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Propaganda Collection

Background imagePropaganda Collection: Walter Cranes Garland

Walter Cranes Garland
Walter Crane shows his political allegiance in this May Day design. The ribbon that holds the garland of flowers together bears the slogans of his creed

Background imagePropaganda Collection: Ulster 1914 - Patriotic Postcard

Ulster 1914 - Patriotic Postcard
Patriotic Postcard from Ulster, 1914 depicting an Ulsterwoman with a gun, standing up for the British flag and her views as a Loyalist Unionist

Background imagePropaganda Collection: Britains Sea Power Is Yours

Britains Sea Power Is Yours
World War Two propaganda poster - Britains Sea Power Is Yours - showing the might of a British King George V Class Battleship cutting a swathe through the ocean

Background imagePropaganda Collection: United States Naval Construction Battalions - Seabees

United States Naval Construction Battalions - Seabees We Build and Fight with all our might! Date: 1942

Background imagePropaganda Collection: German propaganda poster, U Boote Heraus!, WW1

German propaganda poster, U Boote Heraus!, WW1
A German propaganda poster, U Boote Heraus! (U Boats Launch)

Background imagePropaganda Collection: Soviet propaganda poster - We want Peace

Soviet propaganda poster - We want Peace
" We want Peace!" Soviet propaganda poster - featuring a happy, singing Communist family, waving flags. Date: circa 1950s

Background imagePropaganda Collection: Propaganda poster for the RAF

Propaganda poster for the RAF during World War Two. Victory of the Allies is assured. Intensive bombing of Germanys war industries continues

Background imagePropaganda Collection: Britains Sea Power Is Yours

Britains Sea Power Is Yours
World War Two propaganda poster for the Royal Navy - Britains Sea Power Is Yours - depicting a British submarine crew at action stations during an attack

Background imagePropaganda Collection: Back Them Up

Back Them Up! World War Two poster issued by HMSO (Her Majestys Stationery Office) featuring RAF Spitfires chasing and downing German fighter aircraft

Background imagePropaganda Collection: Britains Sea Power Is Yours

Britains Sea Power Is Yours
World War Two propaganda poster for the Royal Navy - Britains Sea Power Is Yours - showing destroyers in line ahead

Background imagePropaganda Collection: Salvation Army / Wwi

Salvation Army / Wwi
World War I poster requesting the public to donate food and supplies to the Salvation Army who will distribute to soldiers fighting in France

Background imagePropaganda Collection: Sri Lanka - Ceylon. Her tea and other industries

Sri Lanka - Ceylon. Her tea and other industries
A larger version of this uncommon pictorial poster map was originally published by the Ceylon Tea Propaganda Board in 1933

Background imagePropaganda Collection: German propaganda poster, WW1

German propaganda poster, WW1
German propaganda poster, encouraging women to work in the Home Army during the First World War, for example by working in munitions factories to make grenades for soldiers to use. Date: 1914-1918

Background imagePropaganda Collection: Polish anti-war poster -- Nie

Polish anti-war poster -- Nie
Polish anti-war poster of a ruined city in the silhouette of a falling bomb, with the single word Nie (No)

Background imagePropaganda Collection: Propaganda poster: prime ministers statement

Propaganda poster: prime ministers statement
Second world war propaganda poster. Above a photograph of five brave airmen is a quotation from the Prime Minister, Winston Churchill: Never was so much owed by so many to so few

Background imagePropaganda Collection: Propaganda poster: careless talk costs lives

Propaganda poster: careless talk costs lives
Second world war propaganda poster warning people that careless talk costs lives. Tell nobody -- not even her

Background imagePropaganda Collection: Britains Sea Power Is Yours

Britains Sea Power Is Yours
World War Two propaganda poster for the Royal Navy - Britains Sea Power Is Yours - illustrated by an Illustrious class aircraft carrier with its escorts and aircraft

