Costume of a French mask seller, 1700Costume of a French mask seller from Nicolas de Larmessin's Habits des Metiers et Professions, 1700. He wears masks, feathers, buckles, buttons, pins, ribbons, fabrics, fans, scissors, etc
Girl skipping rope at the beach in white dress and bonnet decorated with flowers. Costume d une damoiselle de 6 a 8 ans
Jewelry cockade and flexible rings designed by Morgan. Aigrette et bagues souples par Morgan
Man in evening suit with white waistcoat and silk gaitersMan in evening suit with white bowtie and waistcoat and silk gaiters. Habit de soiree, gilet de pique blanc, chausettes de soie blanche
Woman in embroidered dress of duvetin with otter trim, 1913Woman in embroidered sheath dress of stained-glass-blue duvetyn twill fabric with otter fur trim and otter muff. Robe de duvetin bleu vitrail brodee au point lance et garnie de loutre
Woman in dress of corn-yellow velvet with black waistcoatWoman in dress of corn-yellow velvet with little waistcoat of black velvet. Robe de velours mais, petite veste de velours noir bordee de vair
Woman in the Crown or Couronne hairdo, 1783Woman in the Crown or Couronne hairdo, a backcombed hairstyle surmounted by a pouf hat with pleats, pearls and tassels
Woman in high hairstyle crowned with an elegant bonnet with pearls, flowers and plumes. Bonnet elegant avec des perles