Two-coloured lacaena orchid, Lacaena bicolor. Native to Mexico, Central America, and Southern America
Splendid epiphyllum, Epiphyllum x splendidum. Hybrid climbing cactus raised by nurseryman Mr. Hitchen of Norwich. Native to Central and South America
Small butterfly flower, Schizanthus pinnatusSmall butterfly flower or poor man's orchid, Schizanthus pinnatus. Raised by Myles Priest, nurseryman of Reading. Priest's white-flowering schizanthus, Scizanthus priestii
Scarlet trumpet or scarlet gilia, Ipomopsis aggregata. Native to northwest America, introduced to the Horticultural Society garden by Scottish botanist David Douglas in 1827
Lewis monkeyflower, Erythranthe lewisiiLewis monkeyflower or great purple monkeyflower, Erythranthe lewisii. Native to America, Scottish botanist David Douglas sent seeds from North California to the Horticultural Society in 1831
Crimson passion flower, Passiflora kermesina. Native to Brazil, introduced to the Horticultural Society garden in 1831 from Berlin
Tall kangaroo paw, Anigozanthos flavidusTall, yellow or evergreen kangaroo paw, Anigozanthos flavidus. Native to Swan River colony, Australia, and introduced via R. Mangles of Sunning Hill. Scarlet anigozanthos, Anigozanthos coccineus
Silverleaf nightshade, Solanum elaeagnifoliumSilverleaf nightshade or silver-leaved nightshade, Solanum elaeagnifolium. Native to North America and Mexico, raised by Messrs. Young of Epsom nursery. Mr
Strawflower, Xerochrysum macranthum. Native to the Swan River colony, Australia, introduced to England by Captain James Mangles, R.N. Large-flowered helichrysum, Helichrysum macranthum
Caularthron bicornutum orchid. Native to Trinidad-Tobago, Venezuela, Brazil, Suriname, Guyana, Colombia. Received from Trinidad by Messrs. Shepherd of Liverpool
Mock vervain, Glandularia platensisMock vervain or mock verbena, Glandularia platensis. Native to South America, seeds sent from Buenos Ayres by Scottish plant collector James Tweedie. Teucrium-like verbena, Verbena teucrioides
Lipstick plant, Aeschynanthus parasiticus. Imported from the Khoseca Hills, India, by John Gibson, plant collector to the Duke of Devonshire
Rusty-brown flowered cinquefoil, Potentilla ferruginea. Drawn at William Rollisson's Tooting nursery in 1837
Brilliant fuchsia, Fuchsia fulgens. Native of Mexico and Central America, imported to London in 1837
Gloxinia hybrd. Cross of G. speciosa and G. candida, raised at the Epsom nursery of Messrs. Young. Native to Brazil. Largest-flowered gloxinia, Gloxinia maxima
Mint buch, Prostanthera scutellarioidesMint bush, Prostanthera scutellarioides. Native to New South Wales, Australia, first described in 1810 by Scottish botanist Robert Brown. Scutellaria-like chilodia, Chilodia scutellarioides
Papilionanthe teres orchid. Native to southeast Asia, Yunnan to the Himalayas, discovered in Sylhet (Bangladesh) by botanist Nathaniel Wallich, superintendent of Calcutta Botanic Garden
Chilean nasturtium, Tropaeolum tricolorThree-coloured Indian cress, Chilean nasturtium, soldadito rojo or relicario, Tropaeolum tricolor. Native to Chile, Nasturtium species, Tropaeolum jarrattii
Large flowered barrenwort, Epimedium grandiflorumLarge flowered barrenwort or bishop's hat, Epimedium grandiflorum. Native to Japan and Korea, introduced by German botanist Philipp Franz von Siebold
Purple anise, Illicium floridanumPurple anise, Florida anise, stink-bush or star-anise, Illicium floridanum. Native to West Florida, North America, introduced to Britain in 1766. Florida aniseed tree
Enkianthus quinqueflorus. Native to Asia, China, and raised at Lucombe, Pince & Co. Nursery, Exeter. Netted-leaved enkianthus, Enkianthus reticulatus
