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Planting Collection

Background imagePlanting Collection: Girl Guides Gardening by Millicent Sowerby

Girl Guides Gardening by Millicent Sowerby
Two girl guides pictured in a garden in the spring raking the grass and planting seeds

Background imagePlanting Collection: Events / Exploration / Polar

Events / Exploration / Polar
Sledge party planting British flag. Shackleton, Scott and Wilson Discovery exploration of the Antarctic

Background imagePlanting Collection: Raleigh / Potatoes / Ireland

Raleigh / Potatoes / Ireland
SIR WALTER RALEIGH English navigator supervising the first planting of potatoes in Ireland

Background imagePlanting Collection: Vintage seed packet: Cosmos

Vintage seed packet: Cosmos
A beautiful Cosmos seed packet from the Burts Seeds Company, New York. Date: c. 1910

Background imagePlanting Collection: Vintage lettuce seed packet

Vintage lettuce seed packet
A lettuce seed packet from the Card Seed Company, New York. Date: c. 1910

Background imagePlanting Collection: Wardian case with ferns 1857

Wardian case with ferns 1857
Fern case in the shape of a small aviary with canaries

Background imagePlanting Collection: Ypres Battlefield Markers and signs

Ypres Battlefield Markers and signs
Over the 40 years that we have been writing about these battlefields, there has been many attempts to signpost the places of interest

Background imagePlanting Collection: Advert for Amorphophallus Campanulatus, plant seeds 1891

Advert for Amorphophallus Campanulatus, plant seeds 1891
Amorphophallus Campanulatus, two or three feet across

Background imagePlanting Collection: Barefoot boy with mattock, Sierra Leone

Barefoot boy with mattock, Sierra Leone
A barefoot West African farm boy pauses from working on a smallholding outside Freetown, Sierra Leone. He wears a crucifix on his forehead and carries a heavy digging mattock Date: circa 1982

Background imagePlanting Collection: WW2, A Special Reason

WW2, A Special Reason
An illustration of a wartime boy planting a fruit tree in order to help feed the nation during WW2. Date: circa 1940s

Background imagePlanting Collection: WW2, Wait And See

WW2, Wait And See
An illustration of a little boy planting a seed to help the nation's foodstuff need during WW2, his father is a Merchant Navy sailor. Date: circa 1940s

Background imagePlanting Collection: Dunfermline Railway Viaduct

Dunfermline Railway Viaduct
The top photograph shows a railway viaduct in Dunfermline, Scotland, the bottom picture provides the same view

Background imagePlanting Collection: Low Beveridgewell, Dunfermline

Low Beveridgewell, Dunfermline
A photograph which shows some countryside cottages by a steep bank in Low Beveridgewell, Dunfermline, used to highlight the potential for releasing the stream from Culvert

Background imagePlanting Collection: Vietnamese Patriotic Poster - Harvesting

Vietnamese Patriotic Poster - Harvesting - Encouraging the people to keep the agricultural economy moving forward, to feed the people and the army. Date: 2nd half of 20th century

Background imagePlanting Collection: Illustration, Bristlewoods, vegetable patch

Illustration, Bristlewoods, vegetable patch
Caricature illustration by Frank Reynolds, of a man and woman labouring on new vegetable patch, lifting turf and planting potatoes. Captioned, Bristlewoods see it through'

Background imagePlanting Collection: Geese invade the field where the Brownies are sowing

Geese invade the field where the Brownies are sowing seeds Date: 1910

Background imagePlanting Collection: Gang of men with shovels planting tomatoes, Evesham

Gang of men with shovels planting tomatoes, Evesham
The men all wear flat hats. In the background is a man with a horse and cart. One man has a wheelbarrow. The farm is in Evesham, Worcestershire. Date: 1907

Background imagePlanting Collection: Spanish Civil War Poster - Peasant

Spanish Civil War Poster - Peasant
Poster from the Spanish General Workers Union (UGT) appealing to country workers: Peasants! The revolution is as necessary as the shoots on the vine. Date: circa 1938

Background imagePlanting Collection: Royal visit to Leicester - planting oak tree in Abbey Park

Royal visit to Leicester - planting oak tree in Abbey Park
Prince and Princess of Wales (later Edward VII and Alexandra of Denmark), opening the new Abbey Park by planting a young oak tree, on Whit Monday. Date: June 1882

Background imagePlanting Collection: Shakespeare Commemoration, Planting Oak on Primrose Hill

Shakespeare Commemoration, Planting Oak on Primrose Hill
Samuel Phelps planting the young oak tree at the foot of Primrose Hill, London, to honour the English poet, William Shakespeare. Date: 23rd April 1864

