Wartime Toby jugs, WW1Advertisement for Soane & Smith of Oxford Street, promoting their range of Toby jugs based on wartime leaders, principally Sir David Beatty, Sir Douglas Haig, Lord Jellicoe, Marshal Joffre
Lucie Rie - potterDame Lucie Rie, DBE (16 March 1902 1 April 1995), Austrian-born British studio potter. Date: 1986
Poole Pottery - Shaping a pot on the potters wheelShaping a pot on the potters wheel. Poole Pottery was founded in 1873 on Poole quayside, where it continued to produce pottery by hand before moving its factory operations away from the quay in 1999
Poster design, Grimwade Fine Art Pottery, Stoke. Date: circa 1920s
Prehistoric Art. Greece. Handmade vase without decoration. Globular body with two small handles, wide mouth and foot. National Archaeological Museum. Athens. Greece
Turkey. Istanbul. Topkapi Palace. Detail of glazed pottery that decorates the walls, made by potters of Iznik
Pueblo PotsPots of the Pueblo peoples of Arizona and New Mexico : the five lower pieces are prehistoric, the rest are of late 19th century Hopi and other tribes
Faience plate painted with a Chinoiserie decoration. C. 1670Faience plate painted with a Chinoiserie decoration. C.1670-1690. Anonymous. Delft. Rijksmuseum. Amsterdam. Holland
Wedgwood Jasperware covered jugOld English Pottery and Porcelain - Wedgwood Jasper Ware. A beautical covered jug - exemplifying the Wedgwood blue colour. The nymphs and cupids, applied in white relief, are highly finished
Large Homeric vase and pedestal. Chromolithograph drawn by Grivell and lithographed by Parrot et Co
Polychromed vase. Tomb of Kha. 1400 BC. EgyptEgypt. Polychromed vase sealed with fabric. From the tomb of royal architect Kha (Deir el-Medina). 1400 BC. 18th dynasty. New Kingdom. Egyptian Museum. Turin. Italy
Ladies in a kitchenTwo woman with sleek 1920s hair discuss the state of their hands in front of a kitchen sink filled with brightly decorated art deco pottery
Hopi Potter 1908Nampeyo, a renowned pot-maker of the Hopi village of Tewa, northeastern Arizona : her pots are hand-made in every sense - no wheel or elaborate tools are used
The Portland Vase or Barberini Vase. Chromolithograph drawn by Grivell and lithographed by Parrot et Co
Tea pot and warmer from Delft, Netherlands, 18th century, decorated with vignettes of ships at sea and floral borders
John Flaxmans wine vase decorated with grape foliage, and a satyr grasping a rams head. Chromolithograph W
Vase with classical reliefs by John Flaxman. Chromolithograph drawn by Grivell and lithographed by Parrot et Co
Plaque showing King Priam of Troy begging Achilles for the body of his son Hector. Chromolithograph drawn by Grivell and lithographed by Parrot et Co
Turkey. Istanbul. Mausoleum of Roxela. 16th century. Wife of Suleyman I. Tiling. Detail
Women war workers by the sculptor Clare SheridanA set of figurines of women war workers sculpted by Mrs Wilfred Sheridan aka the sculptor Clare Consuelo Frewen Sheridan
A Korean terracotta jar / pot seller and his seated chumA Korean terracotta jar/pot seller and his seated chum (smiling) Date: circa 1910
Etruria FactoriesGeneral industrial view of Etruria, Stoke-on-Trent, England. It was here that Josiah Wedgwood opened his famous pottery factory in 1769, which closed in 1950 Date: 1960s
Antiques market, Bromyard, HerefordshirePeople at an antiques market in Bromyard, Herefordshire. Date: 1969
Poole Pottery on display at the Gieves Gallery at 22 Old Bond Street, London
The Bull in the China Shop Date: 1891
Egyptian Pottery ShopA pottery shop in an Egyptian village Date: 1912
Poster advertising an exhibition of pottery, SwedenPoster advertising an exhibition of pottery made by the Gustavsberg company in Sweden. 20th century
Decorating Pottery - Barons Art - BarnstapleDecorating by hand at Barons Art Pottery at Barnstaple, Devon
C17 Potter / WoodcutA potter at his wheel, turned by his foot, puts the finishing touches to an elegant pot
Kentish Cider DrinkersAfter a hard morning ploughing, two Kentish farm workers take a well earned break and pour themselves a mug of cider from a pottery flask
Indian Potters WheelA Indian potter moulding a vase or jug at his wheel, with assorted dishes, made earlier, all around him
Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. Illustration by Edmund Dulac to the 40th Quatrain
Temple Period (4000 to 2500 BC). Malta. Rim sherdPrehistory. Temple Period (4000 to 2500 BC). Malta. Rim sherd of a bowl with a five pointed star decoration. From Tarxien. National Museum of Archaeology. Valletta. Malta
