Myth / Iliad / PatroclusPatroclus, when his friend Achilles refuses to fight, dons his armour and goes into battle, only to be slain by Hector
Ghost of PatroclusAchilles tries - in vain - to seize hold of the ghost of Patroclus
Antilochus takes news to Achilles - Rafael TegeoRafael Tegeo (1798-1856). Spanish painter. Antilochus takes to Achilles the news of the fight on the body of Patroclus. Oil on canvas, 1831. Detail. Private collection. Date: 2019
Greek art. Attic krater painted with black figures representing an Homeric battle around the body of a dead warrior (possibly Patroclus). Found at Pharsala. Dated circa 530 BCE. Detail
CREMATION, ANCIENT GREEKAmong many ancient and primitive peoples, cremation has been the favoured method of disposing of the dead : this scene from the Trojan Wars shows Patroclus end Date: BC
Battle over the corpse of Patroclus outside TroyGreeks and Trojans battle over the naked corpse of Patroclus outside Troy. Menelaus and Ajax protected the body until Achilles could retrieve it. Combattimento pel Cadavere di Patroclo
GHOST OF PATROCLUSAchilles tries - in vain - to seize hold of the ghost of Patroclus Date: BC
Patroclus Body / HectorHector with the body of Patroclus
Funeral of PatroclusPriests and sacrificial bull at the funeral of Patroclus
Furneral of PatroclusThe funeral rites of Patroclus