Cephalotus follicularis, Australian pitcher plantPlate 42 from Botanical Drawings from Australia (1801) by Ferdinand L Bauer (1760-1826)
Molly Pitcher. The Heroine of MonmouthThe Heroine of Monmouth
Tropical pitcher plant, Nepenthes distillatoria, Nepenthes indica, Nepente dell Indie
Nepenthes gymnamphora pitcher plantNephenaceae or pitcher plants: Nepenthes gymnamphora (Nepenthes melamphora), carnivorous plant native to Indonesia
Still Life with Peaches and Pears Date: 1890
Brittany - Local Bretons dance around a jug of local ciderBrittany - Inebriated Local Bretons (and a pair of pigs) dance around a jug (pitcher) of local cider. One chap (left) has certainly had a little too much.... Date: circa 1910s
Hybrid pitcher plant raised by Dr MastersHybrid pitcher plant raised by Dr. Masters, Nepenthes mastersiana.. Illustration by P. Stroobant, lithographed by L. Stroobant of Ghent, from Jean Lindens L Illustration Horticole, 1882
Baseball in a FieldA game of baseball in an open field, spectators round the perimeter : a formally dressed umpire watches as the pitcher makes his run-up from the centre of the diamond
Rhodes. Engraving by Leonce LhuillierIsland of Rhodes. Rhodes. Engraving by Leonce Lhuillier
Pitcher (broken) with complex design, Rouen, 1708Pitcher (broken) with complex design, Rouen, 26 July 1708. Ornaments in the Dutch-Japanese style, colours in the Italian style
Water jug in imitation Chinese style, blue lapis ground, Rouen. Pot a l'eau, fleurs et motifs rappelant l'imitation chinoise. Fonds Bleu-Lapis
Ewer in blue camaieu, festoon style, Rouen, 18th centuryEwer in blue camaieu, festoon style. With the coat of arms of Charles-Louis de Froulay de Tesse, Bishop of Mars. Aiguiere en camaieu bleu, aux armes de Froulay-Tesse, Eveque du Mans. style rayonnant
Beginnings of the festoon style, Rouen, early 18th centuryBeginnings of the festoon style. From a pitcher dated 1707 and an oil cruet jug from 1710. Commencements du Style Rayonnant: Echantillon primitif, Burette d'huilier
Ancient Roman vase, pitcher and pateraMetal vase with swan heads 1 and pitcher 2 from the Museo Portici, and metal patera or libation bowl with dolphin and handle from the Casa Oddi, Perugia 3
Roman tools and household utensilsCopper pot and household utensils excavated at Herculaneum 1, metal ladle and bowl found at Palestrina 2, and terracotta tools excavated in a vineyard near the tomb of Caecilia Metella 3
Ancient Roman altars and pitcher used in sacrificesAncient Roman altar with lions and garlands in the Villa Altieri 1, boccale, or pitcher used in sacrifices, from a bas-relief of the Campidoglio 2
Costume of a maidservant, 17th century France. In gown with wide collar, slashed sleeves, bodice, skirts and apron, with alms bag and fan. Holding a pitcher and tray. Servante
Glass of iced fruit juice with straw, slice of cake and bowl ofGlass of iced fruit juice with straw, pitcher of juice, slice of cake, bowl of fruit on a table with lace tablecloth
Roman Villa of Ramla - Xaghra, Gozo Island, MaltaRoman Villa of Ramla. Located in the western sector of Ramla Bay, in Xaghra (Gozo Island, Malta). Archaeological site excavated between 1910 and 1911 by Professor Temi Zammit
Purple pitcher plant or side-saddle flower, Sarracenia purpurea, Sarracenie pourpre
South Jersey hand-blown glass pitcher with lily pad designPopular Art in the USA - South Jersey hand-blown glass pitcher with lily pad design. mid-19th century
Fashionable couple disturbed by stupid, stone-coldFashionable couple disturbed at home in the morning by stupid, stone-cold idle relatives. Miseries of the country
Purple pitcher plant, Sarracenia purpurea. Sarracenia porporina
Eastern quoll and water opossumEastern quoll, Dasyurus viverrinus 1, water opossum or yapok, Chironectes minimus 2. Dasyurus Maugei, Dasiuro di Mauge, Chironette yapock
Witch elder, Fothergilla gardenii. Fothergilla alnifolia, Fotergilla a foglie d ontano
Pitcher by Bernard Palissy, potter from Saintes, Charente, 16th century. With helmet spout, scroll handle, sun emblem, mythical scene, and floral pattern. Now in the Victoria Albert Museum