Background imagePropaganda Collection: Anti home Rule Postcard

Anti home Rule Postcard
KING WILLIAM III Propaganda against home rule in Ireland, celebrating William of Orange as " of glorious, pious and immortal memory" and victory at the Battle of the Boyne

Background imagePropaganda Collection: Chinese Communist Propaganda Poster, Chairman Mao

Chinese Communist Propaganda Poster, Chairman Mao
Chinese Communist Party Propaganda Poster, Chairman Mao Zedong. 1951

Background imagePropaganda Collection: Free French - Honour the Maquis

Free French - Honour the Maquis. The Maquis were rural guerrilla bands of French Resistance fighters, called maquisards, during the Occupation of France in World War II Date: circa 1941

Background imagePropaganda Collection: German postcard, Kaiser Wilhelm and Hindenburg, WW1

German postcard, Kaiser Wilhelm and Hindenburg, WW1
German propaganda postcard, Germanys Pride, depicting Kaiser Wilhelm II and Field Marshal Von Hindenburg standing side by side in uniform during the First World War. Date: 1914-1918

Background imagePropaganda Collection: Soviet propaganda poster

Soviet propaganda poster: a Red Army officer, fearing civil disorder during a strike, asks the citizens to hand in their weapons

Background imagePropaganda Collection: Irish Elections 1923

Irish Elections 1923
Election propaganda posters for Eamon De Valera : " We will wade through the blood of our fellow Irishmen and through the blood of Members of the Government"

Background imagePropaganda Collection: Czech Republic - 10th All Sokol Rally in Prague 1938

Czech Republic - 10th All Sokol Rally in Prague 1938
A rally to promoting public exercise as a way to stimulate national self importance (through organised gymnastic and athletic demonstrations - usually mass-participation)

Background imagePropaganda Collection: The Last Man, Hans Bohrdt - Propaganda - German navy officer

The Last Man, Hans Bohrdt - Propaganda - German navy officer
In 1915 Hans Bohrdt created his most famous illustration which is called " The Last Man"

Background imagePropaganda Collection: The Central Powers of WWI

The Central Powers of WWI
With United Forces (the motto of Emperor Franz Josef I) - patriotic depiction of the Central Powers of WWI - Germany, Turkey and Austro-Hungary

Background imagePropaganda Collection: Dig for Victory poster - WWII

Dig for Victory poster - WWII
World War Two poster encouraging British civilians to dig for victory, featuring somebody doing just that

Background imagePropaganda Collection: Spanish Civil War. Viva Espa񡦱uot;. Propaganda

Spanish Civil War. Viva Espa񡦱uot;. Propaganda
" Spanish Civil War. " Viva Espa񡦱 uot; ". Propaganda poster from the Fascist side with and illustration of la Virgen del Pilar (Our Lady of the Pillar)."

Background imagePropaganda Collection: Greek Anti-Turkish Propaganda Postcard (1 of 2)

Greek Anti-Turkish Propaganda Postcard (1 of 2)
Greek Anti-Turkish Propaganda

Background imagePropaganda Collection: WW2 poster, Back Them Up

WW2 poster, Back Them Up! Showing a British commando raid on a German-held port in Norway. Date: 1940s

Background imagePropaganda Collection: V for Victory. US World War Two propaganda postcard

V for Victory. US World War Two propaganda postcard
V for Victory. World War Two propaganda postcard: United We Stand - featuring a backdrop of stripes from the American flag. The card also features the morse codes symbols for the letter v. Date: 1941

Background imagePropaganda Collection: WWI - The Central Powers - Propaganda - Harmony

WWI - The Central Powers - Propaganda - Harmony. The Central Powers consisted of Germany, Austro-Hungary and The Ottoman Empire up to 1915, when they were joined by The Kingdom of Bulgaria

Background imagePropaganda Collection: Careless Talk Costs Lives - WWII poster

Careless Talk Costs Lives - WWII poster
Poster warning of the dangers of gossiping and inadvertently giving away national secrets to the enemy during World War Two

