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Petrification Collection

Background imagePetrification Collection: Extinct bivalve mollusks: Pholadomya and Terebratula species

Extinct bivalve mollusks: Pholadomya and Terebratula species. Handcolored lithograph from Dr. F.A. Schmidts Petrefactenbuch, published in Stuttgart, Germany, 1855 by Verlag von Krais & Hoffmann. Dr

Background imagePetrification Collection: Skeleton of the Megatherium, and Mastodon giganteus

Skeleton of the Megatherium, and Mastodon giganteus, or the American mastodon, Mammut americanum.. Handcolored lithograph from Dr. F.A

Background imagePetrification Collection: Fossils of extinct Spongites and Cnemidium species

Fossils of extinct Spongites and Cnemidium species.. Handcolored lithograph from Dr. F.A. Schmidts Petrefactenbuch, published in Stuttgart, Germany, 1855 by Verlag von Krais & Hoffmann. Dr

Background imagePetrification Collection: Fossils of extinct encephalopod ammonites

Fossils of extinct encephalopod ammonites.. Handcolored lithograph from Dr. F.A. Schmidts Petrefactenbuch, published in Stuttgart, Germany, 1855 by Verlag von Krais & Hoffmann. Dr

Background imagePetrification Collection: Fossils of extinct bivalves

Fossils of extinct bivalves.. Handcolored lithograph from Dr. F.A. Schmidts Petrefactenbuch, published in Stuttgart, Germany, 1855 by Verlag von Krais & Hoffmann. Dr

Background imagePetrification Collection: Skeleton, skull and tooth of the cave bear, Ursus spelaeus

Skeleton, skull and tooth of the cave bear, Ursus spelaeus.. Handcolored lithograph from Dr. F.A. Schmidts Petrefactenbuch, published in Stuttgart, Germany, 1855 by Verlag von Krais & Hoffmann. Dr

Background imagePetrification Collection: Fossils of extinct Ammonites species

Fossils of extinct Ammonites species.. Handcolored lithograph from Dr. F.A. Schmidts Petrefactenbuch, published in Stuttgart, Germany, 1855 by Verlag von Krais & Hoffmann. Dr

Background imagePetrification Collection: Skull of the Rhinoceros schleirmacheri

Skull of the Rhinoceros schleirmacheri and skeleton of the Irish elk, Cervus megaceros.. Handcolored lithograph from Dr. F.A

Background imagePetrification Collection: Diluvian human skeleton known as Homo diluvii

Diluvian human skeleton known as Homo diluvii testis, and a human skeleton from Guadalupe.. Handcolored lithograph from Dr. F.A

Background imagePetrification Collection: Skull, tooth and fanciful illustration of a

Skull, tooth and fanciful illustration of a Dinotherium, shown as a kind of seal-like creature.. Handcolored lithograph from Dr. F.A

Background imagePetrification Collection: Extinct fossil of an oyster Ostraea longirostris

Extinct fossil of an oyster Ostraea longirostris, Pecten Jacobaeus, and mussel Dreissena Brardii.. Handcolored lithograph from Dr. F.A

Background imagePetrification Collection: Micraster cor-testudinarium, Trigonia alaeformis

Micraster cor-testudinarium, Trigonia alaeformis, Hippurites cornu vaccinum, and Mosasaurus tooth.. Handcolored lithograph from Dr. F.A

Background imagePetrification Collection: Fossil smooth clam Cytheria chione, sea snail

Fossil smooth clam Cytheria chione, sea snail Turitella scalata and shark teeth.. Handcolored lithograph from Dr. F.A

Background imagePetrification Collection: Skeleton of the American mastodon, Mammut americanum

Skeleton of the American mastodon, Mammut americanum, and giant ground sloth, Mylodon robustus.. Handcolored lithograph from Dr. F.A

Background imagePetrification Collection: Extinct gastropods and mollusks: Ammonites

Extinct gastropods and mollusks: Ammonites, Scaphites, Hamites and Turrilites species.. Handcolored lithograph from Dr. F.A

Background imagePetrification Collection: Fossil of extinct corals: Astraea, Maeandrina

