Tagore, Rabindranath (1861-1941)
Shahnameh. The Book of Kings. 16th c. Depiction of a battle. Islamic art. Miniature Painting
ENNIUS, Quintus (239-169 BC). Writer during the period of the Roman Republic, and is often considered the father of Roman poetry. Biografic de los hombres del reino de Nᰯ les. Engraving
ZAMORA, Antonio de (1660-1728). Frontispiece" ZAMORA, Antonio de (1660-1728). Frontispiece of his comedy " Diablos son los alcahuetes, el esp tu foleto, y m᧩ co de Salerno" (Madrid, 1731). SPAIN. Madrid
RODIN, Auguste (1840-1917). The Thinker. 1902. Based on The Divine Comedy of Dante and entitled the portal The Gates of Hell. Contemporary Art. Sculpture on bronze. FRANCE. Ό E-DE-FRANCE
Tomb of Ines de Castro. 14th c. PORTUGAL. Alcoba确; Monastery of Santa Maria. Gothic art. Sculpture on marble
Camoes or Camoens, Luis Vaz de (1524-1580). Portuguese Renaissance writer and poet. Monument dedicated to the writer. Sculpture. INDIA. Goa
LOPEZ VELARDE, Ram1888-1921). Mexican poetLOPEZ VELARDE, Ram 1888-1921). Mexican poet
VICENTE, Gil (1465-1537). Portuguese playwright and poet, considered the chief dramatist of Portugal. Auto da Barca do Purgat (Act of the Ship of Purgatory), 1518. Facsimil edition
MANRIQUE, Jorge (1440-1479). Spanish poet. Sculpture. SPAIN. Paredes de Nava
RONSARD, Pierre de (1524-1585). French poet. Oil on canvas
ESPINEL, Vicente (1550-1624). Spanish musician and classic poet. Engraving
BALAGUER CIRERA, Victor (1824-1901). Catalan Spanish politician and author, one of the main figures of Renaixen硠 movement. Engraving
LAMARTINE, Alphonse de (1790-1869). French politician and romantic poet. Illustration of Jocelyn. 1836. Engraving
MARMOL, Jos頨1817-1871). Argentine journalistMARMOL, Jos頨 1817-1871). Argentine journalist, politician, librarian, and writer of the Romantic school. Engraving
ASCASUBI, Hilario (1807-1875). Argentinian poet. Oil. SPAIN. CATALONIA. Barcelona. Biblioteca de Catalunya (National Library of Catalonia)
ROSTAND, Edmond (1868-1918). French poet and playwright. Cyrano de Bergerac
BOIARDO, Matteo Maria (1434-1494). Italian Renaissance poet. Engraving
STORNI, Alfonsina (1892-1938). Latin-American poets of the modernist period. Poesic; in餩 tas y 餩 tas. Engraving. SPAIN. MADRID (AUTONOMOUS COMMUNITY). Madrid
ROUSSEAU, Jean Baptiste (1670-1741). French poet. Etching. SPAIN. Madrid. National Library
VENTADORN, Bernat de (12th-13th century). Proven硬; song book. French manuscript 12473, page 15. Miniature Painting
Dinis, called El Liberal (1261-1325). King" Dinis, called " El Liberal" (1261-1325). King of Portugal (1279-1325)."
RIBA, Carles (1893-1959). Spanish writer in Catalan" RIBA, Carles (1893-1959). Spanish writer in Catalan language. " Tannka" (traditional Japanese verse form) by Carles Riba, illustrated by Jaume Pla i Pallej quot;
SAGARRA, Josep Maria de (1894-1961). Spanish
MARAGALL i GORINA, Joan (1860-1911). Spanish
HIERRO, Jos頨1922-2002). Spanish poet. PhotographyHIERRO, Jos頨 1922-2002). Spanish poet. Photography taken in 1982
Letter from Federico GarcLorca to Jos頍arLetter from Federico Garcic Lorca to Jos頍 aric Pemᮮ
LONGFELLOW, Henry Wadsworth (1807-1882). American poet. Engraving
CURROS ENRIQUEZ, Manuel (1851-1908). Spanish poet
Italian Classroom / C15Christoforo Landino of Florence instructs his pupils in rhetoric & poetics