Background imagePropaganda Collection: Czech Republic - Sokol Rally in Prague 1929

Czech Republic - Sokol Rally in Prague 1929
A rally to promoting public exercise as a way to stimulate national self importance (through organised gymnastic and athletic demonstrations - usually mass-participation)

Background imagePropaganda Collection: Yugoslavia - Sokol Rally in Belgrade

Yugoslavia - Sokol Rally in Belgrade
A rally to promoting public exercise as a way to stimulate national self importance (through organised gymnastic and athletic demonstrations - usually mass-participation)

Background imagePropaganda Collection: Czech Republic - 6th All Sokol Rally in Prague

Czech Republic - 6th All Sokol Rally in Prague
A rally to promoting public exercise as a way to stimulate national self importance (through organised gymnastic and athletic demonstrations - usually mass-participation)

Background imagePropaganda Collection: World War I recruitment poster

World War I recruitment poster
Poster produced by the Parliamentary Recruiting Committee during World War I, depicting a typical British Tommy in uniform with bayonet fixed, calling across from France to England for more volunteers

Background imagePropaganda Collection: Russian Propaganda Poster

Russian Propaganda Poster
A Russian Propaganda Poster from the early Bolshevik era, depicting a red army cavalry soldier charging into battle on a fine white steed, sword raised in agressive pose

Background imagePropaganda Collection: Recruitment poster for the British Army

Recruitment poster for the British Army
Poster for the Parliamentary Recruiting Committee, encouraging everyone to Step Into Your Place. A long line of people, soldiers and civilians, combine in their effort to win the war

Background imagePropaganda Collection: Liberal Election Campaign Card, 1909

Liberal Election Campaign Card, 1909
A Liberal Party campaign card for the 1909 General Election. A grim image of an elderly couple heading for the workhouse is contrasted with the partys vision of sunlit fields of waving corn

Background imagePropaganda Collection: Britains Sea Power Is Yours

Britains Sea Power Is Yours
World War Two propaganda poster for the Royal Navy - Britains Sea Power Is Yours - illustrated by ships and warships of all kinds, designed to reassure with a shared sense of patriotism

Background imagePropaganda Collection: Save Food Poster / Wwi

Save Food Poster / Wwi
Poster depicting a British soldier encouraging those on the home front to save food in response to food shortages due to German U-boat targeting of British merchant ships

Background imagePropaganda Collection: Save Food / Wwi Poster

Save Food / Wwi Poster
A First World War poster encouraging people to save food, featuring a sailor about to embark for war on a battle ship

Background imagePropaganda Collection: Card Game - The Game of Suffragette

Card Game - The Game of Suffragette
The Game of Suffragette was devised and produced by the Kensington branch of the Womens Social & Political Union

Background imagePropaganda Collection: Poster : Rifle at Hand

Poster : Rifle at Hand
workers, Keep your Rifles Within Hands Reach !

Background imagePropaganda Collection: WW2 poster, Back Them Up

WW2 poster, Back Them Up! Showing a British tank attack in the Western Desert. Date: 1940s

Background imagePropaganda Collection: We Are Not Downhearted by H. T. Hardy

We Are Not Downhearted by H. T. Hardy
World War One postcard showing a a group of children, dressed in the uniforms of French, British, Russian and Belgian soldiers, arm in arm and holding their individual countrys flags

Background imagePropaganda Collection: Wartime poster for conserving of clothes and food

Wartime poster for conserving of clothes and food
Second World War poster by Fougasse, encouraging people not to throw away clothing or food

Background imagePropaganda Collection: The crew of a German submarine - First World War

The crew of a German submarine - First World War
The hideous crew (!) of a German U-boat Submarine, poking their head out from the viewing platform, with the periscope in front. A very direct Allied propaganda postcard

Background imagePropaganda Collection: Is that You, Daddy?

