A physician and his servant, 13th centuryBearded doctor with parchment scroll instructing his assistant with mortar and pestle. The doctor wears a Phrygian cap, mantle, dalmatica with embroidered girdle and hem, purple tunic underneath
Saxon noble in Phrygian cap and others in mantles, 8th centurySaxon noble in mantle and Phrygian cap from the Caedmon manuscript, Bodleian Junius xi
Saxon king in his martial habit with his armour bearer. King in battle wearing a crown, knee-length chain-mail tunic or lorica, a suit of armour reserved for royalty in the 8th century
Anglo Saxon king and equerry in battleAnglo Saxon king in battle wearing a crown, knee-length chain-mail tunic or lorica, a suit of armour reserved for royalty in the 8th century
Anglo Saxon military officer, cavalier and foot soldierAnglo Saxon military
Anglo Saxon men wearing mantles: nobleman wearing a great purple mantle (24), a young man wearing a mantle (25)
Casta mistica, Egyptian vase, lyre, cup, etcMystical basket or casta mistica with snake carried by Bacchanale priestesses from a bas-relief in the Villa Borghese 1, Etruscan candelabrum from a bas-relief in the Villa Albani 2
Spanish people dancing in a square, 1858. A water seller with donkey and amphora, a couple from Valencia watch Romany gitanos dancing flamenco with castanets
Profile bust of King Priam of TroyProfile bust of Priam, King of Troy. during the Trojan War. He wears a Phrygian cap. Head of Priam. From a gem in the possession of the Duke of Devonshire
Ganymede, divine hero from Troy, kidnapped to be Zeus cupbearerGanymede or Ganymedes, divine hero from Troy, kidnapped to be Zeus cupbearer in Olympus. Young man in Phrygian cap and cloak over his shoulder attacked by an eagle (Zeus)