Poster, Night Mail, quoting part of the poem by W H Auden written for and narrated in the documentary film of the same name (1936). circa 1930s
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight by William McLarenKing Arthur welcomes the Green Knight into the Banqueting Hall and invites him to dismount and eat with the company
Dante Alighieri, Italian poet, sees his beloved BeatriceDante Alighieri, Italian poet, best known for his long narrative poem, the Divine Comedy, sees his beloved Beatrice Portinari on the Lung Arno, Florence
Goblin Market by Pauline BaynesIllustration by Pauline Baynes depicting a scene from Goblin Market, the poem by Christina Rossetti
Adlestrop Railway Station, GloucestershireThe railway station at Adlestrop, Gloucestershire. Station staff stand on the platform while the Paddington-Worcester Express steams towards the station
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight by William McLarenThe Green Knight rides over the bridge into Camelot Castle on New Years Day
The Owl and The PussycatThe Owl and the Pussy-cat went to sea In a beautiful pea green boat, They took some honey, and plenty of money, Wrapped up in a five pound note
Robin RedbreastPoem by M. Nightingale about the robin, featuring a lovely decoration by Gladys M. Rees. Date: 1939
Ichthyosaurus as a museum pieceCartoon of an Ichthyosaurus as a museum piece, in the Ballad of the Ichthyosaurus
Tagore, Rabindranath (1861-1941)
Stylish Horse Race by Victor HicksA stylised illustration showing an elegant lady leading a racehorse in the paddock
Programme design, Gilbert & Sullivan, Princess Ida, Savoy Theatre, London. A respectful operatic perversion of Tennysons " Princess" in Three Acts. circa 1880s
Georgie Porgie, pudding and pie - Kissed the girls and made them cry. When the boys came out to play - Georgie Porgie ran away
The Quitter - Poem by Rob W ServiceThe Quitter. Poem by Rob W. Service illuminated with two vignettes On The Way Home and Home Sweet Home. C. Huggins
Christmas Day in the WorkhouseIllustration and opening verses of In the Workhouse: Christmas Day - better known as Christmas Day in the Workhouse, written by George R Sims in 1877
Whisky DrinkingScottish Whisky drinkers : " Willie Brew d A Peck O Maut" - poem by Robert Burns
Bell Rock Lighthouse, near Arbroath, ScotlandView of Bell Rock Lighthouse, near Arbroath, Scotland. Bell Rock is also known as the Inchcape Rock (made famous by a poem by Robert Southey)
Ave Atque Vale by Aubrey BeardsleyAve Atque Vale. (Hale and farewell) Illustration by Aubrey Beardsley to his own translation of Carmen Ci, a poem by Catullus. Date: 1896
Page from a poem book by Hafez-e Shirazi illustrated depicting a banquet. Persian art. Safavid period. Miniature Painting
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight by William McLarenSir Gawain takes up the challenge. As instructed by the Green Knight, he swings the battleaxe and cuts off the Green Knights head. The head falls off and rolls towards the banqueting guests
Dante Alighieri, Italian poet, best known for his long narrative poem, the Divine Comedy
Gather ye roses while ye may, Old Time is still a-flying, and this same flower that smiles today, tomorrow will be dying. 20th century
Cover design for Narcisse by Nikolai TcherepninCover design for Narcisse, a mythological poem set to music by the Russian composer Nikolai Nikolayevich Tcherepnin (1873-1945)
Poe / Poem / The Raven / C19ThQuoth the raven, Nevermore
Odysseus returns to his wife PenelopeOdysseus returns to his wife, Penelope, and his dog, Argos
Poe / Poem / The Raven / C19ThThe dazed & melancholy man believes the raven will leave him, as his " hopes have flown before."