Jug from Clermont-Ferrand, France, 18th century, with escutcheon, foliage and inscription Convalescence de M. Rossignol Intendant d Auvergne, M. Peyrot Trezorier de Lordre, 26 Mars 1738
Jug from Nevers, France, with Italian-genre scene of faun and nymph under a tree beside a wheat field
Casque or helmet pitcher from Sinceny, France, 18th century, Oriental birds and flowers and mans head at the spout
Pitcher or ewer from Rouen, France, early 18th century. Decorated with holy figures in enamel and the names Anne-Marie Cassaigne et Nicolas Hautecoeur, 1733
Pharmacy pitcher and vase from Naples, Italy. The pharmacy pitcher decorated with SP 1689 within a heraldic shield, and motto above A. CDIGARD. STELLAT
Pitcher or ewer from Venice, Italy, with sea nymph riding a chimaera with a horses body and serpent tail
Flagon and butterdish from Delft, Netherlands, 18th century. Pitcher decorated with flowers, butterdish in floral pattern with a snail on the lid
Saucer for a pitcher from Delft, Netherlands, 18th century, with a Chinese landscape with peacocks, exotic birds and flowers
Pitcher from Avignon, Vaucluse, France, decorated with leaves and figures
Flowering plants including mammee apple, mangosteen, vateria, camphor, bacuri, white cinnamon, ironwood, poppy, violet, nepenthes, pitcher plant, venus flytrap, etc
Pitcher plants and caper bushPurple sidesaddle plant, Sarracenia purpurea, yellow sidesaddle plant, Sarracenia flava, and taper-leaved caper, Capparis acuminata
Pitcher plant, Nepenthes distillatoria. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by George Cooke after Thomas Shotter Boys from Conrad Loddiges Botanical Cabinet, Hackney, 1825
Dr. Maxwell Masters pitcher plant, Nepenthes x mastersiana, cross of Nepenthes sanguinea and Nepenthes khasiana
Unknown pitcher plant species, Nepenthes curtisi. Woodcut by Gardchron after an illustration by Worthington G. Smith from Jean Lindens l Illustration Horticole, Brussels, 1888
Pitcher plant varieties, Nepenthes species (Nepenthes henryana, Nepenthes lawrenciana). Chromolithograph by P. de Pannemaeker from Jean Lindens l Illustration Horticole, Brussels, 1882
Parrot pitcher plant, Sarracenia psittacina. Native to the American South
Pitcher plant, Nepenthes distillatoria, native to Sri Lanka. Vulnerable
Hooded pitcher plant, Sarracenia minor (Side-saddle flower, Sarracenia adunca)
Male pitcher plant, Nepenthes distillatoria mas. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by Swan after an illustration by William Jackson Hooker from Samuel Curtis Botanical Magazine, London, 1828
Mother putting her baby into a bath. Handcoloured copperplate engraving from Augustin Legrands Amour et Tendresse (Love and Tenderness), Louis Janet, Paris, 1820
"The broken Pitcher". Date: Circa 1810" The broken Pitcher". Date: Circa 1810
Small Restaurant Date: 1948
Molly Pitcher
WATER PUMP / MIDDELBURGA Dutch girl has to work a massive lever to fill her little pitcher from the fine old pump in the Abbey quadrangle at Middelburg, Netherlands. Date: 1884
Greek pottery. Lekythos. Red figure. From Greece. 4th centurGreek pottery. Lekythos. Decorated with palmette. Red figure. 4th century BC. From Greece. Museum of Perfume. Barcelona. Spain
Roman mosaic with Dyonysius headMosaic of a Roman villa decorated with geometric motifs and Dionysius head with fruit and ivy in hIs hair in the center. Pitchers with ivy in the corners
Ceramics. Middle ages. GermanyCeramic pot, 13th century. Yellow clay bowl, Cologne or Frechen (Germany), 14th century. Glazed pottery, Rhineland, 13th century. Pieces loaned by the Museum of Cologne. German Historical Museum
Gideons LanternsGideon, 5th Judge of Israel, equips his army with lamps covered with a pitcher, to frighten their Midianite opponents
Spain and Portugal - The Guard Granada - Two men with rifles outside stone building - Pitcher in doorway. Part of Box 149 Boswell collection - Portugal and Spain. Date: circa 1900
Marian Vayreda i Vila (1853-1903). Catalan writer. La PunyalMarian Vayreda i Vila (1853-1903). Catalan writer. Renaissance. La Punyalada. Ilustration by Josep Berga (1837-1914) and Josep Berga Boada (1872-1923). La Ilustracion Catalana, 1903. Colored engraving
