Anna-Maria TaigiANNA-MARIA TAIGI, Sianese wife and mother who made impressive prophecies about the Catholic Church Date: 1769 - 1837
Oracle of Zeus, DodonaZEUS / JUPITER DODONEUS whose oracle at Dodona was the oldest in Greece : the prophecies came from the sacred oak, which is depicted here as having human form
Macedonian EmpireIf the prophecies of Daniel are rightly interpreted, his four-horned goat represents MACEDONIAN EMPIRE ruled by an evil king of mysterious countenance
ROBERT NIXON, PROPHETk.a.'The Cheshire Prophet, from Over Delamere, his successful prophecies include that he will starve to death, which happens by accident ; some say he died 1467 Date: died circa 1620
Millennium predictionsThose who support Antichrist will get their comeuppance early in the 20th century when the Angel of the First Vial pours liquid death on them Date: 1891
Oracle of DelphiThe ORACLE OF DELPHI, in a trance, utters prophecies which are taken down by a secretary
Roman AugurAn augur of ancient Rome utters prophecies based on the corn eaten by his hens
Anselm Turmeda or Abd-Allah at-Tarjuman (1355-1423). Majorcan writer. Prophecies. Fifteenth-century manuscript
GarencieresTHEOPHILE GARENCIERES French translator of the prophecies of Nostradamus Date: 1610 - 1680
The Cumaean SybilTHE CUMAEAN SYBIL It was she who offered Tarquinius Superbus the Sybilline Prophecies
End of the worldThe end of the world is predicted by prophets and sibyls Date: medieval
The GnosticsPriscille, placing the role of prophetess, falls to the ground in a possessed frenzy, while those gathered around listen to her prophecies with admiration and respect. Date: 1890s
Saint John
Dissenting WeaversTwo London weavers, Richard Farnham and John Bull, utter prophecies against the established church and are consigned, the one to Newgate, the other to Bridewell prison
ASYLAS, an Etruscan augur who drew prophecies from entrails (he has a dish of them !) but also from stars, comets and meteors
Jeremiah Thrown into PitHis prophecies of doom during the siege of Jerusalem so annoy the royal officers that they have him thrown into a muddy pit, but king Zedekiah has him pulled out again
Silversmiths at WorkSilversmiths at work - illustration to the prophecies of Jeremiah, chapter 6, who likens the wicked to repro- -bate silver which the Lord rejects as not up to standard
CASSANDRA, daughter of Priam & Hecuba, Trojan royals : prophetess, but when Apollo failed to ravish her, he fixed it that no one would believe her correct prophecies
Jupiter DodoneusZEUS / JUPITER DODONEUS whose oracle at Dodona was the oldest in Greece : the prophecies came from the sacred oak, which is depicted here as having human form
Nostradamus, French apothecary and prophetMichel de Nostredame, French apothecary and prophet