Tarxien Phase (3000 BC to 2500 BC). Tarxien TempleNeolithic Period. Tarxien Phase (3000 BC to 2500 BC). Tarxien Temple Complex. Malta. Large ceramic carinated bowl. Approximate height: 55 cm. Maximum diameter: 85 cm. National Museum of Archaeology
New York World's Fair, Basket Weaver DioramaA photograph showing the view of a diorama on the theme of recreation, model figures can be seen weaving a basket and handling pottery, exhibited at the New York World's Fair
Austrian Pavilion, Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1889. Date: 1889
The Chinese Pavilion, Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1889. Date: 1889
Decorating pottery, Japan, early 1900s. Date: early 1900s
The Pottery Shop, Polperro, Cornwall, England. Date: 1965
Potter in apron shaping a clay bowl in a workshopPotter in apron shaping a clay bowl on a wheel in a workshop. A man drives the wheel with a hand-cranked engine. A boy kneads clay at a table behind him
Large colourful vase with central image of Jesus, RouenLarge colourful vase with central image of Jesus and the Good Samaritan surrounded by tulips in the style of enamellers. Painted by Denis Dorio
Pitcher (broken) with complex design, Rouen, 1708Pitcher (broken) with complex design, Rouen, 26 July 1708. Ornaments in the Dutch-Japanese style, colours in the Italian style
Salad bowl in colour festoon style, Brument, Rouen, 1699Salad bowl in colour festoon style, early attempt at polychrome, Brument, Rouen, 1699. Bordure et centre d'un saladier presentant les motifs du style rayonnant accompagnes de couleurs de rehaut
Octagonal platter on a pedestal, lacquer ground, RouenOctagonal platter on a pedestal, lacquer ground. With flowers and motifs in imitation of Chinese porcelain. Plateau octogone sur piedouche. Fleurs et motifs rappelant l'imitation chinoise
Sugar bowl and mustard pot in the festoon style, RouenSugar bowl and mustard pot in the festoon style. Rouen-style soft porcelain. Sucrier a riche ornementation de style rayonnant, moutardier decore dans la systeme precedent. Porcelain tendre Rouennaise
Grand platter for the table, RouenGrand platter for the table. With the coats of arms of Louis de Rouvroy and his wife Marie Gabrielle de Durfort. Grand plateau de table. Aux armes du Duc de Saint-Simon et de sa femme
Square planter with partition, RouenSquare planter with partition. In imitation of the Strasbourg or Marseille manufacture. Jardiniere de forme carree a double etagere. Specimen des imitations du genre de Strasbourg ou de Marseille
Plates in the rockery style, RouenPlates in the rockery style. Decorated a la corne and with solitary flowers, rose, tulip, and coat of arms. Assiette: type du decor a la corne. Assiette a decor de fleurs isolees. Style rocaille
Fruit bowl in the rockery style, RouenFruit bowl in the rockery style. Central motif of emblems called au carquois. Compotier a bord decoupe, style rocaille Motif central compose d'emblemes constituant le decor dit au carquois
Fancy chest of drawers in the rockery style, RouenFancy chest of drawers in the rockery style. Commode, petit meuble de fantaisie. Motifs elegants et typiques du style rocaille ordinaire
Column for the mantelpiece in the rockery style, Rouen. Colonne de cheminee. Riche et remarquable specimen de l'ornementation polychrome constituant le style rocaille
Platter with figures in the rockery style, RouenPlatter with figures in the rockery style. A bucolic scene with dancers and musicians in the manner of 18th century painters
Church lamp in the rockery style, Rouen. With design motifs a la corne and ornaments borrowed from imitation Chinese
Types of plate borders is polychrome design, RouenTypes of plate borders is polychrome design, flowers and garlands framed in ironwork motifs
Pyriform sugar box with polychrome design, RouenPyriform sugar box with polychrome design, flowers and garlands framed in ironwork motifs. Sucriere pyriforme, decor polychrome de fleurs et de guirlandes encadrees de motifs de ferronnerie
Plate with Chinese figures in the Dutch-Japanese style, RouenPlate with Chinese figures in the Dutch-Japanese style. With the coat of arms of Duc Francois III d'Harcourt. Assiette a personnages Chinois de genre Hollandais. Type Hollando-Japonais
Octagonal oblong platter with polychrome design, RouenOctagonal oblong platter with polychrome design, flowers and garlands framed in ironwork motifs
Soup-tureen lid and sugar box, RouenRound soup-tureen lid with serpent handle, and sugar box. Couvercle de soupiere ronde, sucrier. Types d'ornementation polychrome a motifs reguliers
Details of the border of a polychrome plate, RouenDetails of the border of a polychrome plate. Details de la bordure d'un plat. Ornementation polychrome regulier, remarquable par l'emploi du rouge pour le lineament exterieur du dessin
