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Puffball Collection

Background imagePuffball Collection: Puffball and earthstar mushrooms

Puffball and earthstar mushrooms
Spiny puffball, Lycoperdon echinatum, earthball, Scleroderma citrinum (Scleroderma vulgare), fringed earthstar, Geaster fimbriatus and Tulostoma fimbriatum (Tulostoma granulosum)

Background imagePuffball Collection: Basimycetes mushrooms and puffballs

Basimycetes mushrooms and puffballs: Phallus species 1, stinkhorn, Phallus impudicus 2, Aseroe rubra 3, latticed stinkhorn, Clathrus ruber 4, Clathrus crispus 5, Clathrus pusillus 6

Background imagePuffball Collection: Wan dai-fu orchid, Cymbidium sinense

Wan dai-fu orchid, Cymbidium sinense. Epidendrum sinense, Epidendro Chinese

Background imagePuffball Collection: Puffball mushrooms

Puffball mushrooms
Fluted birds nest, Cyathus striatus, spiny puffball, Lycoperdon echinatum (Lycoperdon gemmatum), Lycoperdon piriforme, giant pasture puffball, Mycenastrum corium, and paltry puffball

Background imagePuffball Collection: Mushroom species

Mushroom species
Mushroom and fungi species including stinkhorn, earthstar, puffball, rust, mold, etc

Background imagePuffball Collection: Puffball or puff-fist, Bovista plumbea (Lycoperdon bovista)

Puffball or puff-fist, Bovista plumbea (Lycoperdon bovista). Handcoloured lithograph by Henry Sowerby from Edward Hamiltons Flora Homeopathica, Bailliere, London, 1852

Background imagePuffball Collection: Giant puffball, common puffball and pestle puffball

Giant puffball, common puffball and pestle puffball
Giant puffball, Calvatia gigantea (Lycoperdon giganteum), common puffball, Lycoperdon gemmatum, and pestle puffball, Handkea excipuliformis (Lycoperdon saccatum)

Background imagePuffball Collection: Hygroscopic earthstar, Geastrum hygrometricum

Hygroscopic earthstar, Geastrum hygrometricum, and brown puffball, Bovista nigrescens, edible.. Chromolithograph by C

Background imagePuffball Collection: Spiny puffball, Lycoperdon echinatum, and earthball

Spiny puffball, Lycoperdon echinatum, and earthball, Scleroderma verrucosum, edible.. Chromolithograph by C. Krause from Fritz Leubas Edible and Poisonous Mushrooms, Neuchatel, Switzerland, 1890

Background imagePuffball Collection: Devils snuffbox, Lycoperdon gemmatum

Devils snuffbox, Lycoperdon gemmatum, and spiny puffball, L. echinatum.. Chromolithograph from Leon Dufours Atlas des Champignons Comestibles et Veneneux (1891)

Background imagePuffball Collection: Lycoperdon coliforme

Lycoperdon coliforme
Plate 1 from Drawings of Submerged Algae (1800) by Mary Dawson Turner. Held in the Botany Library at the Natural History Museum, London

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