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Predator Collection

Background imagePredator Collection: Tasmanian Tiger or Thylacine

Tasmanian Tiger or Thylacine (Thylacinus cynocephalus) in captivity at London Zoo. The species is believed to be extinct

Background imagePredator Collection: Bald eagle, Haliaeetus leucocephalus

Bald eagle, Haliaeetus leucocephalus, adult with rabbit prey

Background imagePredator Collection: Eagle Owl - with prey - forest glade of Ural Mountains

Eagle Owl - with prey - forest glade of Ural Mountains (Bubo bubo). Russia - winter snow

Background imagePredator Collection: Pterodactyl / Dragonfly

Pterodactyl / Dragonfly
A Pterodactyl of the Lassic Period, chasing a giant dragonfly

Background imagePredator Collection: The Hungry Fox (animal as human) 1 of 5

The Hungry Fox (animal as human) 1 of 5
A hungry fox, dressed in a jacket and scarf, goes out on the prowl in the night for food

Background imagePredator Collection: Fieldmouse (Bewick)

Fieldmouse (Bewick)
mus sylvaticus - the LONG- TAILED FIELD-MOUSE : this is the Country Mouse of Aesops fable, who prefers to risk reapers and predator birds to adopting an urban lifestyle

Background imagePredator Collection: Egyptian vulture, Andean condor, and wedge-tailed eagle

Egyptian vulture, Andean condor, and wedge-tailed eagle
Endangered Egyptian vulture, Neophron percnopterus 1, Andean condor, Vultur gryphus 2, wedge-tailed eagle, Aquila audax 3, and head of snowy owl, Bubo scandiacus 4

Background imagePredator Collection: Reconstruction of Protorosaurus speneri and Menaspis armata

Reconstruction of Protorosaurus speneri and Menaspis armata
Reconstruction of a Protorosaurus speneri, lizard-like archosauromorph reptile of the late Permian, preying on a Menaspis armata, holocephalian cartilaginous fish

Background imagePredator Collection: Reconstruction of a Phytosaur with Ceratodus

Reconstruction of a Phytosaur with Ceratodus
Reconstruction of a phytosaur, Nicrosaurus kapffi, of the Late Triassic. Krokodil, Belodon kapffii. It holds a a Ceratodus lungfish in its jaws. Phytosaurus. Colour printed illustration by F

Background imagePredator Collection: Reconstruction of a cave cave bear, Ursus spelaeus

Reconstruction of a cave cave bear, Ursus spelaeus. A prehistoric species of bear from the Pleistocene that became extinct in the Last Glacial Maximum. Standing on prey, a dead Palaeoloxodon

Background imagePredator Collection: Andean condor and southern crested caracara

Andean condor and southern crested caracara
Andean condor, Le condor, Vultur gryphus 2, and le cara-cara, southern crested caracara, Caracara plancus 1

Background imagePredator Collection: Bearded eagle and Eurasia griffon

Bearded eagle and Eurasia griffon
Bearded eagle, Gypaetus barbatus, and Eurasia griffon, Gyps fulvus. Le griffon, Vultur barbatus, Le percnoptere, Vultur fulvus

Background imagePredator Collection: Osprey and white-tailed eagle

Osprey and white-tailed eagle
Osprey, Pandion haliaetus, and white-tailed eagle, Haliaeetus albicilla. Le balbusard, Falco haliaetus, l'orfraie, Falco ossifragus

Background imagePredator Collection: Golden eagle, Aquila chrysaetos

Golden eagle, Aquila chrysaetos 1, 2. L'aigle commun, Falco fulvus, le grand aigle, Falco chrysaetos

Background imagePredator Collection: Greater spotted eagle and bald eagle

Greater spotted eagle and bald eagle
Greater spotted eagle, Clanga clanga, and bald eagle, Haliaeetus leucocephalus (Le petit aigle, Falco naevius, la pigargue, Falco ossifragus)

Background imagePredator Collection: Western marsh harrier and short-toed snake eagle

Western marsh harrier and short-toed snake eagle
Western marsh harrier, Circus aeruginosus, and short-toed snake eagle, Circaetus gallicus. La harpaye, Falco rufus, Jean le blanc, Falco gallicus

Background imagePredator Collection: Rattlesnake and boa constrictor

Rattlesnake and boa constrictor
Timber rattlesnake, Crotalus horridus b, and red-tailed boa, Boa constrictor, crushing a deer a

