Protective DressProtective dress worn by French doctors attending plague victims in Marseille and elsewhere
Hippocrates Saves AthensBy his sensible precautions, the Greek physician Hippocrates saves the people of Athens from the worst effects of the plague which threatens them
Malaria Epidemic 1901MALARIA Fighting malaria in Italy
Cau d Lad of HyltonA goblin (the Cau d Lad of Hylton, Co. Durham) plagues a house until they give him warm clothes. When they do he dances for delight & troubles them no more
LA Peste at MarseilleScene showing the streets of Marseille strewn with plague victims, some being carted away in carts : drawing made on the spot in 1720
Daeth of The First Born - Egypt Plagues
PLAGUE OF LONDON 1665Bodies are brought out of the city in carts and buried in pits dug for the purpose during the Great Plague of London Date: 1665
PLAGUE CHILD SAVED 1665A child is saved from a plague-stricken house in London. Date: 1665
PESTILENCE/BIBLICAL ERAIllustration showing those afflicted with pestilence of biblical era, Israel
CHOLERA/USA/1893"A Prophetic Picture": the World's Fair will be closed by the Cholera Date: 1893
BIBLE/PLAGUE/FIRST BORNDeath of the first born. Date: OT
Victims of the Black Death plague in 1349Victims of the Black Death Date: 1349
Dance of Death, Great Plague of LondonA Dance of Death depiction at St Paul's Cathedral, during the Great Plague of London. Date: 1665
Great Plague of London of 1665Blaize, an apothecary, tests medicines to try and cure the plague Date: 1665
VICTIM OF CHOLERA / 1883Victim of cholera Date: 1883
CHOLERA / 1892 / ASTRAKHANIn the belief that doctors cause cholera, and that only God can cure it, the populace of Astrakhan riot. Date: 1892
BUBONIC PLAGUEDesgenettes, chief medical officer with Napoleons Egyptian expedition, inoculates himself with bubonic plague to prove it can be successfully treated Date: 1799
7 Last Plagues. Apocalypse of AngersBATAILLE, Nicolas (14th c.). The seven last plagues and the harps of God. 1375 - 1382. The upper Angels with the golden vials (bowls) filled with the Wrath of God
Cholera VictimA cholera victim
French Cholera victimA horrified crowd gathers round to see a cholera victim in France Date: 1832
Cartoon, Extirpation of the Plagues of Egypt, Destruction of Revolutionary Crocodiles; or, The British Hero cleansing the Mouth of the Nile, by James Gillray
Beatus aemilianensis, 10th c The seven plaguesBeatus aemilianensis. 2. Ms. Vit. 14-1. Folio 130r. Angels with the seven plagues and musicians with fiddles or violas or arc. Codex manuscript with the Commentary on the Apocalypse of St
Plague scientist in ChinaWestern doctor or scientist in China during the bubonic plague outbreak; died during research work. Date: 1911
Bubonic plague in ChinaBubonic plague outbreak in China, in Tientsin (now Tianjin): people wrapped up to try to protect themselves from the plague, possibly carrying out some sort of fumigation procedure. Date: 1911
Biblical Plagues of hail and frogs - Egypt. circa late 19th century
Plague in China 1911Stacking coffins containing victims of bubonic plague, preparatory to burning, at Tientsin, China. 1911
Plague in China 1911 2Burning coffins containing victims of bubonic plague, at Tientsin, China. 1911
Cholera in Russia / 1909Russian authorities destroy contaminated peasant hovels in the hope of preventing the spread of cholera
Cholera Victim 1832A cholera victim at the temporary hospital de la reserve Grenier a l Abondance, Paris, is cheered if not cured by a visit by la comtesse de L.... M
Plague of FrogsThe plague of frogs
Plague in Manchuria / 1911The Plague scours over the Manchurians, with his scythe, dressed in a deep red robe
Gregorius Stops PlagueGregorius I, pope and saint, orders a day of public prayer against the prevailing plague, and miraculously the plague is driven away - apparently carried off by angels
Ghurkas Prevent CholeraA battalion of Ghurka soldiers en route to Burma, offering sacrifices to drive away cholera
Cholera Poster / 1866Board of Works, for the Limehouse District issue a poster warning about the effects of cholera
Cholera / Quarantine / 1884Quarantine at Marseilles: officers of the ships in detentions being visited by their wives and children
Cholera / DisinfectionDisinfecting travellers on the Serbia - Hungary border
Street DisinfectingPublic disinfectors with their cart : this is the authorities response to cholera and other plagues
Luther & Plague VictimsMartin Luther tends victims of the Plague
Disinfecting a home - 2DISINFECTING A HOME Infected bedlinen is fumigated in a horse-drawn portable Stove to destroy germs of tuberculosis or cholera
Disinfecting a home - 1DISINFECTING A HOME Workers for the Paris prefecture disinfect a home where tuberculosis or cholera have occurred
Averting CholeraThe populace of Napoli, Italy, seek to avert the cholera plague by a religious procession
Bubonic Plague, PortugalWhen Portugal is struck by an epidemic of bubonic plague, the population burn infected homes in hope of destroying the source of the trouble
Pestilence in EgyptThe people of Egypt - and their livestock - are destrpyed by a divine pestilence
Bible / Plague / Egypt / FrogsThe plague of frogs
The Plague of HailGod told Moses to tell Pharaoh that he would send a plague of hail, thunder and lightning which would destroy everything in the fields which he did
Plague of MurrainThe plague of the CATTLE MURRAIN
Tent Hospital / Flu EpidemAn exterior view of a tent- hospital. This one is in the gardens of the Beaujon Hospital, although many more were used to cope with all the flu patients