Joseph Berchoux - 2JOSEPH BERCHOUX French poet who sang the praises of the culinary art in his poem La Gastronomie. Date: 1765 - 1839
Letter to Laura Francatelli, RMS Titanic survivorWhite Star Line, RMS Titanic
Mopsus & Menalcas / VirgilMopsus & Menalcas sing praises of Daphnis
Gladstone and the WelshWILLIAM EWART GLADSTONE He praises Welsh culture - but advises them to learn english... Date: 1809 - 1898
Paris Salon D autoA smooth salesman sings the praises of his companys new model at the Salon d Auto, Paris. Date: 1933
Apotheosis of HomerThe apotheosis of Homer - divine beings crown him with laurels, musicians sing his praises... Date: 9 - 8th century BC
Pieter BurmanPIETER BURMAN Dutch scholar and poet - Fame trumpets his praises, a cupid carves his name on a monument while others prepare garlands to ornament his brow... Date: 1668 - 1741
Errand Boy Praised 1881" Well, my boy, you certainly do errands quicker than I should think possible" ; a grocer praises his errand boys work
Letter from De GaulleWriting from Algiers, De Gaulle praises the Resistance, promising that the end is near and they ll soon be weeping tears of joy
Damayanti with SwanIn return for not being caught by king Nala, a swan sings the kings praises to Damayanti, a princess who was reputedly the most beautiful woman in the world
Drink for the ThirstyJesus praises those who, seeing people thirsty, give them drink
Challenged by SentryHe praises a guard who challenges him