Varieties of sea anemones and corals
Various types of coral
Types of seaweed, kelp and algae in the ocean. Flore de la mer
Bowhead whale beached on a rocky shoreBowhead whale, Balaena mysticetus, beached on a rocky shore. Baleine du Groenland echouee. Woodcut by F
Landscape of a rough sea with waves crashing on rocks by marine artist Theodore Gudin. Brisants d'apres un tableau de Gudin
Hunters on St Kilda harvesting eggs of marine birdsHunters on St Kilda climbing cliffs to harvest eggs of marine birds such as the Northern fulmar, Fulmarus glacialis, and puffin, Fratercula arctica. Vogelberg. Woodcut by F
Polar bears hunting seals in an Arctic landscapePolar bears, Ursus maritimus, hunting seals in an Arctic landscape. Ours blancs. Chromolithograph by C
Hunting walrus, Odobenus rosmarus, in the Arctic ice floes. Whalers on a small boat hunting with harpoon. Chasses aux morses. Chromolithograph by C
View of a calm sea at Gibraltar on the Mediterranean by marine artist Theodore Gudin. Mer calme une vue de Gibraltar d'apres Gudin
European herring gulls, Larus argentatus. On a beach near rocks and sailboats. Goelands argentes
Fish development, Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar. Appearance of the embryonic spot in the egg 1, first embryo lineaments 2, appearance of the heart 3, fully formed 4, ready to hatch 5, and hatched 6
Flying fish, sea bream and albatrossFlying fish, Exocoetus volitans, gilt-head sea bream, Sparus aurata, and albatross, Diomedea exulans. Poissons volants, dorades, albatros
Types of annelids or marine segmented worms
Sea cucumber, bladderwrack and algaeSea cucumber, Holothuria arguinensis?, from the Chausey islands, Atlantic. With bladder wrack seaweed, Fucus vesiculosus, and red algae, Polyneura bonnemaisonii. Holothurie des iles de Chausey
Siphonophore or string jellyfish, Apolemia contorta, from the Mediterranean coast off Nice. Apolemie contournee. Zooid, or floating colony of polyps and medusoids. Meduse de la cote de Nice
Anterior nectophore species, Sulculeolaria quadrivalvis. Male and female colonies. Found of the Mediterranean coast of Nice. Galeolaire orangee, Galeolaria aurantiaca. Meduse de la cote de Nice