in the sea Date: 20th century

Background imagePurple Collection: Design for Gilbert and Sullivan, A Dream of Patience

Design for Gilbert and Sullivan, A Dream of Patience
Design by Alice Mary Havers for Gilbert and Sullivan, Savoy Operas, A Dream of Patience. circa 1880s

Background imagePurple Collection: Woman in a mauve dress, Art Nouveau style

Woman in a mauve dress, Art Nouveau style. circa early 20th century

Background imagePurple Collection: Poster for Mistinguett, Casino de Paris 1937

Poster for Mistinguett, Casino de Paris 1937
Poster advertisement for Mistinguett at the Casino de Paris, 1937 1937

Background imagePurple Collection: The Pontic Rhododendron

The Pontic Rhododendron, engraved by Caldwall after Henderson, in a book entitled The Temple of Flora by Dr Robert John Thornton (1768-1837). The book was published between 1799 and 1807. Date: 1802

Background imagePurple Collection: Iris sp. blue iris

Iris sp. blue iris
Folio 67 from A Collection of Flowers (1795) by John Edwards. Held in the Botany Library at the Natural History Museum, London

Background imagePurple Collection: Tulipa sp. various tulips

Tulipa sp. various tulips
Folio 44 from A Collection of Flowers (1795) by John Edwards. Held in the Botany Library at the Natural History Museum, London

Background imagePurple Collection: Ventnor, Isle of Wight, viewed from East Cliffs

Ventnor, Isle of Wight, viewed from East Cliffs - Painted by William Carruthers Affleck for the Sevenoaks based publishing and printing company J

Background imagePurple Collection: Buckfast Abbey, north view, Dartmoor, Devon

Buckfast Abbey, north view, Dartmoor, Devon - Painted by landscape artist Alfred Robert Quinton for the Sevenoaks based publishing and printing company J

Background imagePurple Collection: Purple emperor, Apatura iris

Purple emperor, Apatura iris (Iris butterfly, Papilio iris). Illustration drawn and engraved by Richard Polydore Nodder. Handcoloured copperplate engraving from George Shaw

Background imagePurple Collection: Flowers and foliage on an assortment of Victorian scraps

Flowers and foliage on an assortment of Victorian scraps. Date: circa 1890s

Background imagePurple Collection: Advertisement for Pratts petrol and motor oils

Advertisement for Pratts petrol and motor oils
Advertisement for Pratts high test petrol and motor oils, the essence of refinement. Date: circa 1930s

Background imagePurple Collection: Purple and crimson flowered dahlia, Dahlia

Purple and crimson flowered dahlia, Dahlia variabilis var. Bella donna.. Handcolored illustration by Edwin Dalton Smith engraved by Watts from Charles McIntoshs Flora and Pomona 1829

Background imagePurple Collection: Crocus sativus, saffron

Crocus sativus, saffron
Plate 25 from Le Regne Vegetal. Vol 10 Flore Medicale Atlas 3 (1870). Held in the Botany Library at the Natural History Museum, London

Background imagePurple Collection: Viola tricolor, heartsease

Viola tricolor, heartsease
Folio 62 from A Collection of Flowers (1795) by John Edwards. Held in the Botany Library at the Natural History Museum, London

Background imagePurple Collection: Britannia and Eve magazine, March 1933

Britannia and Eve magazine, March 1933
Front cover illustration featuring an extremely glamorous lady wearing a bright orange coat with fur trims, a yellow hat with orange feather and holding a blue clutch bag

Background imagePurple Collection: Gardens at Tewin, Hertfordshire

Gardens at Tewin, Hertfordshire
View of gardens at the village of Tewin, near Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire, showing many shades of tulips growing in an open, grassy area

Background imagePurple Collection: Dunira, Perthshire, Scotland

Dunira, Perthshire, Scotland
A lovely view of Dunira in Perthshire, Scotland, showing trees and a heather-covered hill from across a stretch of water

Background imagePurple Collection: Gowns That Express Poetic Ideas

Gowns That Express Poetic Ideas
Purple and blue wigs to complete the colour-schemes of dresses: gowns that express poetic ideas. Costumes from the house of Madame Lucile

Background imagePurple Collection: Lilies of the Valley, Purity and return of

Lilies of the Valley, Purity and return of
Lilies of the Valley, Convallaria majalis, Purity and return of happiness; The purple Emperor Butterfly, Apatura iris, Immortality of the soul

Background imagePurple Collection: Wilcannia lilies, Calostemma purpureum and Calostemma luteum

Wilcannia lilies, Calostemma purpureum and Calostemma luteum
Purple and yellow wilcannia lilies, Calostemma purpureum and Calostemma luteum. Australia. Handcoloured lithograph from Louis van Houtte and Charles Lemaires Flowers of the Gardens

Background imagePurple Collection: Largest purple spring crocus, Crocus vernus

Largest purple spring crocus, Crocus vernus var. obovatus. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by Weddell for Samuel Curtis continuation of William Curtis Botanical Magazine, London, 1821

Background imagePurple Collection: Crab varieties

Crab varieties
Purple land crab, Gecarcinus ruricola 1, hermit crab, Paguristes eremita 2, sea hermit crab, Pagurus bernhardus 3, and sand crab, Cancer arenarius 4

Background imagePurple Collection: Chinese paper cuts, or Jianzhi

Chinese paper cuts, or Jianzhi, a folk art dating back many centuries. Seen here is a colourful landscape with trees, mountains, a temple, and a bridge across a river. Date: late 19th century

Background imagePurple Collection: Little Brunette by Muriel Dawson

Little Brunette by Muriel Dawson -- a cute little girl with brown hair and a mauve woolly hat. Date: 1936