Night slid down. Illustration by Florence Harrison to Tennysons poem The Gardener sNight slid down. Illustration by Florence Harrison to Tennysons poem The Gardeners Daughter. Date: c.1920
Face on the Barroom Floor, Teller House Bar, Colorado, USAThe Face on the Barroom Floor is a painting on the floor of the Teller House Bar in Central City, Colorado, United States. It was painted in 1936 by Herndon Davis. Date: circa 1936
The Lady of Shalott setting out on her boat for CamelotColour illustration of the Lady of Shalott setting out on her boat for Camelot
Joseph Berchoux - 2JOSEPH BERCHOUX French poet who sang the praises of the culinary art in his poem La Gastronomie. Date: 1765 - 1839
Illustration, A Song of the English, LighthouseIllustration to A Song of the English, a patriotic set of poems by Rudyard Kipling (first published in the English Illustrated Magazine)
The NeedleWorker, WW1 knitting with Jessie Pope poemPage from The Needle Worker from March 1915, advising readers on knitting for men and boys and featuring, The Knitting Song, a poem by Jessie Pope
Soviet propaganda poster from World War TwoSoviet propaganda poster, TASS Window no. 469. An heroic young female partisan resists the invading Germans. A patriotic poem by Vasyl Lebedev-Kumach appears below the image
Writing / Gray PoemPart of the manuscript of his poem, Elegy Written in a Country Church Yard, inspired by a visit to Stoke Poges Churchyard, Bucks
Odysseus returns to his wife, Penelope
Napoleon Bonaparte crowning himself Emperor of France at Notre Dame, 1804. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by George Cruikshank from The Life of Napoleon a Hudibrastic Poem by Doctor Syntax, T
Satires by JuvenalJuvenal (Decimus Iunius Iuvenalis). 1st - 2nd centuries AD. Roman poet. Satires. Start of the First Satire. Leyden, 1532
Britain / 18th CenturyA poem based on fact: a haughty lady in her carriage will not let a gentleman pass so he (and the rest on the street) walk through her carriage Date: 1751
Illustration by Cecil Aldin, Forty Fine Ladies, with text by Patrick R Chalmers. The Huntsmans Story -- huntsmen, horses and hounds on a country road and crossing a field. Date: 1933
Illustration, A Song of the English, Thames EmbankmentIllustration to A Song of the English, a patriotic set of poems by Rudyard Kipling (first published in the English Illustrated Magazine)
Lyrics by Anne BoleynWords by Anne Boleyn entitled O Death Rock Me On Sleep accompanied by an illustratio of the ill-fated Queen looking rather tragic. Date: 1934
The Vision of Piers the PloughmanLangland dreamed a wondrous dream. William Langland, in his 14th century poem, Piers Ploughman, falls asleep upon the Malvern Hills and dreams a dream in which he sees a fair field full of folk
Rosemary, Pansies, Fennel, Columbines, Rue, Daisy and Violets (Hamlet)
Miniature depicting Men and women dancing holding hands. LeLe Roman de la Rose. 1225-1280. French poem. 13th century. By Guillaume de Lorris (c.1200-1240) and Jean de Meun (c.1240-1305). Men and women dancing holding hands. Miniature. 14th century
Young girl standing at a window on a Christmas card, with a poem on the left. Date: circa 1890s
Poem by Robert HerrickFair daffodils we weep to see you waste away ?. Illustrated poem by Robert Herrick. Artist: Joyce Mercer Date: circa 1926
My Dug-Out A lay of the trenches by Bruce BairnsfatherOld Bill shows his prowess as a poet in this cartoon by Bruce Bairnsfather. Date: 1915
Ice Skating Couple - Christmas Greetings Card
Victorian Cyclists and Motorists on a Snowy RoadIllustration showing the scene on a British road in the winter, circa 1899. In the foreground cyclists, two on a tandem, can be seen
Wild Thyme, Oxlips, Violet, Woodbine, Musk-roses and Eglantine (Midsummer Nights Dream)
Botanical Sketchbook -- lettering. A poem entitled English Flowers. Date: 1920s
Federal Dance Theatre presents Salut au monde adapted from a poem of that name by Walt Whitman. Poster showing nine people dancing. Date 1936 or 1937
Blind Italian soldier - WWIItalian soldiers blinded during World War One - a poem explaining their fate. Date: circa 1918
Words by King Charles IIPoem written by King Charles II entitled I Pass All My Hours in a Shady Old Grove, accompanied by a stylised illustration of the Merry Monarch composing under the shade of an oak tree
W C Bryant (ButtreWILLIAM CULLEN BRYANT American writer, journalist and educator, known for his poem Thanatopsis. with his autograph Date: 1794 - 1878
