Spanish Civil War. Viva Espauot;. Propaganda" Spanish Civil War. " Viva Espa uot; ". Propaganda poster from the Fascist side with and illustration of la Virgen del Pilar (Our Lady of the Pillar)."
SPAIN. Zaragoza. Basilica of Our Lady of the Pilar, Ebro river and Puente de Piedra (Stone Bridge)
Spanish Navy. Alsedo (1882-1898). 2nd class gunboat, iron-hullet, Pilar class. It was laid down on May 18, 1880 and completed in 1882 in Arsenal de La Carraca (Cadiz). Launched on January 23, 1882
Canary Islands - Plaza del Pilar Nuevo, Las PalmasCanary Islands - Pilar Nuevo, Plaza del Espiritu Santo, Las Palmas. Date: circa 1910s
Canary Islands - Fountain in the Plaza de Santo Domingo, Las Palmas. Date: circa 1910s
Spain. La Rioja. Prejano. Calvary
Monument to King Victor Emmanuel II of Italy - Turin Date: 1908
Greek warrior. Hellenistic. 1st century BC. From Rhodes. British Museum. London. England. United Kingdom
Don Juan de Borbon and family and future King Juan Carlos IDon Juan de Borbon with his wife Mara de las Mercedes de Borbn-Dos Sicilias and Orleans, and their children Alfonso, Juan Carlos, Pilar and Margarita
Primo De RiveraMIGUEL PRIMO DE RIVERA Spanish general and dictator, photographed with his son Don Miguel and daughters Carmen and Pilar. Date: 1870 - 1930
FRANCO BAHAMONDE, Pilar (1895 - 1989). Sister to Francisco Franco. 1977
ESQUIVEL Y SUAREZ DE URBINA, Antonio Mar(1806-1857)ESQUIVEL Y SUAREZ DE URBINA, Antonio Maric (1806-1857). Portrait of Pilar de Jandiola. 1838. Grandmother of Count of Pradere, Daniel de Carvallo y Prat. Romanticism. Oil on canvas. SPAIN. Madrid
The King of Spain and his grandchildrenInfante Juan Carlos of Spain (now King Juan Carlos) shown bottom left, looking out of the picture, appearing with his grandfather, sisters and cousins in April 1939: from the left
Notre Dame del Pilar - Black and white looking across rocks and river to arched bridge with domed church in background Date: circa 1890s
Innsbruck, Austria - Maria-Theresa Street circa 1960s
Maria del Pilar de Borbon y Borbon (1861-1879). Infanta of Spain, daughter of Queen Isabel II. Portrait. Engraving of La Ilustraci??n Espa?ola y Americana, 1879. Colored
France. Aude. Castle of Queribus. Gothic room. Dome. 15th century. Cathar route
Spain. Zaragoza. Consecration of the Basilica of El Pilar. Engraving in The Spanish and American Illustration, 1872. Colored
Spain. La Rioja. Ezcaray. House on Main Street emblazoned with wooden porches
REPUBLIC OF ALBANIA. Pilar dedicated to the god Apollo. RuinGREEK ART. REPUBLIC OF ALBANIA. Pilar dedicated to the god Apollo. Ruins of Apollonia. Fier
FORMENT, Damiࠨ1480-1540). Main Altarpiece of theFORMENT, Damiࠨ 1480-1540). Main Altarpiece of the Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar. 1509 - 1518. SPAIN. Zaragoza
Templo del Pilar, Calanda, Teruel, Aragon, SpainIlluminations light up the 17th century Templo del Pilar, Calanda (a town in the province of Teruel, in Aragon, Spain). Date: 1908
Spain (19th c. ). The kings of Spain IsabellaSpain (19th c.). The kings of Spain Isabella II and Francis at the procession of El Pilar in Saragossa. Illustration by Vicente Urrabieta. Litography. SPAIN. Madrid. National Library
SPAIN. Zaragoza. Basca de Nuestra SedelSPAIN. Zaragoza. Bas ca de Nuestra Se del Pilar (Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar). Relief on rock
RODRIGUEZ, Ventura (1717-1785). Holy Chapel
RODRIGUEZ, Ventura (1717-1785); HERRERA, Francisco
Princesa PilarPRINCESA PILAR Spanish royalty, daughter of Isabela II