Background imagePredator Collection: Eagles and kite

Eagles and kite
Golden eagle, Aquila chrysaetos a, white-tailed eagle with fish, Haliaeetus albicilla b, short-toed snake eagle with snake, Circaetus gallicus c, and red kite, Milvus milvus d

Background imagePredator Collection: Lions, tiger and jaguar

Lions, tiger and jaguar
Lion and lioness with cubs, Panthera leo a, b, endangered tiger, Panthera tigris c, and jaguar, Panthera onca d

Background imagePredator Collection: Crested caracara, Caracara plancus

Crested caracara, Caracara plancus. Plaintive eagle, Falco plancus. From a specimen brought to England by Dr. Johann Reinhold Forster

Background imagePredator Collection: Portrait of Baron Georges Cuvier

Portrait of Baron Georges Cuvier, French naturalist and zoologist, 1769-1832

Background imagePredator Collection: Egyptian vulture, Neophron percnopterus ginginianus

Egyptian vulture, Neophron percnopterus ginginianus. Gingi vulture, le vautour de gingi, coast of Coromandel

Background imagePredator Collection: Portrait of Baron Georges Cuvier from a medallion

Portrait of Baron Georges Cuvier from a medallion
Portrait of Baron Georges Cuvier, French naturalist and zoologist, 1769-1832. From a medallion with laurel wreath and Legion of Honour by Pierre-Jean David d'Angers in the possession of Dr

Background imagePredator Collection: Titlepage with vignette of a lion attacking a tiger

Titlepage with vignette of a lion attacking a tiger

Background imagePredator Collection: Canadian lynx, Lynx canadensis

Canadian lynx, Lynx canadensis (Felis lynx)

Background imagePredator Collection: Skeleton of a full grown young lion, Panthera leo

Skeleton of a full grown young lion, Panthera leo, Felis leo

Background imagePredator Collection: Eurasian lynx, Lynx lynx

Eurasian lynx, Lynx lynx (Spotted lynx, Felis lynx)

Background imagePredator Collection: Siberian lynx, Lynx lynx wrangeli (Felis lynx)

Siberian lynx, Lynx lynx wrangeli (Felis lynx)

Background imagePredator Collection: Jungle cat, Felis chaus

Jungle cat, Felis chaus
Jungle cat, reed cat or swamp cat, Felis chaus (Booted lynx, Felis chaus)

Background imagePredator Collection: Eurasian lynx, Lynx lynx

Eurasian lynx, Lynx lynx (Common lynx, Felis lynx). On a branch with prey, a squirrel

Background imagePredator Collection: Caracal, Caracal caracal

Caracal, Caracal caracal (Felis caracal)

Background imagePredator Collection: Pampas cat or pantanal, Leopardus colocola

Pampas cat or pantanal, Leopardus colocola. (Colocolo, Felis colocolo, Molina)

Background imagePredator Collection: Jaguarundi, Puma yagouaroundi

Jaguarundi, Puma yagouaroundi. From a specimen of a Cuguacuarara in the collection of Prince Maurice of Nassau. Felis eyra, Eira, Felis eira. South America

Background imagePredator Collection: Serval, Leptailurus serval

Serval, Leptailurus serval (Cape cat, Felis capensis). From a nine-month old specimen

Background imagePredator Collection: Sunda leopard cat, Prionailurus bengalensis subsp. sumatranus

Sunda leopard cat, Prionailurus bengalensis subsp. sumatranus. Rimau bulu, Felis sumatrana, Horsfield

Background imagePredator Collection: Jaguarundi, Puma yagouaroundi

Jaguarundi, Puma yagouaroundi (Yagouaroundi, Felis yagouaroundi, d'Azzara)

Background imagePredator Collection: The wild cat, Felis catus

The wild cat, Felis catus

Background imagePredator Collection: Wild tortoiseshell cat from South America, Felis catus

Wild tortoiseshell cat from South America, Felis catus

Background imagePredator Collection: Margay, Leopardus wiedii

Margay, Leopardus wiedii. Named after Prince Maximilian of Wied-Neuwied. Margay, Felis tigrina

Background imagePredator Collection: Margay, Leopardus wiedii

Margay, Leopardus wiedii. Named after Prince Maximilian of Wied-Neuwied. Neuweid cat, Felis macrourus of Prince Maximilian

Background imagePredator Collection: Serval, Leptailurus serval

Serval, Leptailurus serval (Felis serval)