Fossil of extinct corals: Astraea, Maeandrina and Chaetetes species.. Handcolored lithograph from Dr. F.A

Background imagePetrification Collection: Fossils of extinct Astraea pentagonalis, A

Fossils of extinct Astraea pentagonalis, A. helianthoides, A. alveolata, A. sexradiata.. Handcolored lithograph from Dr. F.A

Background imagePetrification Collection: Stony coral fossils: Lithodendron and Anthophyllum species

Stony coral fossils: Lithodendron and Anthophyllum species.. Handcolored lithograph from Dr. F.A. Schmidts Petrefactenbuch, published in Stuttgart, Germany, 1855 by Verlag von Krais & Hoffmann. Dr

Background imagePetrification Collection: Fossils of extinct Jurassic prawn, Aeger tipularius

Fossils of extinct Jurassic prawn, Aeger tipularius, and dragonfly, Aeschna grandis.. Handcolored lithograph from Dr. F.A

Background imagePetrification Collection: Fossils of extinct Apiocrinites, Solanocrinites

Fossils of extinct Apiocrinites, Solanocrinites, Asterias, Eugeniacrinites and Retepora species.. Handcolored lithograph from Dr. F.A

Background imagePetrification Collection: Fossils of extinct Ammonites, Nerita, Nerinea

Fossils of extinct Ammonites, Nerita, Nerinea and Pecten species.. Handcolored lithograph from Dr. F.A. Schmidts Petrefactenbuch, published in Stuttgart, Germany, 1855 by Verlag von Krais & Hoffmann

Background imagePetrification Collection: Fossils of extinct Spongites species

Fossils of extinct Spongites species.. Handcolored lithograph from Dr. F.A. Schmidts Petrefactenbuch, published in Stuttgart, Germany, 1855 by Verlag von Krais & Hoffmann. Dr

Background imagePetrification Collection: Fossils of extinct Cidarites, Spalangus, Nudeolitus

Fossils of extinct Cidarites, Spalangus, Nudeolitus species, and Megalosaurus and Gyrodus teeth.. Handcolored lithograph from Dr. F.A

Background imagePetrification Collection: Fossils of extinct Ammonites, Terebratula

Fossils of extinct Ammonites, Terebratula and Trochus species.. Handcolored lithograph from Dr. F.A. Schmidts Petrefactenbuch, published in Stuttgart, Germany, 1855 by Verlag von Krais & Hoffmann

Background imagePetrification Collection: Fossils of extinct ammonites

Fossils of extinct ammonites.. Handcolored lithograph from Dr. F.A. Schmidts Petrefactenbuch, published in Stuttgart, Germany, 1855 by Verlag von Krais & Hoffmann. Dr

Background imagePetrification Collection: Extinct fossil gastropods: Ammonites Parkinsoni

Extinct fossil gastropods: Ammonites Parkinsoni, A. macrocephalus, Serpula grandis.. Handcolored lithograph from Dr. F.A

Background imagePetrification Collection: Extinct fossil gastropods: Ammonites Humphreysianus

Extinct fossil gastropods: Ammonites Humphreysianus, Trigonia costata and Avicula elegans.. Handcolored lithograph from Dr. F.A

Background imagePetrification Collection: Extinct fossil oyster, Ostraa pectiniformis

Extinct fossil oyster, Ostraa pectiniformis, and Perna mytiloides.. Handcolored lithograph from Dr. F.A

Background imagePetrification Collection: Extinct fossil gastropod: Ammonites coronatus

Extinct fossil gastropod: Ammonites coronatus.. Handcolored lithograph from Dr. F.A. Schmidts Petrefactenbuch, published in Stuttgart, Germany, 1855 by Verlag von Krais & Hoffmann. Dr

Background imagePetrification Collection: Extinct fossil oyster, Ostraa cristagalli

Extinct fossil oyster, Ostraa cristagalli.. Handcolored lithograph from Dr. F.A. Schmidts Petrefactenbuch, published in Stuttgart, Germany, 1855 by Verlag von Krais & Hoffmann. Dr