Love creeper, Comesperma volubile. Native to New Holland (Australia), seeds sent to Messrs Young at Epsom nursery. Slender comosperma, Comosperma gracilis
Thunia alba orchid. Native to southeast Asia, imported from Silhet by plant collectors for the Duke of Devonshire. White-flowered phajus, Phajus albus
Bishop's hat, Epimedium grandiflorumLarge flowered barrenwort or bishop's hat, Epimedium grandiflorum. Native to Japan and Korea, introduced by German botanist Philipp Franz von Siebold
Lady's purse or slipper flower, Calceolaria viscosissima. Raised from seeds by David Cameron of Birmingham Botanic Garden. Very clammy-stemmed slipperwort, Calceolaria integrifolia var
Dense-flowered dendrobium, Dendrobium densiflorumDense-flowered dendrobium orchid, Dendrobium densiflorum. Native to Asia, found in the Khoseca hills, East Indies, by John Gibson, plant collector to the Duke of Devonshire
Everlasting, Syncarpha eximia. Native to the Eastern and Western Cape, South Africa, introduced by Scottish plant collector Colonel William Patterson in 1793
Leafless-stem balsam, Impatiens scapifloraLeafless-stem balsam, or stemless touch-me-not, Impatiens scapiflora. Native to the Nilgiri Hills, India
Australian flame pea, Chorizema cordatumHeart-leaf flame pea, kaly or Australian flame pea, Chorizema cordatum. Native ot the Swan River colony, Australia, and flowered at William Rollisson's Tooting nursery
Baby blue eyes, Nemophila menziesiiBaby blue eyes or baby's-blue-eyes, Nemophila menziesii. Native to California and Oregon, seeds sent to Britain from the Imperial Garden at Petersburgh. Speckled nemophila, Nemophila atomaria
Chile nettle, Caiophora lateritia. Native to South America, raised in Glasgow Botanic Garden from seeds sent by Scottish botanist James Tweedie from Tucuman, Argentina
Willowleaf angelonia, Angelonia salicariifolia. Native to South America, introduced from Caracas, flowered at Spofforth, the garden of botanist William Herbert, Dean of Manchester, in 1819
New South Wales waratah, Telopea speciosissima. Native to New South Wales in Australia. The warratah, Embothrium speciosissimum
Striped snapdragon, Antirrhinum majus var. caryophylloides. Drawn at the garden of F. W. Smith of Brixton, Surrey. Carnation-like snapdragon, Antirrhinum caryophylloides
Phlox paniculata hybrid, raised by nurseryman and florist Thomas Clark of East Retford, Nottinghamshire. Great flowered cordate lichnidea, Phlox cordata grandiflora
Golden aotus or golden pea, Aotus ericoides. Native to eastern Australia. Erica-like or heath-like aotus
Savanna blazing star, Liatris scariosa. Native of north America, introduced by Scottish plant collector Thomas Drummond to Glasgow Botanic Garden. Northern liatris, Liatris borealis
Cattleya crispa orchidCurled petalled cattleya orchid, Cattleya crispa. Native of Brazil, sent from Rio de Janeiro by British army officer Captain Sir Henry Chamberlain in 1826
Mexican pink, Silene laciniataMexican pink, fringed Indian pink, cardinal catchfly, Mexican campion, or cut-petalled catchfly, Silene laciniata. Native to Mexico and introduced by George Canning in 1823
Sparaxis elegans. Introduced by Irish plant hunter Captain Walter Synnot from the Cape of Good Hope, South Africa. Copper-coloured streptanthera, Streptanthera cuprea
Poro poro or gulupa, Passiflora pinnatistipula. Endangered fruit species of the Andes. Seeds sent from Peru in 1829 and flowered in Mrs Charlotte Marryat's Parkside garden in Wimbledon
