Portrait of Dona Isabel, wife of captain BarriosPedro Ruiz Gonzalez (1640-1706). Spanish painter. Portrait of Dona Isabel, wife of captain Barrios. Oil on canvas (79, 5 x 108 cm), circa 1682. El Greco Museum. Toledo, Spain
Bas-relief depicting Jesus, the Virgin and Saint John - tombFrontal of a stone tomb. Bas-relief depicting Jesus, the Virgin and Saint John. 15th century. Probably from the Convent of Santo Domingo or the Church of Santo Tomi¡s (La Coruna, Galicia, Spain)
Sarcophagus lid with sculpture of a knight in prayerSarcophagus lid with recumbent sculpture of a knight in prayer attitude. Second half of the 15th century. From the Church of San Xiao de Almeiras (Culleredo, La Coruna province, Galicia, Spain)
Tomb with depiction of a recumbent female figure and a dogStone tomb with depiction of a recumbent female figure and a dog in bas-relief. 1425-1450. Convent of Santo Domingo (La Coruna, Galicia, Spain)
Tombstone with prayer figure in bas-relief, 1411-1414. From the Convent of Santo Domingo (A Coruna, Galicia, Spain). Archaeological and History Museum of A Coruna (San Anton Castle). Galicia, Spain
Tombstone with relief depicting two praying figures. 1400-1450. The upper part shows the marriage formed by Gomez Patino and Maria de Galo to whom the tombstone belongs
Pre Romanesque art. Spain. 10th Century. Prayerful. Church oPre Romanesque art. Spain. 10th Century. Prayerful. Male figure with a beard, robe and arms extended inside a circle decorated with zig-zag. Over the circle there is a peacock
A poor seamstress on Christmas morningThis illustration entitled The poor seamstress on Christmas morning shows a lonely but prayerful young woman and a respectful sympathy for the poor