Is that You, Daddy?
IS THAT YOU, DADDY ? Propaganda for prohibition presupposes that every man who patronises a bar will become a drunken sot

Background imagePropaganda Collection: Postcard / Minister

Postcard / Minister
A Minister assailed by Suffragettes outside the House of Commons

Background imagePropaganda Collection: Suffragette woman in the stocks, unsympathetic cartoon

Suffragette woman in the stocks, unsympathetic cartoon
Unsympathetic comment on Votes or Women 1913

Background imagePropaganda Collection: MUSSOLINI SAVES EUROPE

Mussolini returns from Munich to be applauded as the salvatore della pace who has saved Europe from imminent conflagration. Date: 1938

Background imagePropaganda Collection: Communist China - training barefoot doctors

Communist China - training barefoot doctors
Communist China - a military doctor trains three young women as so-called barefoot doctors, usually village-based farm workers trained in primary health care and basic hygiene, including acupuncture

Background imagePropaganda Collection: Gott Strafe England - German poster, WW1

Gott Strafe England - German poster, WW1
A reproduction of a German poster from the First World War reproduced in The Tatler magazine

Background imagePropaganda Collection: German propaganda postcard, Our Kaiser, WW1

German propaganda postcard, Our Kaiser, WW1
German propaganda postcard, Our Kaiser, depicting Kaiser Wilhelm II in uniform during the First World War, with a flag flying behind him. Date: 1914-1918

Background imagePropaganda Collection: WW2 - Laundry - It ll soon be hanging on the Siegfried Line

WW2 - Laundry - It ll soon be hanging on the Siegfried Line
WW2 humour - " Two British soldiers doing their laundry comment that " It ll soon be hanging on the Siegfried Line!". Date: circa 1944

Background imagePropaganda Collection: WW2 poster, Get used to the blackout

WW2 poster, Get used to the blackout
WW2 poster by Fougasse, Some day I really will try waiting for a few minutes to get used to the blackout... if only I m still here

Background imagePropaganda Collection: WW2 poster, The blackout

WW2 poster, The blackout
WW2 poster by Fougasse, The blackout -- why not wear something white instead? Issued in support of the Ministry of War Transports Road Safety Campaign by The Bristol Tramways & Carriage Co Ltd

Background imagePropaganda Collection: Canadian World War One Patriotic Postcard

Canadian World War One Patriotic Postcard. " Here Comes Canada!" Date: circa 1916

Background imagePropaganda Collection: Freikorps / Munich 1919

Freikorps / Munich 1919
Freikorp troops march through Munich. A propaganda photo claiming that the city had been liberated by these Bavarian right wing & antiparliamentary units

Background imagePropaganda Collection: Leslie Howard as RJ Mitchell in The First of the Few

Leslie Howard as RJ Mitchell in The First of the Few
Leslie Howard (1893-1943) photographed on the film set for The First of the Few, in which he played the Spitfire designer RJ Mitchell. 1942

Background imagePropaganda Collection: WW1 - German anti-British propaganda postcard

WW1 - German anti-British propaganda postcard - Caught and Trapped - a duplicitous British Army Officer is captured by the forces of the Central Powers trying to smuggle a machine gun to his men

Background imagePropaganda Collection: WWI - The Lion Roused - British Propaganda postcard

WWI - The Lion Roused - British Propaganda postcard full of strength, defiance and patriotism. The confidence evident in 1914... Date: 1914

Background imagePropaganda Collection: Czech Republic - 9th All Sokol Rally in Prague 1932

Czech Republic - 9th All Sokol Rally in Prague 1932
9th All Sokol Rally in Prague 1932

Background imagePropaganda Collection: Who Said Germans? - Patriotic Bulldogs

Who Said Germans? - Patriotic Bulldogs in defiant pose against the Kaiser

Background imagePropaganda Collection: Soviet propaganda poster from World War Two

Soviet propaganda poster from World War Two
Soviet propaganda poster, TASS Window no. 469. An heroic young female partisan resists the invading Germans. A patriotic poem by Vasyl Lebedev-Kumach appears below the image