Two-coloured slipperwort, Calceolaria bicolor. Native of Canta in Peru, discovered by Scottish plant hunter Alexander Cruckshanks (or Cruickshank) and introduced in 1829
Texas plume, Ipomopsis rubra. Native to southeastern America, first introduced from Carolina in 1726. Painted-flowered ipomopsis, Ipomopsis picta
Sinningia cooperi. Native to Brazil, and sent to Mrs Arnold Harrison by her brother around 1829. Named for the wife of Joseph Cooper, botanic gardener at Wentworth
Elegant zinnia, Zinnia elegans. Native of Mexico, raised from seeds brought from Palermo by William Cavendish, Duke of Devonshire. Violet-coloured zinnia, scarlet variety, Zinnia violacea coccinea
Tooth-like flowered zygopetalum, Zygopetalum maxillareTooth-like flowered zygopetalum orchid, Zygopetalum maxillare. Native to Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina, sent by F. Warre from Rio de Janeiro to nurseryman George Loddiges in Hackney
Munro's globemallow, Sphaeralcea munroanaMunro's globemallow or desert-mallow, Sphaeralcea munroana. Found by Scottish botanist David Douglas in Columbia, North America, in 1836
Aniseed boronia, Boronia crenulataAniseed boronia or crenulate-leaved boronia, Boronia crenulata
Purslane, Cistanthe grandiflora. Seeds brought to the Horticultural Society from Chile by Scottish botanist James Macrae in 1826. Great flowered calandrinia, Calandrinia grandiflora
Beardtongue, Penstemon gentianoides. Imported from Europe by nurseryman Young at Epsom in 1837. Gentian-like pentstemon, Pentstemon gentianoides
Victorian garden plansIsometrical plan of a garden with trellised walks and dolphin fountains 1 and parallelogrammatic garden with circular plats 2
Harrison's cattleya orchid, Cattleya harrisoniana. Named for orchid collector Mrs Arnold Harrison of Aigburth, Liverpool. Mrs Harrison's cattleya, Cattleya harrisoniae
Crepe ginger, Cheilocostus speciosus or Hellenia speciosa. Native to the East Indies (southeast Asia), and introduced via William Rollisson's Tooting nursery. Showy costus, Costus speciosus
Prairie beardtongue, Penstemon cobaeaPrairie beardtongue, foxglove penstemon, Penstemon cobaea. Native to North America, found by English botanist Thomas Nuttall in the prairies of the Red River
Indian thornapple or devil's trumpet, Datura metel. Raised by Wayman, gardener at Sir Henry Digby's gardens in Minterne Magnel, Dorset, from seeds imported from South America
Hop bitter-pea, Daviesia latifolia. Native to southeastern Australia, found in Van Diemen's Land (Tasmania) by Robert Brown in 1805. Broad-leaved davisia, Davisia latifolia. Drawn by Mr
Pericallis tussilaginis. Listed as a hybrid of Cineraria tussilagofolia and Cineraria cruenta raised by James Tate, gardener to John Waterhouse of Well Head, Halifax
Sea lavender, Limonium arboreum. Native of the Canary Islands, found on Tenerife by English botanist Philip Barker-Webb. Drawn at Exeter Nursery. Arboreus statice, Statice arborea
Purple wreath, Petrea volubilis. Native to tropical America, imported by nurseryman George Loddiges. Stapelia-flowered petrea, Petrea stapelsiae
Yellow mariposa lily, Calochortus luteus. Introduced from California by Scottish botanist David Douglas. Yellow flowered calochortus
Golden wattle and prickly mosesGolden wattle or long-leaved acacia, Acacia longifolia, native to southeastern Australia, and prickly moses or pretty zigzag-spined acacia, Acacia pulchella, native to western Australia
Mexican lobelia, Lobelia laxifloraMexican lobelia, aretitos, acaxochitl or chilpanxochitl, Lobelia laxiflora subsp. laxiflora. Native to the Americas, sent from Georgia by Alexander Gordon to Lowe & Co nursery. Clapton