Background imagePlanting Collection: Samuel Phelps planting the young oak tree at the foot of Primrose Hill

Samuel Phelps planting the young oak tree at the foot of Primrose Hill, London, to honour the English poet, William Shakespeare. Date: 23rd April 1864

Background imagePlanting Collection: Civil War Poster Peasant Events Spain Posters

Civil War Poster Peasant Events Spain Posters
civil, war, poster, peasant, events, spain, posters, 1936, 1939, spanish, general, workers, union, ugt, appealing, country, peasants, revolution, shoots, vine, republican, communist, planting

Background imagePlanting Collection: NATIONALIST VICTORY/1937

Nationalists capture the sanctuary of Caradonga; the pro-Nationalist Italian reporter sees this as a triumph of patriotic heroism over barbaric atheism Date: 1937

Background imagePlanting Collection: c. 1890s South East Asia - planting a rice paddy field

c. 1890s South East Asia - planting a rice paddy field
c.1890s South East Asia - planting a rice paddy field

Background imagePlanting Collection: Planting rice, Japan

Planting rice, Japan. Vintage 19th century photograph

Background imagePlanting Collection: Scenes in the Sahara desert, Africa, 1820

Scenes in the Sahara desert, Africa, 1820
Frederick Horneman reading the Koran to the Berbers of Siwa Oasis 13, a caravan greeting the Sultan of Fezzan 14, and a traveller left behind in the desert

Background imagePlanting Collection: Austrian farmers on their way to church, 18th century

Austrian farmers on their way to church, 18th century
Austrian farmers in Sunday Best outfits on their way to church, 18th century. Contadini dell Austria che si recano alla chiesa

Background imagePlanting Collection: Country folk. Young gardeners

Country folk. Young gardeners
Boy & girl in period costume planting flowers. Artist: Frances Brundage Date: 1903

Background imagePlanting Collection: Unknown British town scene - with Monkey Puzzle tree

Unknown British town scene - with Monkey Puzzle tree. An interesting early photograph of Araucaria Arucana (Monkey Puzzle Tree) which is very slow-growing

Background imagePlanting Collection: Chinese peasants planting rice

Chinese peasants planting rice in a paddy field

Background imagePlanting Collection: Golden Soil: French methods of Market Gardening for England

Golden Soil: French methods of Market Gardening for England, showing scenes from the Market Garden at Thatcham, Berkshire. Date: 1908

Background imagePlanting Collection: Rice Plant - planting young rice

Rice Plant - planting young rice
Chinese planted the rice seeds on cultivated flat land near the Kiang and the Yellow river, the seed was soaked in water in which a quantity of plants appear above ground in a couple of days

Background imagePlanting Collection: PLANTING IN ANTIGUA

Opening land for planting, Antigua, West Indies Date: 1833

Background imagePlanting Collection: The preliminary ploughing of fallow land, prior to afforestation, at St

The preliminary ploughing of fallow land, prior to afforestation, at St. Harmon, Radnorshire, Wales. Date: 1950s

Background imagePlanting Collection: John Rosss arctic expedition: Ross planting the British Standard on the true

John Rosss arctic expedition: Ross planting the British Standard on the true position of the Magnetic Pole. Date: 1829 - 33

Background imagePlanting Collection: Freemasons planting banners outside the Porte Maillot; Paris

Freemasons planting banners outside the Porte Maillot; Paris
A group of Freemasons planting their banners in front of the Porte Maillot, during the Paris Commune, April 1871

Background imagePlanting Collection: Japanese tea cultivation 1874

Japanese tea cultivation 1874
Series of tea cultivation in Japan. Date: 1874

Background imagePlanting Collection: COURT OF FRANCOIS I

FRANCOIS I OF FRANCE depicted with his court, religious on his right, secular on his left, while the people work on the land farming, planting vines etc Date: 1494 - 1547

Background imagePlanting Collection: 15TH CENTURY COUNTRY

Le Travail des Champs - farm workers sowing, plowing, harrowing, reaping, threshing, digging, planting trees &c. Date: late 15th century

Background imagePlanting Collection: Tobacco Plantation

Tobacco Plantation
Virginia, USA : clearing ground preparatory to planting tobacco on a plantation Date: 1874

Background imagePlanting Collection: Kashmir - two male rice planters in foothills of Himalayas

Kashmir - two male rice planters in foothills of Himalayas smile happily as they plant rice shoots Date: 1986

Background imagePlanting Collection: Woman on allotment - 2

Woman on allotment - 2
A woman bends over and plants onion sets in the well-prepared soil of her allotment in Northern England. The background shows ramshackle allotments and on the skyline is a church tower

