Emiliana huxleyi, coccolithScanning electron microscope image of a complete sphere of coccoliths from modern oceans. These are thin calcite shells protecting the coccolithophore within
Emiliania huxleyi coccolithophores collected from a bloom in the SW Approaches to the English Channel in June 2004. Date: 2004
CoccolithScanning electron microscope (SEM) image of a Folkestone chalk surface with Cretaceous coccoliths (x2500 on a standard 9 cm wide print)
Visbyshaera oligofurcata, acritarchScanning electron microscope image of a microfossil belonging to a group of marine phytoplanktonic organisms known as acritarchs that teemed in Silurian seas about 415 Ma ago
Ceratolithoides aculeus, coccolithScanning electron microscope image of an isolated coocolith from Cretaceous chalk. These are thin calcite shells protecting the coccolithophore within
Florosphaera profunda, coccolithScanning electron microscope image of a complete sphere of coccoliths from modern oceans. These are thin calcite shells protecting the coccolithophore within
Acanthoica acanthifera
Axopodorhabdus albianus, coccolithScanning electron microscope image of a Cretaceous coccolith from Folkestone Chalk (x 10, 000 on a standard 9 cm wide print)