Background imagePredator Collection: Ocelot, Leopardus pardalis mitis

Ocelot, Leopardus pardalis mitis. (The chatl, Felis mitis)

Background imagePredator Collection: Margay, Leopardus wiedii catenata

Margay, Leopardus wiedii catenata. Threatened. Named after Prince Maximilian of Wied-Neuwied

Background imagePredator Collection: Jaguarundi, Puma yagouaroundi

Jaguarundi, Puma yagouaroundi (Liver-coloured cat, Felis chalybeata)

Background imagePredator Collection: Ocelot, Leopardus pardalis

Ocelot, Leopardus pardalis (Felis pardalis)

Background imagePredator Collection: Jaguar, Panthera onca

Jaguar, Panthera onca (Once, Felis onca)

Background imagePredator Collection: Cheetah, Acinonyx jubatus

Cheetah, Acinonyx jubatus (Hunting leopard, Felis jubata) Possibly the panther of the ancients

Background imagePredator Collection: Leopard, Panthera pardus, vulnerable

Leopard, Panthera pardus, vulnerable. Felis leopardus

Background imagePredator Collection: The panther of antiquity

The panther of antiquity, legendary creature. Based on a stuffed specimen in Hesse Cassel museum described by Charles Hamilton Smith

Background imagePredator Collection: Black jaguar, Fanthera pardus

Black jaguar, Fanthera pardus
Black jaguar or black panther, Fanthera onca, with skull. Melanistic variant of the jaguar. (Felis discolor.) A specimen was exhibited in George Wombwell's Menagerie

Background imagePredator Collection: Leopard, Panthera pardus, vulnerable

Leopard, Panthera pardus, vulnerable. Panther, Felis pardus

Background imagePredator Collection: Jaguar, Panthera onca

Jaguar, Panthera onca (Felis onca)

Background imagePredator Collection: Hybrid lion and tiger cubs

Hybrid lion and tiger cubs
Young mixed breed cubs, hybrid lion and tiger cubs, liger or tigon, Panthera leo and Panthera tigris

Background imagePredator Collection: White tiger, Panthera tigris tigris. Endangered

White tiger, Panthera tigris tigris. Endangered
White tiger or bleached tiger, endangered leucistic pigmentation variant of the Bengal tiger, Panthera tigris tigris

Background imagePredator Collection: Clouded leopard, Neofelis nebulosa

Clouded leopard, Neofelis nebulosa. Vulnerable. (Clouded tiger, Felis nebulosa)

Background imagePredator Collection: Lioness and cubs, Panthera leo

Lioness and cubs, Panthera leo (Felis leo)

Background imagePredator Collection: Bengal tiger, Panthera tigris tigris

Bengal tiger, Panthera tigris tigris. Tiger, Felis tigris

Background imagePredator Collection: Cougar, Puma concolor

Cougar, Puma concolor

Background imagePredator Collection: Asiatic lion, endangered, Panthera leo leo

Asiatic lion, endangered, Panthera leo leo or Panthera leo persica

Background imagePredator Collection: African lion, Panthera leo. Vulnerable

African lion, Panthera leo. Vulnerable
African lion, male, Panthera leo. Vulnerable. Felis leo

Background imagePredator Collection: Lion, bear, wolf and fox fight over the carcass of a deer

Lion, bear, wolf and fox fight over the carcass of a deer
A lion stands with its left foreleg on the belly of a deer, watched by a snarling bear, wolf and fox. Lion, bear, fox and wolf. Illustration of a fable by Greek author Aesop

Background imagePredator Collection: A lion eating the carcass of a stag in a cave

A lion eating the carcass of a stag in a cave. A cunning fox had flatttered it into the lion's den. Stag in the lion's den. The lion, fox and stag

Background imagePredator Collection: Two roosters fighting in a barn yard below an eagle

Two roosters fighting in a barn yard below an eagle
Two roosters fighting in a barn yard while an eagle hovers above. The eagle takes the winner. Cocks fighting and eagle. Illustration of a fable by Greek author Aesop

Background imagePredator Collection: A crane puts its head into a wolf's mouth

A crane puts its head into a wolf's mouth to remove a bone stuck in its throat. Wolf and crane. Illustration of a fable by Greek author Aesop

Background imagePredator Collection: An eagle swoops down to grab a hare with its talons