Background imagePlanting Collection: Woman on allotment - 1

Woman on allotment - 1
A woman bends over and plants onion sets in the well-prepared soil of her allotment in Northern England. The background shows ramshackle allotments and on the skyline is a church tower

Background imagePlanting Collection: Wolverhampton, Staffordshire - Patriotic Flowerbed Planting

Wolverhampton, Staffordshire - Patriotic Flowerbed Planting
WW1 - Wolverhampton, Staffordshire - Patriotic Flowerbed Planting in West Park. Date: 1917

Background imagePlanting Collection: Vintage tomato seed packet

Vintage tomato seed packet
A tomato seed packet from the Card Seed Company, New York Date: c. 1910

Background imagePlanting Collection: Wet Rainy Rain Raining Rains Utagawa Hiroshige

Wet Rainy Rain Raining Rains Utagawa Hiroshige
wet, rainy, rain, raining, rains, utagawa, hiroshige, woodblock, woodcut, print, reproduction, postcard, paddy, field, fields, workers, working, agriculture, picking, rice, plat, planting, farming

Background imagePlanting Collection: Autumnal Borders at Munstead Wood

Autumnal Borders at Munstead Wood (Grade I listed), the home of influential British horticulturist, garden designer, artist and writer Gertrude Jekyll (1843-1932)

Background imagePlanting Collection: Vintage seed packet: Candytuft

Vintage seed packet: Candytuft
A beautiful Candytuft seed packet from the Burts Seeds Company, New York. Date: c. 1910

Background imagePlanting Collection: Vintage radish seed packet

Vintage radish seed packet
A radish seed packet from the Card Seed Company, New York. Date: c. 1910

Background imagePlanting Collection: Vintage seed packet: Pansy

Vintage seed packet: Pansy
A beautiful Pansy Royal Mixture seed packet from the Burts Seeds Company, New York. Date: c. 1910

Background imagePlanting Collection: Russian Farmer Tending to his Land

Russian Farmer Tending to his Land
A bearded and elderly Russian Farmer delicately sowing seeds by hand. Date: 1924

Background imagePlanting Collection: Manor or country house garden, with workers

Manor or country house garden, with workers. Copper-plate illustration from Richard Bradley, New improvements of planting and gardening, both philosophical and practical. Frontispiece. Date: 1739

Background imagePlanting Collection: Arch Druids planting Coronation Oak, Crystal Palace

Arch Druids planting Coronation Oak, Crystal Palace
To commemorate the coronation of King George V, the Arch Druid of England planted a Coronation Oak sapling at the Crystal Palace, London. The ceremony was attended by many foreign delegates

Background imagePlanting Collection: Sierra Leone, West Africa - Villagers preparing arable land

Sierra Leone, West Africa - Villagers preparing arable land for planting, accompanied by the sound of drums. Date: circa 1910s

Background imagePlanting Collection: Grand Floral Piano - Bowling Park, Bradford, Yorkshire

Grand Floral Piano - Bowling Park, Bradford, Yorkshire Date: 1923

Background imagePlanting Collection: Japan - Planting rice in the paddy fields

Japan - Planting rice in the paddy fields. Date: circa 1910s

Background imagePlanting Collection: Love in a Garden - a smart lady takes charge of her men

Love in a Garden - a smart lady takes charge of her men
Love in a Garden - a smart lady takes charge of her various men, supervising the tasks required! Date: 1901

Background imagePlanting Collection: Chinese farmers planting rice in a paddy field

Chinese farmers planting rice in a paddy field Date: circa 1907

Background imagePlanting Collection: Gothic Art. Ceramic. Manises-paterna. Fragment. 14th - 15th C

Gothic Art. Ceramic. Manises-paterna. Fragment. 14th - 15th C
Gothic Art. Ceramic. Manises-paterna. Fragment of pot decorated with granades and birds. Function: planting basil. 14th - 15th Century. Excavation of Castell Formos. Museo Comarcal de Osona

Background imagePlanting Collection: Happy Japanese woman doing a spot of gardening

Happy Japanese woman doing a spot of gardening in the bright summer sunshine Date: circa 1910s

Background imagePlanting Collection: Four oval vignettes on a Christmas card

Four oval vignettes on a Christmas card, with Cupid kneeling by a flaming altar, Venus in a shell, Cupid again with doves, and a young man planting a tree

Background imagePlanting Collection: Planting Potatoes

Planting Potatoes
An old male farm worker, plants potatoes from the sack over his shoulder in the Wirral, Cheshire. Back- breaking work, especially in heavy, stiff clay soil. Date: 1950s

Background imagePlanting Collection: Ploughing, Elephant

Ploughing, Elephant
Ploughing with an elephant, preparing the ground for planting sugar cane Date: 1847

Background imagePlanting Collection: Munstead Wood and Gardens - home of Gertrude Jekyll