Spain. Asturias. Girl with traditional costume. Engraving. 19th century
Spain. Asturias. Woman fetching water. Fount Castaneu. EngraSpain. Asturias. San Esteban de Pravia. Woman with traditional costume next to the source of Castaneu. Engraving. 19th century
Roman mosaic. Decoration with vessels. 1st century AD. From Merida (Augusta Emerita). National Museum of Roman Art. Merida. Spain
Ara Pacis Augustae. Aeneas sacrificing to the Penates. RelieRoman Art. Italy. Ara Pacis Augustae. Aeneas sacrificing to the Penates. Two young attendants in short tunics, with laurel wreaths
Anthropomorphic jar. 13th-16th centuries. SpainAnthropomorphic jar. 13th-16th centuries. Gothic. From Church of the Carmen. Regional Museum. Manresa. Spain
Ukraine. Yevpatoria. Greek ruinsUkraine. Autonomous Republic of Crimea. Yevpatoria. Greek ruins of ancient city, founded by the Greeks around 500 BC. Detail
Young Women with Pitchers by Francisco de GoyaFrancisco de Goya (1746-1828). Spanish romantic painter. Young Women with Pitchers. 1791-1792. Prado Museum. Madrid. Spain
Fonds partiels (partial background) vases.. Chromolithograph by Gillot of an illustration by Edouard Garnier from The Soft Paste Porcelain of Sevres, Maison Quantin, Paris, 1891
Paris, France - Chateau d Eau, Jardin du Luxembourg. Date: 1830
Carona China Pitcher - Flags of the Allies - European WarA. Shancock & Sons - The Carona China Pitcher. Transfer shows The Flags of the Allies - European War, 1914. Commemorative Ware
Ascot race plate: Queen Victorias gift of a gold vase, 1874The Queens gold vase, given by Queen Victoria as a prize for one of the Ascot races in 1874. A large gold flagon in the style of Queen Annes time, made by R. & S. Garrard & Co. Date: 1874
Nathaniel TallmadgeNATHANIEL PITCHER TALLMADGE American statesman with his autograph Date: 1795 - 1864
George Lawson, SculptorGEORGE A LAWSON sculptor, depicted at work on a sculpture of a lady watering her plants, or offering you a drink from her pitcher, or something of the sort. Date: 1832 - 1904
Old Leadenhall Market - Gentleman purchasing a dogOld Leadenhall Market - A smart Gentleman can be seen purchasing a dog. Date: circa 1906
Southern Algeria - Woman holding a small decorated ewerSouthern Algeria - Woman wearing a very ornate conical hat holding a small decorated ewer. Date: circa 1908
Algerian Bedouin Woman drinking from a small decorated ewer Date: circa 1908
Young Egyptian woman holding an amphoraAn extremely odd artistic photographic postcard showing a young Egyptian woman holding an amphora close to her naked breast
Sarracenia purpurea ssp venos, purple pitcher plantA carnivorous plant attracting insects with sweet nectar on the top of the pitcher. The surface is slippery and the insects fall in. Unable to climb out, the prey is digested by enzymes
Nephenthes sp. pitcher plantA carnivorous plant attracting insects with sweet nectar on the top of the pitcher. The surface is slippery and the insects fall in. Unable to climb out, the prey is digested by enzymes
Nepenthes sp. pitcher plantThe carnivorous pitcher plant is abundant in degraded forest in Sri Lanka
The pitcher that goes often to the well is broken at last
Man in eighteenth-century dress with tri-corner hat sitting in corner, while another man enters the room carrying a pitcher
Evolution of a pitcher. Print shows a five panel illustration beginning with a ceramic pitcher on the left which evolves into a baseball pitcher. Date c1889 Dec. 19
Dragon-headed bronze pitcher with horse motif
France - Elderly water carrierA really extraordinary photographic postcard of an elderly lady water carrier smoking a pipe at Morlaix, Brittany, France Date: circa 1910s
Egypt - Woman carrying a childEgypt - Woman carries her child on her shoulder, whilst holding a rather lovely glass water pitcher in her left hand. Date: 1902
Nurse dries baby after bathA hospital nurse dries a baby with a towel after bathing it
Girl at Rustic WellA girl fills her pitcher from the bucket of a rustic well