An eagle swoops down to grab a hare with its talons
An eagle swoops down to grab a hare with its beak and talons. Meanwhile a hawk hovers over a gloating sparrow. Eagle, hare, hawk and sparrow. Illustration of a fable by Greek author Aesop

Background imagePredator Collection: Polar bears hunting seals in an Arctic landscape

Polar bears hunting seals in an Arctic landscape
Polar bears, Ursus maritimus, hunting seals in an Arctic landscape. Ours blancs. Chromolithograph by C

Background imagePredator Collection: Male tiger, Panthera tigris, endangered

Male tiger, Panthera tigris, endangered, on a river bank in the jungle. Tyger, Felis tigris. From a specimen in the menagerie of the Exeter Exchange, 1805

Background imagePredator Collection: Eurasian eagle-owl perched on top of a Gothic castle

Eurasian eagle-owl perched on top of a Gothic castle
Eurasian eagle-owl, Bubo bubo, perched on top of the ruins of a Gothic castle in a mountainous terrain

Background imagePredator Collection: Northern goshawk, Accipiter gentilis, perched in a tree

Northern goshawk, Accipiter gentilis, perched in a tree
Northern goshawk, Accipiter gentilis, Falco palumbarius, perched in a tree in a mountainous landscape

Background imagePredator Collection: Golden eagle, Aquila chrysaetos, standing on the edge of a cliff

Golden eagle, Aquila chrysaetos, standing on the edge of a cliff. Drawn from a specimen in the Leverian Museum

Background imagePredator Collection: Barn owl, Tyto alba

Barn owl, Tyto alba
Species of owl, possibly the barn owl, Tyto alba. De Avibus, de Ulula

Background imagePredator Collection: Endangered saker falcon, Falco cherrug

Endangered saker falcon, Falco cherrug
Species of falcon, possibly the endangered saker falcon, Falco cherrug. De Avibus, de Falcone cui pedes caerulei, cyanopoda dixeris

Background imagePredator Collection: Little owl, Athene noctua

Little owl, Athene noctua (Noctua saxatalis). De Avibus

Background imagePredator Collection: Common kestrel, Falco tinnunculus

Common kestrel, Falco tinnunculus. De Tinnunculo accipitre

Background imagePredator Collection: Common buzzard, Buteo buteo

Common buzzard, Buteo buteo. Poiana comune in Italian. Buteonibus testes terni

Background imagePredator Collection: Merlin, Falco columbarius

Merlin, Falco columbarius. Faucon emerillon

Background imagePredator Collection: Species of hunting hawk, possibly the sparrowhawk or peregrine f

Species of hunting hawk, possibly the sparrowhawk or peregrine f
Species of hawk, possibly the Eurasian sparrowhawk, Accipiter nisus, or peregrine falcon, Falco peregrinus. With bells on its feet. De Avibus, Falcones, sparverium, naba, basi, albazi, mar an bas

Background imagePredator Collection: Eurasian eagle-owl, Bubo bubo

Eurasian eagle-owl, Bubo bubo. De Avibus

Background imagePredator Collection: Endangered Egyptian vulture, Neophron percnopterus

Endangered Egyptian vulture, Neophron percnopterus
Endangered Egyptian vulture or white scavenger vulture, Neophron percnopterus, Aquila percnopterus. De Aquila heteropode

Background imagePredator Collection: Spotted eagle, Clanga clanga

Spotted eagle, Clanga clanga. Vulnerable. De Avibus, de Aquila anataria. Aquila planga, Aquila clanga, Plaintive Eagle, Aquila naevia

Background imagePredator Collection: Golden eagle, Aquila chrysaetos

Golden eagle, Aquila chrysaetos. De Aquila germana (quamherodium albertus, Aelianus chrysaeton & stellarem)

Background imagePredator Collection: Title page with vignette of hawk from Conrad Gessner's Historiae

Title page with vignette of hawk from Conrad Gessner's Historiae
Title page with vignette of a species of hawk, possibly the Eurasian sparrowhawk, Accipiter nisus, or peregrine falcon, Falco peregrinus, with bells on its feet

Background imagePredator Collection: The Lion, the Fox and the Geese

The Lion, the Fox and the Geese. A fox in ermine robe speaks at a parliament of animals after the retirement of the lion king

Background imagePredator Collection: The Fox at the Point of Death

The Fox at the Point of Death. A fox leaning its head on its left forepaw like a philosopher surrounded by a pack of foxes in a forest clearing near a ruined wall

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