Background imagePurple Collection: Gentiana sp. purple gentian

Gentiana sp. purple gentian
Illustration by Margaret Bushby Lascelles Cockburn (1829-1928). Held at the Natural History Museum, London

Background imagePurple Collection: Geranium phaeum, mourning widow geranium

Geranium phaeum, mourning widow geranium
Drawing by Arthur Harry Church, 1909. Held in the Botany Library at the Natural History Museum, London

Background imagePurple Collection: Fumaria officinalis, fumitory

Fumaria officinalis, fumitory
Illustration from the Botany Library Plate Collection held at the Natural History Museum, London

Background imagePurple Collection: Goldilocks and Three Bears

Goldilocks and Three Bears
Goldilocks and the Three Bears which originally appeared on a Christmas card with a sliding front and a pull tab. Date: circa 1890s

Background imagePurple Collection: Vanda caerulea, Himalayan orchid

Vanda caerulea, Himalayan orchid
Illustration from the Botany Library at the Natural History Museum, London. This plant was thought to be extinct in 1996

Background imagePurple Collection: Trifolium pratensis, clover

Trifolium pratensis, clover
Illustration from the Botany Library Plate Collection held at the Natural History Museum, London

Background imagePurple Collection: Purple Mangosteen - Singapore

Purple Mangosteen - Singapore
The fruits of the purple mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana) - a tropical evergreen tree believed to have originated in the Sunda Islands and the Moluccas of Indonesia

Background imagePurple Collection: Mozart Purple Coat

Mozart Purple Coat
WOLFGANG AMADEUS MOZART the Austrian composer

Background imagePurple Collection: Pansies in a wheelbarrow on a cutout Christmas card

Pansies in a wheelbarrow on a cutout Christmas card. Date: circa 1890s

Background imagePurple Collection: Blue John

Blue John
Polished slice of Blue John from Derbyshire, England. The mineral is so far unique to one location in the Derbyshire Peak District, England

Background imagePurple Collection: Comic postcard, Old man with pretty women on the beach

Comic postcard, Old man with pretty women on the beach
Comic postcard, Old man with two pretty women on the beach. Whats the good of knowing a thing or two if you can t prove it? Date: 20th century

Background imagePurple Collection: Heather Babies by Muriel Dawson

Heather Babies by Muriel Dawson -- ginger twins in identical pink and white clothes, standing in a field. Date: 1930

Background imagePurple Collection: Comic postcard, Two women in bikinis at the seaside - hot stuff Date: 20th century

Comic postcard, Two women in bikinis at the seaside - hot stuff Date: 20th century

Background imagePurple Collection: Comic postcard, Servant and angry mistress Date: 20th century

Comic postcard, Servant and angry mistress Date: 20th century

Background imagePurple Collection: Comic postcard, Maid and mistress Date: 20th century

Comic postcard, Maid and mistress Date: 20th century

Background imagePurple Collection: Comic postcard, Woman in bikini and beach inspector Date: 20th century

Comic postcard, Woman in bikini and beach inspector Date: 20th century

Background imagePurple Collection: Purple pitcher plant or side-saddle flower

Purple pitcher plant or side-saddle flower, Sarracenia purpurea, Sarracenie pourpre. Handcoloured steel engraving by Alphonse-Leon Noel after a botanical illustration by Edouard Maubert from Pierre

Background imagePurple Collection: Womans high-heel shoe design in purple leather, 1930

Womans high-heel shoe design in purple leather, 1930
Womans high-heel shoe design in purple leather with red lace-up panel and snakeskin toe within abstract art deco shooting star border

Background imagePurple Collection: Purple groundsel or ragwort, Senecio elegans

Purple groundsel or ragwort, Senecio elegans. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by Sansom after an illustration by Sydenham Edwards rom William Curtis Botanical Magazine, London, 1793

Background imagePurple Collection: Empress Josephine, wife of Napoleon Bonaparte, 1763-1814

Empress Josephine, wife of Napoleon Bonaparte, 1763-1814. In the grand costume of the empress, purple velvet manteau and dress embroidered in silver

Background imagePurple Collection: German Easter postcard with eggs and flowers

German Easter postcard with eggs and flowers. Date: circa 1960s

Background imagePurple Collection: A female photographer among crocuses in Soapery Gardens

A female photographer among crocuses in Soapery Gardens
A female photographer sits in the midst of a sea of purple and white crocuses in Soapery Gardens, Kirkcudbright, Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland. She wears brightly coloured clothes Date: 2014

Background imagePurple Collection: Green Chartreuse Liqueur, by William Barribal

Green Chartreuse Liqueur, by William Barribal Date: 1930s

Background imagePurple Collection: America at War Re-Elects Franklin D. Roosevelt, WW2

America at War Re-Elects Franklin D. Roosevelt, WW2
America at War Re-Elects Franklin D. Roosevelt, President of the United States, 7 November 1944 - USA WW2 commemorative postal cover envelope Date: 1944

Background imagePurple Collection: Alphabet of Democracy, America, Britain, China, Dutch, WW2

Alphabet of Democracy, America, Britain, China, Dutch, WW2
Alphabet of Democracy, America, Britain, China, Duch, WW2, American postal cover envelope Date: 1944

Background imagePurple Collection: Envelope, A Free France, for the Free French, WW2

Envelope, A Free France, for the Free French, WW2
WW2 envelope, A Free France, for the Free French! Thanks to the Yanks and British too! Date: 1944

Background imagePurple Collection: The Chelsea Matinee, at the Chelsea Palace Theatre, London

The Chelsea Matinee, at the Chelsea Palace Theatre, London, 20 March 1917 Date: 1917

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