Notebook and wig of Justice HawkinsA notebook and wig once belonging to the English Judge, Justice Hawkins (Henry Hawkins, 1st Baron Brampton), given to Horatio William Bottomley, Liberal MP
Freiheit Trial / 1881The Freiheit prosecution - trial of Herr Johann Most at the Cebtral Criminal Court (Old Bailey). Mr A M Sullivan (Counsel for the Defence) is speaking
The Alledged Liberator Companies Frauds - the Trial of Jabez Balfour. Date: 1895
Strip tease card game - Joker card, featuring the four heads of the Theatre Manager, the exotic peformer, the prosecution barrister and the prude, Miss Prim
Welsh Chartist Martyrs -- Jones, Frost and WilliamsWelsh Chartist Martyrs, prosecuted for their involvement in the Newport Rising of 3-4 November 1839 -- William Jones (1809-1873), John Frost (1784-1877) and Zephaniah Williams (1795-1874). circa 1839
Dr Slade the spirit mediumThe trial of Henry Slade, the medium who was said to communicate with spirits by a slate board. Top sketch shows Mr G. Leis, counsel for the Prosecution and bottom image shows Professor E
Rouen, France - Palace of Justice - La Salle des Pas-Perdus (Prosecution Hall). Date: circa 1910s
WW1 - Comment on the food shortageWW1 - To ensure food supply during shortages, National and local food control committees were established to ensure food distribution across the country
Suffragette Trial Defence at Bow Street. The defence barrister, T.M Healy (1855-1931) in the prosecution of eight members of the Womens Freedom League charged with obstructing police in Downing
Sir Reginald Manningham-Buller (1905 - 1980)Attorney-General, Sir Reginald Manningham-Buller, who led for the prosecution in the spy trials of 1961. Date: May 1961
Walton Institution Visiting passA visiting pass for the West Derby Union workhouse at Walton, Liverpool. Visitors are warned that taking alcohol into the workhouse is forbidden and can result in prosecution. Date: 1919
Prosecution of Dr SladeThe prosecution of Dr Slade