Planter or ice bucket in four colours, RouenOctagonal planter or ice bucket in four colours, Rouen. Cache-pot ou seau a rafraichir, decor regulier en quatre couleurs
Water jug in imitation Chinese style, blue lapis ground, Rouen. Pot a l'eau, fleurs et motifs rappelant l'imitation chinoise. Fonds Bleu-Lapis
Imitation Chinese service platter, Rouen, circa 1730Imitation Chinese service platter with coat of arms of Charles II François Frédéric de Montmorency. Produced by Jean-Baptiste Guillibaud, 1720-39
Terrestrial sphere, furniture for a hall or library, RouenTerrestrial sphere, furniture for a hall or library. Decorated with lions, angels, allegorical figures of Ceres for Summer, Bacchus for Autumn. Painted by Pierre Chapelle, 1725
Celestial sphere for a hall or library, Rouen, 1725Celestial sphere, furniture for a hall or library. Decorated with zodiac constellations, allegorical figures of the Four Elements, Junon for the Air, Painted by Pierre Chapelle, Rouen, 1725
Ornamental plaque of a lady playing a harpsichord, RouenOrnamental plaque with central medallion of a lady playing a harpsichord, Rouen. For a stove or fireplace
Plate with figures in the Italo-Nivernais style, Rouen, circa 1647. WIth underside and profile. Origins of fabrication. Plat a figures dans le genre Italo-Nivernais
Polychrome plate with figures of Venus and Adonis, Rouen, 1736Polychrome plate with allegorical figures of Venus and Adonis within a rich border. Painted by CB, Claude Borne, Rouen, 1736
Polychrome plate depicting the four seasons, Rouen, 1738Polychrome plate with allegorical figures of the four seasons or Horae (Eiar, Theros, Phthinoporon, Hercules) and Helios in the sun chariot, within a rich border
Puzzle jug in the festoon style, RouenPuzzle jug in the festoon style, with figures and quadrilles
Hexagonal table centerpiece with Venus and satyrs, RouenHexagonal table centerpiece with Venus and satyrs, blue arabesques on yellow ochre. Surtout de table, Venus entre deux satyres, arabesques bleues sur fond jaune ocre
Round plate with cupids in central rosette, RouenRound plate with cupids in central rosette, black arabesques on yellow ocher. Assiette a rosace centrale avec personnages, arabesques noires sur fond jaune ocre. Apogee de la fabrication
Round plate with coat of arms in central rosette, RouenRound plate with coat of arms in central rosette, black arabesques on yellow ocher. Assiette a rosace centrale avec double ecusson d'armoires, arabesques noires sur fond jaune ocre
Salt cellar and fancy case for pins or jewelry, festoon style, Rouen. Saliere a trois compartiments de forme trilobee, Coffret de fantaisie pour epingles ou bijoux, style rayonnant
Porcelain ecritoire in the festoon style, RouenPorcelain ecritoire with inkwell and pen stand, decorated with owl, snake, masks, blue and yellow festoon style. Riche ecritoire de bureau, style rayonnant
Plate border motifs in festoon style, RouenPlate border motifs in blue, yellow and red festoon style. Motifs de bordures d'assiettes, style rayonnant
Plate border motifs in blue and red festoon style, RouenPlate border motifs in blue and red festoon style. Motifs de bordures d'assiettes, style rayonnant
Early plate manufactured by Edme Poterat, Rouen, 1647Early plate manufactured by Edme Poterat with the Poterat coat of arms, Rouen, 1647. WIth underside and profile. Origins of fabrication. Plat primitif de la Fabrique d'Edme Poterat
Platter border motifs in blue and red festoon style, RouenBorder motifs for round and octagonal platters in blue and red festoon style. Motifs de bordures de plateaux, style rayonnant
Wall-mounted fountain, blue and red festoon style, RouenWall-mounted fountain, blue and red festoon style. Fontaine d'applique, style rayonnant
Vase known as a potpourri, festoon style, RouenVase known as a potpourri for the mantelpiece, blue and red festoon style
Part of an octagonaol platter on a pedestal, festoon style, RouePart of an octagonaol platter on a pedestal, blue and red festoon style
Vase with eight flattened sides, festoon style, RouenVase with eight flattened sides, flame top, festoon style, blue and red, for a mantelpiece ornament. Vase a huit pans de forme aplatie pour ornement de cheminee, style rayonnant
Quarter section of a long octagonal platter, festoon style, RoueQuarter section of a long blue and red octagonal platter, festoon style. Section au quart d'un plateau long a huit pans
Part of a salad bowl in blue and red, festoon style, RouenPart of a salad bowl in blue and red, festoon style. Fragment d'un saladier, style rayonnant