Background imagePetrification Collection: Extinct fossil gastropods and oysters

Extinct fossil gastropods and oysters.. Handcolored lithograph from Dr. F.A. Schmidts Petrefactenbuch, published in Stuttgart, Germany, 1855 by Verlag von Krais & Hoffmann. Dr

Background imagePetrification Collection: Extinct fossil gastropods: Ammonites torulosus

Extinct fossil gastropods: Ammonites torulosus, Trigonia navis and Venus trigonellaris.. Handcolored lithograph from Dr. F.A

Background imagePetrification Collection: Fossil of Pentacrinites subangularis, extinct

Fossil of Pentacrinites subangularis, extinct crinoid from the Jurassic.. Handcolored lithograph from Dr. F.A

Background imagePetrification Collection: Extinct fossil gastropods: Ammonites jurensis

Extinct fossil gastropods: Ammonites jurensis, A. hircinus and A. radians.. Handcolored lithograph from Dr. F.A

Background imagePetrification Collection: Extinct fossil plants: Araucaria, Cauterpites

Extinct fossil plants: Araucaria, Cauterpites serpentinus and Chondrites bollensis.. Handcolored lithograph from Dr. F.A

Background imagePetrification Collection: Extinct fossil gastropods: Ammonites fimbriatus

Extinct fossil gastropods: Ammonites fimbriatus, Aptychus sanguinolaris and A. bollensis.. Handcolored lithograph from Dr. F.A

Background imagePetrification Collection: Extinct fossil fish Thryssops, and shells Patella

Extinct fossil fish Thryssops, and shells Patella papyracea, Inoceramus gryphoides.. Handcolored lithograph from Dr. F.A

Background imagePetrification Collection: Fossil dinosaur skeletons: Ichthyosaurus

Fossil dinosaur skeletons: Ichthyosaurus and teleosaurid crocodyliform Mystriosaurus.. Handcolored lithograph from Dr. F.A

Background imagePetrification Collection: Extinct fossil ammonites

Extinct fossil ammonites.. Handcolored lithograph from Dr. F.A. Schmidts Petrefactenbuch, published in Stuttgart, Germany, 1855 by Verlag von Krais & Hoffmann. Dr

Background imagePetrification Collection: Extinct fossil Ammonites amaltheus, A gibbosus and A ziphus

Extinct fossil Ammonites amaltheus, A gibbosus and A ziphus
Extinct fossil Ammonites amaltheus, A. gibbosus and A. ziphus.. Handcolored lithograph from Dr. F.A. Schmidts Petrefactenbuch, published in Stuttgart, Germany, 1855 by Verlag von Krais & Hoffmann

Background imagePetrification Collection: Extinct fossil sea snails

Extinct fossil sea snails.. Handcolored lithograph from Dr. F.A. Schmidts Petrefactenbuch, published in Stuttgart, Germany, 1855 by Verlag von Krais & Hoffmann. Dr

Background imagePetrification Collection: Extinct fossil brachipods

Extinct fossil brachipods.. Handcolored lithograph from Dr. F.A. Schmidts Petrefactenbuch, published in Stuttgart, Germany, 1855 by Verlag von Krais & Hoffmann. Dr

Background imagePetrification Collection: Fossils of extinct marine cephalopods, ancestors

Fossils of extinct marine cephalopods, ancestors to the squid and cuttlefish, from the Jurassic.. Handcolored lithograph from Dr. F.A

Background imagePetrification Collection: Fossils of extinct cephalopods

Fossils of extinct cephalopods.. Handcolored lithograph from Dr. F.A. Schmidts Petrefactenbuch, published in Stuttgart, Germany, 1855 by Verlag von Krais & Hoffmann. Dr

Background imagePetrification Collection: Fossils of extinct encephalopods

Fossils of extinct encephalopods.. Handcolored lithograph from Dr. F.A. Schmidts Petrefactenbuch, published in Stuttgart, Germany, 1855 by Verlag von Krais & Hoffmann. Dr

Background imagePetrification Collection: Fossils of extinct ammonite cephalopods

Fossils of extinct ammonite cephalopods.. Handcolored lithograph from Dr. F.A. Schmidts Petrefactenbuch, published in Stuttgart, Germany, 1855 by Verlag von Krais & Hoffmann. Dr

