Sixth Column StrategyStout patriots dislodge an enemy machine gun post from the dome of St
Eagle and American Flag Date: 1915
Patriotism in a British home, WW1A cosy scene in a British home showing a young man (possibly a wounded sailor?) displaying a Union Jack flag to the rest of his family
Polish revolt against Russian dominationDuring the November Uprising, also known as the Cadet Revolution (1830-1831), Polish patriots attempt (unsuccessfully) to throw off Russian domination
Busy Coronation street tea-partyA street tea-party in Dante Road, Kennington, London, celebrating the Coronation of King George VI. Date: 1937
Spanish-American War (1898)Spanish-American War. Military conflict between Spain and the United States in 1898, after the US intervention in the Cuban War of Independence. United States
Paris -Patriotic demonstration in honour of General SaussierParis, France. Patriotic demonstration in honour of General Saussier (Dreyfus affair). Parade of the Patriotic Societies in Place Venda´me. Photoengraving. La llustracion Espanola y Americana, 1898
United States, Boston. The Monument at Bunker Hill
Photograph of Spanish Patriots PH, Islington, London. The main side of the print (shown here) depicts: Corner on view of the pub
Patriots fight against French at the Puerta del Sol, MadridPeninsular War (1808-1814). May 2, 1808, Madrid. The patriots fight against the French at the Puerta del Sol, circa 1813. Etching and engraving on paper. By Tomas Lopez Enguidanos (1775-1814)
Fashionable Incroyables in a gambling den, 1800Fashionable Incroyables in high-collar jackets at a gambling table with young woman and croupier. A gambling hell in the Palais Royal, Year VIII, 1800
America - The Patriots Retreat Through The JerseysThe Patriots Retreat Through The Jerseys During The American War Of independence Date: 1776
America - Surrender of Fort William and MarySurrender of Fort William and Mary, 14th December 1774. Patriot raid of British fort for military supplies after British export ban on arms and gunpowder to America. American Revolution. Date: 1774
Patriotic Child Date: 1907
EXTREME REVOLUTIONARYThe exclusive - a member of the Jacobin party, who consider themselves the only true patriots... Date: circa 1792 - 1793
Spirit of 76, (Yankee Doodle)Patriotic American postcard commemorating the American Revolution. Spirit of 76, (Yankee Doodle)
Italy. Rome. Gianicolense Mausoleum, erected in honor of fallen patriots during the Italian Unification. 20th century
Italy. Rome. Mausoleum Gianicolense, erected in honor of fallen patriots during the Italian Unification
Communists AttackedWhen communists demonstrate during a presidential visit to Strasbourg, they are attacked by patriots and compelled to seek police protection Date: February 1928
A Nation in ArmsPromotional postcard for A Nation in Arms. The scroll under Britannia and her trumpet reads, Defence Not Defiance
Cartoon, True Reform of Parliament, ie Patriots lighting a Revolutionary Bonfire in New Palace Yard, by James Gillray
Cartoon, Patriotic Petitions on the Convention, by James Gillray. Four scenes: The Cockney Petition, The Westminster Petition, The Chelmsford Petition, and The Middlesex Petition
Cartoon, The Good Alphabet, WW1Cartoon, The Good Alphabet. Two Frenchmen with different initials on their armbands meet on a country road. The main thing is that they are on the same side. Date: 1915
The Patriots by George Belcher, WW1Three rather shabby, working class women, who probably don t have much choice about how extravagantly they choose to dress
The Patriots by Annie FishHumorous illustration by Annie Fish showing an officer returning home on leave to discover his wife has patriotically given birth to triplets. Date: 1915
Portrait of Daniel Webster, postcardPortrait of Daniel Webster. God grants liberty only to those who love it, and are always ready to guard and defend it. Date: 1908
CONTRERAS MUяZ, Jos頍arcelo (1827-1890). ShootingCONTRERAS MUя Z, Jos頍 arcelo (1827-1890). Shooting of Patriots in Buen Suceso (on dawn of 3rd May). 1866. Peninsular War (1808). Oil on canvas. SPAIN. Madrid. Museo de Historia
Murder of the Patriots on August 2nd, 1810. Anonymous. Oil on canvas. ECUADOR. Quito. Aurelio Espinosa Polit Ecuadorian Library
Americas greatest patriots. Date c1890 May 19
The patriots of Ireland
Polish InsurgentsAfter the Second Partition (1793) Polish patriots led by Kosciuszko rebel against the occupying forces : many of his supporters are peasants armed only with scythes. Date: 1794
Street tea party, Battersea - King George Vs Silver JubileeA street tea-party in Battersea, London, celebrating the Silver Jubilee of King George V. 1935
Childrens tea party - King George Vs Silver JubileeOne of the many tea-parties held in the streets of London for poor children, in celebration of the Silver Jubilee of King George V. 1935
Coronation street tea-partyA childrens street tea-party in Edenvale Road, Fulham, London. Date: 1937
Gilding the Lily by Dennis MalletGilding the Lily or True Patriotism at The Nook
Know-Nothing DemoStreet demo in New York by the Know- Nothing party, nativists who represented themselves as American patriots but were in effect anti-Catholic protesters
1914 Pat-Riots, 1915 PatriotsCartoon showing how Ireland was on the verge of civil war in 1914, but how joining up to fight instead during World War One transformed them into good and obedient British patriots! Date: 1915
Patriots ExiledAfter successive defeats by the Russians, Polish resistance crumbles and the leaders are sent into exile
Willem De ZwigerWillem van Oranje, known as de Zwiger (the Silent) meets with other patriots at Enkhuizen : outlawed by the Spanish, he is now acknowledged as the leader of Dutch independence
Russians AttackedA Russian convoy is attacked by Polish patriots near Zyzin
Trains SabotagedIn protest against the forced enlistment of Poles to help Russia fight the Japanese, patriots sabotage the railways on which they will have to travel
Rebels SuppressedIn conflict with the Russians, Polish patriots are once again defeated
Suspects ArrestedThe reign of terror in Warsaw : a large body of suspects being removed for examination. Polish patriots are inspired by the partial success of the Russian rising
Revolt at CilentoPatriots of Cilento in south Italy rebel against the rule of Francesco II. Officials are attacked, but the revolt is suppressed by marchese Delarrello and order restored
The Royal Extinguisher or Gulliver Putting out the Patriots of Lilliput !!!
Losing AmericaNews from America, or the Patriots in the Dumps - Britons hear from lord North that their American colonies are revolting
Patriotic Demo MoscowPatriotic demo in Red Square, Moscow : but who are the true patriots - Kerenskys provis- -ional government who staged this demo, or the bolsheviks waiting in the wings ?
Lovenstein AttackedDuring the fighting between the occupying Spanish and the Dutch patriots, the castle of Lovenstein is attacked with artillery, cavalry and infantry
French SchoolkidsChildren from Alsace are taught that La France est notre patrie (= France is our fatherland)
French Vs HaitiansHaiti : French and patriots in hand-to-hand combat
Washington / Polish StampPolish stamps issued to commemorate the bicentenary of the Polish patriots Kosciusko and Pulaski, who fought with George Washington in the American War of Independence
Benedict Arnold and Major AndreBenedict Arnold persuades Major Andre to conceal papers in his boot, causing him to be hanged as a spy when captured by the patriots