Spain, Galicia, Santiago de Compostela. Cathedral of Santiago. Mondragon Chapel or Chapel of Piety. Built between 1521 and 1526 by Jacome Garcia
Pieta, ca. 1570, by Luis de Morales (1515-1586). DetailLuis de Morales (1515-1586). Spanish painter. Pieta, ca.1570. Detail. San Fernando Royal Academy of Fine Arts. Madrid. Spain. Date: 2019
MONTAGNANA, Jacopo da (1440-/43-1499). Italian painter. MADONNA AND DEAD CHRIST. Tempera on wood. Museum of Fine Arts. Budapest. Hungary
Cartoon, why the Englishman is so respected abroad ! Date: 1867
Cartoon -- why the English tourist is so respected by the French. Date: 1867
Johann Ant. GeigerJOHANN ANTON GEIGER German citizen praised for his piety and knowledge. Date: 1638 - 1685
Katharine HenryKATHARINE HENRY wife of Philip Henry, nonconformist minister at Worthenbury, mother of Matthew Henry, bible commentator, renowned for her piety. Date: 1628 - 1707
Brahmins walking on hot coals near Madras, IndiaNear Madras, India, forty Brahmins of the Soivrasta sect demonstrate their piety by walking on hot coals. Date: 1908
Richard III - pretending he is too holy to want to become king. 1862
Lady Mary ArmineLADY MARY ARMINE wife of sir William A. remarkable for her learning, piety and benevolence, Date: ? - 1676
Elizabeth Hungary / SchleiSAINT ELIZABETH OF HUNGARY Married Louis IV. Spent enormous amounts on Hospitals and providing for orphaned children. Date: 1207 - 1231
Vianney PhotoSAINT J B M VIANNEY known as the Cure d Ars, French churchman, persecuted by demons who disapproved of his piety. Photo 1858 Date: 1786 - 1818
Albanian Sheperdess - AlbaniaAlbanian Shepherdess - slight ( Christian ?) artistic license employed Date: 1880s
Argentina - Buenos Aires - Calle PiedadArgentina - Buenos Aires - Calle La Piedad y Reconquista (Street of Piety and Reconquest !). Date: 1880
Domenico SavioDOMENICO SAVIO Italian saint, pupil of Giovanni Bosco, canonised for his piety though aged only 15 Date: 1842 - 1857
Charles Le Bon / FlandersCHARLES LE BON COUNT OF FLANDERS also known as Charles the Dane, renowned for clemency, piety and humanity - seen here receiving visitors at court
Jehoshaphat TriumphsJehoshaphat, king of Judah, triumphs over the neighbouring princes, being favoured by God as a reward for his pious behaviour : piety pays !
Francoise De BretagneFRANCOISE D AMBOISE, duchesse de BRETAGNE noted for her piety while married, when widowed she became a Carmelite nun, and eventually prioress
Saint WenceslasSAINT WENCESLAS Noted for his piety, Wenceslas promoted Christianity in Bohemia against the wishes of its nobility. He was murdered by his brother Boleslav I
Goose Girl PraysThe Goose Girl kneels and prays
Felipe (Philip) IIFELIPE II OF SPAIN husband of Mary Tudor, renowned for his piety. with his autograph