Dulac: Delights of Other DaysDelights of Other Days by Edmund Dulac. The Love Poem. Date: 1913
R was a rubicund rustic who wrote a romantic acrostic, in which roses and thrushes, and rabbits and rushes, to the thyme gave a flavour agrestic. Date: 1908
Illustration by Edmund Dulac to the poem Tamerlane by Edgar Allan Poe. Tamerlane and his young love. Date: 1912
Illustration by Edmund Dulac to Tamerlane, a poem by Edgar Allan Poe. Tamerlane on horseback leading his army. Date: 1912
Fairy-land by Edgar Allan Poe, Dulac illustrationIllustration by Edmund Dulac to the poem Fairy-land by Edgar Allan Poe. Date: 1912
Dreamland by Edgar Allan Poe, Dulac illustrationIllustration by Edmund Dulac to the poem Dreamland by Edgar Allan Poe. An eidolon named Night on a black throne reigns upright. Date: 1912
Israfel by Edgar Allan Poe, Dulac illustrationIllustration by Edmund Dulac to the poem Israfel by Edgar Allan Poe. Ambiguous figure of the archangel Israfel. Date: 1912
To - - by Edgar Allan Poe, Dulac illustrationIllustration by Edmund Dulac to To - - [Mrs Marie Louise Shew], a poem by Edgar Allan Poe. Date: 1912
The Valley of Unrest by Edgar Allan Poe, Dulac illustrationIllustration by Edmund Dulac to the poem The Valley of Unrest, by Edgar Allan Poe. Date: 1912
Bridal Ballad by Edgar Allan Poe, Dulac illustrationIllustration by Edmund Dulac to the poem Bridal Ballad by Edgar Allan Poe. Date: 1912
To Helen by Edgar Allan Poe, Dulac illustrationIllustration by Edmund Dulac to the poem To Helen by Edgar Allan Poe. Helen was Mrs Stannard (or Stanard), whose death also inspired another poem, Lenore. Date: 1912
Al Aaraaf by Edgar Allan Poe, Dulac illustrationIllustration by Edmund Dulac to the poem Al Aaraaf by Edgar Allan Poe
To the River by Edgar Allan Poe, Dulac illustrationIllustration by Edmund Dulac to To The River, a poem by Edgar Allan Poe. Date: 1912
Eldorado by Edgar Allan Poe, Dulac illustrationIllustration by Edmund Dulac to Eldorado, a poem by Edgar Allan Poe
Loving Spanish Couple with bouquet and romantic verseMy soul cannot succeed in happiness if it is not sharing the happiness of your company. Date: circa 1910s
CoquetteThe Coquette, a poem by Henry Longfellow. Artist: A K Macdonald Date: 1906
When I am grown to Man's Estate, I shall be very Proud and Great. And tell the other Girls and Boys, NOT to meddle with my toys'
ContemplationContemplative young woman: What does it mean? - the beauty and sweetness breathing from nature when life is new ? From a poem by Lily Watson. Date: 1890
Kate GreenawayTwo girls dancing amongst daffodils, illustrating a poem by Friedrich Schiller Date: 1905
Kate GreenawayThe Quiver of Love - A Collection of Valentines Ancient and Modern'. Opposite the poem The Name on the Tree'
Walter CraneThe Quiver of Love - A Collection of Valentines Ancient and Modern'. Opposite the poem Cherry Ripe'. Illustration depicts a lady picking a cherry from a tree. Date: 1876
Kate GreenawayThe Quiver of Love - A Collection of Valentines Ancient and Modern'. Opposite the poem Spring Smiles'. Illustration depicts a lady in a garden with a spray of roses in her lap. Date: 1876
Walter CraneThe Quiver of Love - A Collection of Valentines Ancient and Modern'. Opposite the poem Venus and Cupid'. Illustration depicts Venus and Cupid under a May tree. Date: 1876
Kate GreenawayThe Quiver of Love - A Collection of Valentines Ancient and Modern'. Opposite the poem The Surprise'. Illustration depicts a young suitor in a garden covering the lady's eyes. Date: 1876
Walter CraneThe Quiver of Love - A Collection of Valentines Ancient and Modern'. Opposite the poem Spring'
Kate GreenawayThe Quiver of Love - A Collection of Valentines Ancient and Modern'. Opposite poem Do I Love You?'. Illustration depicts two ladies blowing dandelion seeds. Date: 1876
Charles Edward BrockChristmas postcard by Brock depicting a group greeting one another at a lych gate, captioned by the poem: At Christmas be merry, and thank God for all ? by Thomas Tusser Date: circa 1910
Charles Edward BrockChristmas postcard by Brock depicting a couple being offered mistletoe by a passer-by, captioned by the poem: The wind is chill but let it whistle as it will ? by Sir Walter Scott Date: circa 1910
Charles Edward BrockChristmas postcard by Brock depicting young carol singers accompanied by a cellist, captioned by the poem: What sweeter music can we bring, than a carol for to sing ? Anon Carol. Date: circa 1910