WW1 - Pekin Camp, Camp for Chinese Labour Corps, Mont KemmelWW1 - Pekin Camp - Camp for The Chinese Labour Corps on the Western Front. The camp was near The Kemmelberg (also known as Kemmel Hill or Mont Kemmel), Heuvelland, West Flanders, Belgium
Japanese bantams, black bantams and Pekin bantams. Mrs. Woodcocks Japanese white bantams, first prize at Crystal Palace 1872. E. Cambridges black bantams, cup winner at Bristol 1873. H. B
(above) A portion of the Emperor of China's Summer Palace, near Pekin (Peking - modern-day Beijing) and (below) part of the Imperial Palace at Pekin. Date: 1861
A portion of the Emperor of China's summer palace, PekinA portion of the Emperor of China's Summer Palace, near Pekin (Peking - modern-day Beijing). Date: 1861
Beijing China probably 1920s
Mayfair Hotel and Hampton Court, Kings Cross - SydneyElizabeth Place Building, Mayfair Hotel and Hampton Court Hotel, Kings Cross - Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. Date: 1937
DuckweedWatercolour paintings of three American Pekin ducks swimming in a circular motion on duckweed covered water. Date: circa 1930
CHINA. THE BOXER REBELLIONChina. The Boxer Rebellion. Siege of Peking (14th and 15th August 1900). Engraving. Date: 1900
Gold-laced bantam and silver-laced bantam cock and hen, Gallus gallus domesticus. Bred by Matthew Leno and winner of first prizes at Crystal Palace and Birmingham 1871
Woman in fine wool suit with striped pekin-silkWoman in fine wool green suit with striped pekin-silk taffeta tunic. Veste de drap fin sur jupe de meme a tunique de taffetas pekine
Woman in gaberdine dress with hand-embroidered frills, sitting on a chaise longue. Robe de gabardine a volants brodes a la main
Woman in blue and yellow striped pekin silk satin dress with nainsook cotton frills. Robe de satin pekine a volants de nansouk
Girl in dress of blue floral crepe du chineInterior scene with mother and children, and girl in dress of blue floral crepe du chine. Robe de petite fille en crepe du chine bleu fleuri
Distributing the Pekin GazetteScenes in China. Distributing the Pekin Gazette. 1873
Articles in the Chinese Exhibition at Crystal Palace, 1865Precious objects brought from the Emperor of Chinas Summer Palace, near Pekin, displayed at the Chinese Exhibition at Crystal Palace in 1865
Peking ObservatoryChinese armillary sphere of the 13th century outside the Peking observatory Date: 1888
Steam train on Pekin to Tientsin route, ChinaSteam train on the Pekin (Peking, Beijing) to Tientsin (Tianjin) route, China. Date: circa 1900
The Imperial Palace, Peking, 1873The Chinese Imperial Marriage: the Imperial Palace, Pekin. Arrangements for the marriage of the young Emperor of China, Tongzhi (1856-1875) of the Qing Dynasty, on 16th October 1872. Date: 1872
The De Dion Bouton Stand at the Decennale de L Automobile, Paris, France
Chinese imperial marriage at Pekin, 1872The Chinese imperial marriage at Pekin: horses and camels presented to the emperor, how the Chinese saw the bridal procession, led horses in the bridal procession
Scene outside a city gate, Beijing (Peking), China. Date: 1898
Japan - Street scene, Peking (Beijing)Lantern slide of Street scene, Pekin. Coloured slide shows people in street seeling items.. Part of Box 157 Japan, Boswell Collection, slide no. 38 Date: circa 1890s
Peking city wallA city wall (and watchtower?) of Peking (now Beijing), China, around 1911. Date: C.1911
A street in PekingA street scene in Peking (now Beijing) in China. Date: C.1911
Forbidden City, PekinThe Forbidden City (the Chinese imperial palace) in Peking (now Beijing) in China. Date: c.1910
Charles Cousin-MontaubanCHARLES GUILLAUME MARIE APOLLINAIRE ANTOINE COUSIN- MONTAUBAN, comte de Palikao - French military commander, took Pekin 1860, offered but refused dictatorship 1870. Date: 1796 - 1878
Grand Hotel de Pekin - Beijing, China Date: circa 1910s
Polo, Marco (1254-1324). Venetian traveller. Book of World Wonders, manuscript edition in French (14th c.). The city of Pekin
The fall of the Pekin castle, the hostile army being beaten away from the imperial castle by the allied armies
British Legation in PekingFront of the British Legation at Pekin after the Boxer rising but previous to World War One. circa 1911
Yuan Chi Kai, Chinese President, with diplomatic corpsYuan Chi Kai (or Shikai) (1859-1916), President of the Republic of China, with members of the diplomatic corps at Peking. Date: circa 1913
Landing opium from the Pekin at Hong KongMen landing opium at Hong Kong from the Pekin Date: 1857
The Pekin Restaurant, New YorkThe Pekin Restaurant, Broadway at 47th Street, New York Date: 1920s