Background imagePropaganda Collection: British and Indian soldiers - WWI allies (2 / 3)

British and Indian soldiers - WWI allies (2 / 3)
Comrades at Arms British and Indian troops fighting together during WWI

Background imagePropaganda Collection: First Balkan War (1912 - 1913) - Hand-to-hand combat

First Balkan War (1912 - 1913) - Hand-to-hand combat
Hand-to-hand combat during the First Balkan War as Greek troops overun a Turkish gun battery

Background imagePropaganda Collection: WW2 - USA - Propaganda - We gave for our own, for our allies

WW2 - USA - Propaganda - We gave for our own, for our allies - relating to the Wartime Bond Scheme to contribute to the war effort. Date: circa 1944

Background imagePropaganda Collection: Propaganda / Bismarck

Propaganda / Bismarck
Bismarck exploits the power of the Reptile Press. Date: 1889

Background imagePropaganda Collection: WW1 - Recruitment Poster - York Railway Station

WW1 - Recruitment Poster - York Railway Station
WW1 - A series of Recruitment posters calling on Men of the North to join the Armed forces - York Railway Station, 1914

Background imagePropaganda Collection: To England! German dreams of an invasion by sea and air

To England! German dreams of an invasion by sea and air
To England! German dreams of an invasion by sea (warships) and air (a fleet of Zeppelins). Postcard sold to raise money for the German air war effort. Date: circa 1916

Background imagePropaganda Collection: Vietnam War - Patriotic Poster - Colonialists Beware!

Vietnam War - Patriotic Poster - Colonialists Beware!
Vietnam War - Vietnamese Patriotic Poster. Colonialists and International Traitors! - You should think carefully before you take on Vietnam Date: 2nd half of the 20th century

Background imagePropaganda Collection: The William Morris Clarion van

The William Morris Clarion van
A man stands on a Clarion van under a banner reading Socialism talking to a crowd of people congregated around him

Background imagePropaganda Collection: Spain

Spain. Civil War. Los Nacionales (The Nationals), poster edited by the Republican Ministry of Propaganda. Painting

Background imagePropaganda Collection: King George V offering thanks to the Army and Navy - WWI

King George V offering thanks to the Army and Navy - WWI Christmas 1918. Date: circa 1918

Background imagePropaganda Collection: WWII - Remember Pearl Harbour

WWII - Remember Pearl Harbour
Remember Pearl Harbour First Day Cover illustration depicting the Japanese aerial assault on the American Naval base at Pearl Harbour, a lagoon harbour on the island of Oahu, Hawaii

Background imagePropaganda Collection: Congratulations from Lord Kitchener to Sir John French

Congratulations from Lord Kitchener to Sir John French
Postcard detailing the congratulations sent from Lord Kitchener to General Sir John French on August 25th 1914

Background imagePropaganda Collection: The Kaiser handing over his sword to Douglas Haig

The Kaiser handing over his sword to Douglas Haig
" The Next Haig Convention" By the 23rd of October, Britain could almost taste victory and this picture by Arthur Ferrier, showing a cowed Kaiser handing over his sword to Douglas Haig

Background imagePropaganda Collection: US War effort postcard - 1941 - Keep em Flying

US War effort postcard - 1941 - Keep em Flying
Keep em Flying Propaganda postcard from 1941 (after the USA had entered the War following the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbour), encouraging productivity to aid the War effort

Background imagePropaganda Collection: The Big Push March 1916

The Big Push March 1916
The Big Push - a march, no doubt intended to rouse all who hear it to push a little harder for victory Date: 1916

Background imagePropaganda Collection: Czech Republic - Sokol Rally in Prague 1920s

Czech Republic - Sokol Rally in Prague 1920s
A rally to promoting public exercise as a way to stimulate national self importance (through organised gymnastic and athletic demonstrations - usually mass-participation)

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