Background imagePetrification Collection: Fossils of extinct mollusks

Fossils of extinct mollusks.. Handcolored lithograph from Dr. F.A. Schmidts Petrefactenbuch, published in Stuttgart, Germany, 1855 by Verlag von Krais & Hoffmann. Dr

Background imagePetrification Collection: Lily encrinite, Encrinites liliformis

Lily encrinite, Encrinites liliformis, and crab, Pemphix sueri.. Handcolored lithograph from Dr. F.A. Schmidts Petrefactenbuch, published in Stuttgart, Germany, 1855 by Verlag von Krais & Hoffmann

Background imagePetrification Collection: Fossils of the Mastodonsaurus giganteus, an

Fossils of the Mastodonsaurus giganteus, an extinct amphibian. Head, tooth and dung (coprolith).. Handcolored lithograph from Dr. F.A

Background imagePetrification Collection: Extinct horsehair fossils: Calamites arenaceus

Extinct horsehair fossils: Calamites arenaceus and Equisetites columnaris.. Handcolored lithograph from Dr. F.A

Background imagePetrification Collection: Fossil fern, Nothosaurus tooth and vertebra

Fossil fern, Nothosaurus tooth and vertebra, Dracorex tooth, and fossil fish scales.. Handcolored lithograph from Dr. F.A

Background imagePetrification Collection: Fossil tree fern, Caulopteris tesselata

Fossil tree fern, Caulopteris tesselata.. Handcolored lithograph from Dr. F.A. Schmidts Petrefactenbuch, published in Stuttgart, Germany, 1855 by Verlag von Krais & Hoffmann. Dr

Background imagePetrification Collection: Fossil fern, Pecopteris Sulziana

Fossil fern, Pecopteris Sulziana.. Handcolored lithograph from Dr. F.A. Schmidts Petrefactenbuch, published in Stuttgart, Germany, 1855 by Verlag von Krais & Hoffmann. Dr

Background imagePetrification Collection: Fossil of Neuropteris grandiflora, an extinct

Fossil of Neuropteris grandiflora, an extinct seed fern from the Carboniferous period.. Handcolored lithograph from Dr. F.A

Background imagePetrification Collection: Fossils of extinct trilobites

Fossils of extinct trilobites.. Handcolored lithograph from Dr. F.A. Schmidts Petrefactenbuch, published in Stuttgart, Germany, 1855 by Verlag von Krais & Hoffmann. Dr

Background imagePetrification Collection: Fossils of extinct cephalopods and ammonoids

Fossils of extinct cephalopods and ammonoids.. Handcolored lithograph from Dr. F.A. Schmidts Petrefactenbuch, published in Stuttgart, Germany, 1855 by Verlag von Krais & Hoffmann. Dr

Background imagePetrification Collection: Fossils of extinct sea snails or the Silurian

Fossils of extinct sea snails or the Silurian to Permian eras.. Handcolored lithograph from Dr. F.A. Schmidts Petrefactenbuch, published in Stuttgart, Germany, 1855 by Verlag von Krais & Hoffmann

Background imagePetrification Collection: Extinct coral and sponge fossils

Extinct coral and sponge fossils.. Handcolored lithograph from Dr. F.A. Schmidts Petrefactenbuch, published in Stuttgart, Germany, 1855 by Verlag von Krais & Hoffmann. Dr

Background imagePetrification Collection: Fossils of ferns and plants

Fossils of ferns and plants.. Handcolored lithograph from Dr. F.A. Schmidts Petrefactenbuch, published in Stuttgart, Germany, 1855 by Verlag von Krais & Hoffmann. Dr

Background imagePetrification Collection: Extinct plant fossils: scale tree and horsetail

Extinct plant fossils: scale tree and horsetail.. Handcolored lithograph from Dr. F.A. Schmidts Petrefactenbuch, published in Stuttgart, Germany, 1855 by Verlag von Krais & Hoffmann. Dr

Background imagePetrification Collection: Victims of Petrification

Victims of Petrification
Unfortunate victims of the petrifying spring at Clermont- Ferrand, France

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