Alexandre Delcommune - Belgian military and explorerAlexandre Delcommune (1855-1922). Belgian military and explorer, integrated in the Public Force of the Congo Free State. Portrait. Engraving
Woman reading a book wearing a giant bonnet, era of Marie Antoinette. Copperplate etching by Auguste Etienne Guillaumot from Costumes et coiffures du XVIIIe siecle
Muslim women entertaining themelves in their private quarters. Woman smoking hookah pipes, spinning yarn, embroidering, etc. Appartement d une dame Mahometane avec le tandour
Poincare EarlyRAYMOND POINCARE French statesman, fairly early in his career, as ministre de l instruction publique. But one of these days he will be President... Date: 1860 - 1934
Ligue Maritime francaise pour le developpement de la marine militaire et de la marine marchande reconnue comme etablissement d utilite publique. Sailors working on a ship in dock. Date 1918
Arenes du sport aeronautique sous la direction de Eugene Godard, aine, lundi de Paques, 6 avril 1885, e 2 heures. Experience publique de navigation aerienne, systeme A. Brisson (Brevete SGDG)
French Students DemoParis students demonstrate periodically against this, that or the other. With these medical students its something to do with the Assistance Publique... Date: 1892
Rioting in ViennaParis students demonstrate periodically against this, that or the other. With these medical students its something to do with the Assistance Publique