Kazeguruma, Clematis patens. Native of Japan, introduced by German botanist Philipp Franz Balthasar von Siebold. Violet clematis, Clematis caerulea
Monkeyflower hybrid, Mimulus -- harrisonianus auct. Hybrid of M. cardinalis and M. roseus raised at Low & Co.'s nursery, Clapton. Harrison's mimulus, Mimulus harrisonia
Prickly shaggy-pea, Podolobium ilicifolium. Native of New Holland (Australia) introduced in 1822. Cross-leaved podolobium, Podolobium staurophyllum
Lance's trichocentrum, Trichocentrum lanceanumLance's trichocentrum orchid, Trichocentrum lanceanum. Native to South America and the Caribbean, introduced from Suriname by British judge John Henry Lance
Chorizema ovatum. Native to south-west New Holland (Australia), introduced by Scottish plant hunter William Baxter in 1831. Ovate-leaved chorizema, Chorizema ovata
Stipular milk-wort and Heister's muraltiaStipular milk-wort, Muraltia stipulacea, Heister's muraltia, Muraltia heisteria. Native to the Cape of Good Hope, South Africa, named for Swiss botanist John von Muralt
Asian virginsbower, Clematis floridaAsian virginsbower, or passion flower clematis, Clematis florida. Native to China, Korea and Japan, imported from Japan by German botanist Philipp Franz Balthasar von Siebold
Flatface calicoflower, Downingia pulchellaFlatface calicoflower and valley calicoflower, Downingia pulchella. Native to California, America, raised by nurserymen Leucombe, Pince & Co. Exeter. Pretty clintonia, Clintonia pulchella
Peruvian lily, Alstroemeria pelegrina. Native of Peru, introduced into Spain by Baron C. Alstroemer, and to the Royal Gardens at Kew in 1753. Spotted-flowered alstroemeria, white variety
Common heath, Epacris impressa. Native to Victoria, South Australia, New South Wales, Van Diemen's Land (Tasmania), Australia, introduced by nurserymen Messrs. Mackey (Lowe), Clapton, 1825
Begonia obliqua. Native to Martinique, Dominica and Guadeloupe, named begonia by French botanist Charles Plumier. Sweet scented begonia, Begonia odorata
Crimson cattleya orchid, Cattleya labiataCrimson cattleya, ruby-lipped cattleya or crimson-lipped cattleya orchid, Cattleya labiata. Imported from Brazil by English ornithologist and artist William Swainson in 1818
Mountain fetterbush, Pieris floribunda. Native to Georgia, North America, and introduced by Scottish plant hunter John Lyon in 1811
Chorizema glycinifolium. Found in New South Wales, Australia, by English gardener William Baxter. Glycine-leaved dillwynia, Dillwynia glycinifolia
Poinsettia, Euphorbia pulcherrima. Discovered in Mexico by American botanist Joel Roberts Poinsette, introduced to Britain by James McNab of the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh
Fountainbush, Russelia equisetiformisFountainbush, firecracker plant, coral plant, Russelia equisetiformis
Lemon-coloured oncidium, Oncidium citrinum. Native from Colombia to Trinidad, imported from Trinidad by nurseryman George Loddiges
Hummingbird fuchsia, Fuchsia magellanicaHummingbird fuchsia or hardy fuchsia, Fuchsia magellanica. Native to southern South America. Elegant globe-flowered fuchsia, Fuchsia globosa elegans
Laelia anceps orchidTwo-edged laelia orchid, Laelia anceps. Imported from Mexico by nurseryman George Loddiges
Flowering hawthorn, Oxycantha rosea superba (ambiguous). Raised by Mr. Malcolm of Kensington Nursery. Deep rose-coloured flowering hawthorn, Crataegus oxyacantha var. rosea
Short-spurred tropaeolum, Tropaeolum brachyceras. Sent by Miss A.G. Reinagle who received it from her niece, most likely collected in Valparaiso, Chile
Ismene narcissiflora. Cup-flowered sea daffodil, Pancratium calathinum. Native to Peru and Bolivia