Promotional card for the Oriental Carpet Manufacturers Ltd - Turkish Company with head office at Smyrna (Izmir), Turkey and branches in London, Paris, Constantinople (Istanbul), New York, Cairo
The Cherbourg Fetes, the Pera leaving SouthamptonThe " Pera" with members of the House of Commons on board, leaving Southampton to take part in the Cherbourg Fetes
The Pera and Galata Districts of Istanbul, Turkey. Date: circa 1910
Defence of Byzantium against the Ottomans. RogerDefence of Byzantium against the Ottomans. The leader of the Great Catalan Company or Almogavars (1303-1305), Roger de Flor (ca)
Ichlogan or Page to the Sultan, Ottoman Empire. The boys served in the Seraglio or Harem, Pera, Constantinople. He wears a gold hat, crimson robe with gold belt
Turkish woman of the Harem, in Pera, Constantinople. She wears a sleeveless waistcoat over a long embroidered robe
Armenian merchant of Pera, Constantinople
Saka or Turkish water carrier of Pera, Constantinople. He wears a large turban, short jacket decorated with gold or silk twist, loose trousers and red slippers
Hamal or common porter of PeraHamal or common porter in turban, shirt, pants and gaiters. Turkish or Armenian porters in Pera carry their burdens on the back between hips and shoulders
Costume of a First Dragoman or interpreter in Pera, Constantiople. Dragoman of the Sublime Porte, Grand Dragoman, deputy foreign minister
Beyoglu. Burial ground or Champs des Morts Barracks at PeraOttoman Empire. Turkey. Beyoglu. Burial ground or Champs des Morts Barracks at Pera. Engraving by Lemaitre and Blanchard
Burial ground or Champs des Morts Barracks at PeraOttoman Empire. Turkey. Beyoglu. Burial ground or Champs des Morts Barracks at Pera. Engraving by Lemaitre and Blanchard
Street of steps with church, Girona, Catalonia, SpainStreet of steps leading to a church, Nuestra Senora de la Pera, Girona, Catalonia, Spain. Date: circa 1908
Hotel Restaurant - Meguerditch Tokatlian - Pera, IstanbulHotel Meguerditch Tokatlian in Pera (another property owned by this Armenian Hotelier was in Therapia), Constantinople, Turkey (see: 10281774). Date: circa 1910s
Istanbul - Grande Rue de Pera - Lycee Galata Serai. Date: circa 1906
Woman from Simia and a Woman of Pera (Istanbul)Woman from Symi and a Woman of Pera (Istanbul) Date: 1821
Istanbul, Turkey - Pera - Bazaar of Thessaloniki (Bazar de Salonique) Date: circa 1925
Galata Bridge - view toward Pera over Golden Horn, Istanbul Date: circa 1910
Aynalicesme, Water Carrier, Galatasaray, Grande Rue de PeraIstanbul, Turkey - Aynalicesme, Water Carrier, Galatasaray, Grande Rue de Pera Date: 1898
Istanbul, Turkey - Beyoglu, Cadde-i Kebir near Aga MosqueIstanbul, Turkey - Beyoglu, Cadde-i Kebir or Grande Rue de Pera - area around Aga Mosque Date: 1898
Harem, Selimiye, Summer Palace at Tarabya, Pera Palace Hotel Date: 1898
Entrance - Artillery Barracks, Taxim, Pera, Istanbul, TurkeyEntrance to the Artillery Barracks at Taxim (Pera), Istanbul, Turkey Date: 1904
Kara-Keui (Galata) and view of Pera, Constantinople, Turkey. Date between ca. 1890 and ca. 1900
Vue de Pera et Galata. Aerial view of the Golden Horn, Pera (Beyoglu), and Galata, Istanbul. Date between 1870 and 1910. Vue de Pera et Galata
Main Street of Pera - Istanbul. Date: circa 1905
Opening of the Sultan Hamidie Hospital, Pera, Istanbul - final touches are being made to the decorations. Date: circa 1910s
Hotel Tokatlian in Pera (another property owned by this Armenian Hotelier was in Therapia), Constantinople, Turkey
Turkish Christmas CardChristmas card sent by Ferdinando de Paruta who was the Director of the International Couriers and Guides Office of Pera, Constantinople. Card produced by Sebah and Joaillier in Constantinople
The Galata Tower and Pera District, ConstantinopleThe Galata Tower and Pera District, across the water, set within a border of a Mother of Pearl shell
British arrival in Pera, Istanbul, TurkeyArrival of the British occupation force at Pera, Istanbul, Turkey in March, 1920
Constantinople - Pera - Grand StreetSteps on the Grand Street of Pera, Istanbul (European side of the Bosphorus) by the side of the Golden Horn
Constantinople - Pera District - a fire. Everything in Istanbul cooked over open charcoal or open wood fires and there were constant conflagrations in this district
Grand Street - Pera, IstanbulGrand Street in Pera, Istanbul (European side of the Bosphorus). This picture shows the studios of probably the most famous firm of photographers in Turkish History - Sebah & Joaillier
Istanbul in 1520Constantinople under Turkish rule - the Seraglio Palace in the foreground, the Golden Horn on the right with Pera beyond, the Bosphorus to the left, with shipping