Munstead Wood and Gardens - home of Gertrude Jekyll
The Main Border (July, 2017) at Munstead Wood (Grade I listed), the home of influential British horticulturist, garden designer, artist and writer Gertrude Jekyll (1843-1932)

Background imagePlanting Collection: Man in knitted waistcoat by Stitchcraft

Man in knitted waistcoat by Stitchcraft knitting patterns. 1960s

Background imagePlanting Collection: Man and boy, seed drill, field near Plymouth, Devon

Man and boy, seed drill, field near Plymouth, Devon
Man and boy with horse and seed drill in a field near Plymouth, Devon. circa 1960s

Background imagePlanting Collection: Christening 1918 Tree Planting Proxy Godfathers group

Christening 1918 Tree Planting Proxy Godfathers group
Christopher Powell-Cotton (1918-2006) was christenend at All Saints Church, Birchington on 20 April 1918. Afterwards a tree was planted in the grounds of Quex Park

Background imagePlanting Collection: Edwardian Gardeners

Edwardian Gardeners, England. Showing the Planting of Seedlings Date: 1900s

Background imagePlanting Collection: Vintage seed packet: Sweetpea

Vintage seed packet: Sweetpea
A beautiful Sweetpea seed packet from the Burts Seeds Company, New York. Date: c. 1910

Background imagePlanting Collection: Vintage seed packet: Calendula

Vintage seed packet: Calendula
A beautiful Calendula seed packet from the Burts Seeds Company, New York. Date: c. 1910

Background imagePlanting Collection: Vintage sweetcorn seed packet

Vintage sweetcorn seed packet
A sweetcorn seed packet from the Card Seed Company, New York. Date: c. 1910

Background imagePlanting Collection: Vintage red onion seed packet

Vintage red onion seed packet
A red onion seed packet from the Card Seed Company, New York. Date: c. 1910

Background imagePlanting Collection: Vintage seed packet: Dwarf Nasturtium

Vintage seed packet: Dwarf Nasturtium
A beautiful Dwarf Nasturtium seed packet from the Burts Seeds Company, New York. Date: c. 1910

Background imagePlanting Collection: Reconstruction by William Heath Robinson, WW1 cartoon

Reconstruction by William Heath Robinson, WW1 cartoon
Afforestation - a good beginning in the provinces

Background imagePlanting Collection: Growing food in Chancery Lane, WW1

Growing food in Chancery Lane, WW1
Mr Hubert Hall, resident officer of the Public Record Office in Chancery Lane, pictured hard at work in the gardens of the old Rolls House, where

Background imagePlanting Collection: Skye crofters planting potatoes, Scotland

Skye crofters planting potatoes, Scotland. Date: late 19th century

Background imagePlanting Collection: Home Gardening magazine, November 1932

Home Gardening magazine, November 1932
Front cover of Home Gardening magazine featuring an illustration demonstrating a magnificent display of roses trained across trellises, pergolas, arches and in beds. Date: 1932

Background imagePlanting Collection: Home Gardening magazine, August 1932

Home Gardening magazine, August 1932
Front cover of Home Gardening magazine featuring a herbaceous border in a garden with an impressive display of gladioli (gladiolus) flowers. Date: 1932

Background imagePlanting Collection: Home Gardening magazine, September 1932

Home Gardening magazine, September 1932
Front cover of Home Gardening magazine advising readers to start planting their bulb bowls now in order to ensure a vibrant display of hyacinths indoors over winter. Date: 1932

Background imagePlanting Collection: Little child with bulbs by Muriel Dawson

Little child with bulbs by Muriel Dawson
A little child planning to plant some bulbs, by Muriel Dawson. Date: circa 1920s

Background imagePlanting Collection: Queen Victoria planting a tree at Waddesdon Manor, 1890

Queen Victoria planting a tree at Waddesdon Manor, 1890
Queen Victoria at Waddesdon Manor, Buckinghamshire: planting a tree in memory of her visit on 14th May 1890. Date: 14th May 1890

Background imagePlanting Collection: Home Gardening magazine, January 1932

Home Gardening magazine, January 1932
Front cover of Home Gardening magazine featuring pictorial instructions for taking chrysanthemum cuttings. Date: 1932

Background imagePlanting Collection: Home Gardening magazine, October 1928

Home Gardening magazine, October 1928
Front cover of Home Gardening magazine featuring a lady on plant up of bowl with bulbs. Advice on how to achieve good blooms and strong foliage is contained inside. Date: 1928

Background imagePlanting Collection: Hand-Planting Potatoes

Hand-Planting Potatoes
Young and old planting potatoes by hand on a farm in Suffolk, England. Date: 1950s

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