OSTADE, Adriaen van (1610-1684). The Tavern. 17th c. Dutch school. Baroque art. Oil on canvas. GERMANY. SAXONY. Dresden. Staatliche Kunstsammlungen (State Art Collections Dresden )
Vase depicting men packing tea (1348-1644). Detail. Chinese art. Ming period. China / Porcelain. IRAN. Tehran. Golestan Palace
HOUASSE, Michel-Ange (1680-1730). The Harvest. Baroque art. Oil on canvas
ALENZA Y NIETO, Leonardo. The RevengeALENZA y NIETO, Leonardo (1807-1845). The Revenge. 1830. Romanticism. Oil on canvas. SPAIN. MADRID (AUTONOMOUS COMMUNITY). Madrid. Prado Museum
VICENTE FERRER, Saint (1350-1419). Saint Vincent sVICENTE FERRER, Saint (1350-1419). Saint Vincents Sermons. Edition printed in Lugduni (Leyden) in 1523. Cover
CORTELLINI, ngel Mar(1819-1887). Bar sceneCORTELLINI, ngel Maric (1819-1887). Bar scene. Spanish school. 19th century. Engraving. SPAIN. Madrid. Museo Nacional del Romanticismo
Badajoz (1812). Litography. SPAIN. Madrid. National Library
Ecuador. Indigenous painting. Working. ECUADOR" Ecuador. Indigenous painting. " Working". ECUADOR. Quito. Library of the Museum Jacinto Jij Caama f Archaeology and Colonial Art."