Tui (young and adult)Tui, Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae novaeseelandiae (young and adult). Artwork by JG Keulemans from Sir Walter Lawry Bullers A History of the Birds of New Zealand, Vol.1 Plate 10 Date: 1888
New Zealand Fantail (Melanistic var. on left)New Zealand Fantail Piwakawaka, Rhipidura fuliginosa (Melanistic variety on left). Artwork by JG Keulemans from Sir Walter Lawry Bullers A History of the Birds of New Zealand, Vol.1 Plate 8 Date: 1888
Erythrura gouldiae, Gouldian finchPlate 89, hand coloured lithograph by John and Elizabeth Gould from John Goulds The Birds of Australia, Vol. 3, (1840-1848)
Old male Asian Paradise Flycatcher WatercolourOriginal watercolour drawings and illustrated MS relating to Indian Birds, forming one of a set of volumes from which the illustrated MS work by Tickell on Mammals, &c
Hirundo rustica, barn swallowPlate 89 from Sir William Jardines The Naturalists Library. Original Drawings. Birds
Troglodytes troglodytes, winter wrenPlate 118 from William MacGillivrays Watercolour drawings of British Animals (1831-1841)
Bombycilla cedrorum, cedar waxwingPlate 43 from John James Audubons Birds of America, original double elephant folio (1827-30), hand-coloured aquatint. Engraved, printed and coloured by R. Havell (& Son), London
Erithacus rubecula, European robinAn European robin (Erithacus rubecula) in flight, U.K. Photographed by Frank Greenaway
Turdus philomelos, song thrushPlate 19 from Henry Eeles Dressers A History of the Birds of Europe.. (1871-96)
Garrulus glandarius, Eurasian jayWatercolour by the German ornithologist, hunter and bird collector, Christian Ludwig Landbeck (c. 1833-4)
Chlamydera nuchalis, great bowerbirdPlate 30 from Richard Bowdler Sharpes Monograph of the Paradiseidae, or Birds of Paradise, and Ptilonorynchid, or Bower Birds, Vol. 2 (1891-98)
Sitta canadensis, red-breasted nuthatchPlate 105 from John James Audubons Birds of America, original double elephant folio (1831-34), hand-coloured aquatint. Engraved, printed and coloured by R. Havell (& Son), London
Erithacus rubecula, European robinWatercolour by Paul Barruel (c. 1970). From Birds The Art of Ornithology by Jonathan Elphick, 2004
Motacilla flava thunbergi, yellow wagtailPlate 4 from John Goulds The Birds of Great Britain, Vol. 3 (1873). Hand coloured lithograph
Augustus H. Bishop with elephant tusks, May 1912Augustus Bishop arrived at the Museum in 1904, aged 23, after three years training as a taxidermist
Sitta sp. nuthatchPlate 40 from a bound volume called Indian Birds Colouredd. Artrist probably Sheikh Zayn al-Din, possibly compiled by Lady Impey
Parus bicolor, tufted titmousePlate 39 from John James Audubons Birds of America, original double elephant folio (1827-30), hand-coloured aquatint. Engraved, printed and coloured by R. Havell (& Son), London
Orders of Birds: kestrel, Falco tinnunculus, vulnerable snowy owl, Bubo scandiacus, greater blue-eared starling, Lamprotornis chalybaeus, great hornbill, Buceros bicornis, European green woodpecker
Camarhynchus psittacula, large tree finchA specimen pair of large tree finches (Camarhynchus psittacula) collected in the Galapagos Islands
Geospiza magnirostris, large ground finchA specimen pair of large ground finches (Geospiza magnirostris) collected in the Galapagos Islands
Geospiza conirostris, large cactus finchA specimen pair of large cactus finches (Geospiza conirostris) collected in the Galapagos Islands
Pitta brachyura, Indian pittaPlate 51, painting by Pieter Cornelius de Bevere, from the Loten Collection of coloured drawings of Birds, Mammals, Insects & Plants, (1754-57)
Thamnolaea cinnamomeiventris, mocking cliffchatPlate 49, painting by Pieter Cornelius de Bevere, from the Loten Collection of coloured drawings of Birds, Mammals, Insects & Plants, (1754-57)
Emberiza capensis, Cape buntingFf. 154a. Watercolour painting by George Forster annotated Fringilla bicincta and made during Captain James Cooks second voyage to explore the southern continent (1772-75)
Common hill myna, Gracula religiosaNumber 1 of 61 watercolour drawings of birds from the Himalaya Mountains in the collection of Lady Mary Bentinck. Artist unknown, date 1833, Library & Archives ref: Z88 f BEN Date: 1833
Silvereye Tauhou, Bellbird KorimakoSilvereye Tauhou, Zosterops lateralis lateralis. Bellbird Korimako, Anthornis melanura melanura (male and female)
American Ornithology by Alexander Wilson, 1824Alexander Wilson, American Ornithology, 1824. Hand-coloured engraving. Date: 1824
Turdus merula, common blackbirdPhotograph of a female common blackbird, taken in the museum wildlife garden
Paradisaea rudolphi, blue bird of paradiseImage of a male and female blue bird of paradise, Paradisaea rudolphi. New Guinea. From the Natural History Museum at Tring
Sturnus vulgaris, European starlingPlate 159 from William MacGillivrays Watercolour drawings of British Animals (1831-1841)
Tachycineta bicolor, tree swallowPlate 100 from John James Audubons Birds of America, original double elephant folio (1827-30), hand-coloured aquatint. Engraved, printed and coloured by R. Havell (& Son), London
Pyrrhula pyrrhula, Eurasian bullfinchA male Eurasian bullfinch (Pyrrhula pyrrhula) in flight, U.K. Photographed by Frank Greenaway
Serinus canaria, island canarySpecimen of an island canary (Serinus canaria)
Eopsaltria leucuraMangrove Robin, Eopsaltria leucura, collected by John Gilbert in East Bay, Port Essington, Northern Territory, Australia
Pitta Iris, from the Gould CollectionRainbow Pitta, Pitta Iris, specimen, collected by Captain Chambers in Australia between 1839 and 1841 Date: 1839
Conopophila albogularis egg, Gould CollectionEgg of Rufous-banded honeyeater, Conopophila albogularis, collected by John Gilbert in Port Essington, Northern Territory, Australia on December 5th 1840 Date: 1840
Oriolus sagittatus affinis eggsEggs of Olive-backed oriole, Oriolus sagittatus affinis, found by John Gilbert in Port Essington, Northern Territory, Australia, 4th December 1840 Date: 1840
Red eared firetail Finch, Emblema oculataEmblema (Stagonopleura) oculata - 1894.10.26.95 Date: 1894
Ashy Bulbul, Hemixos flavalaNumber 27 of 61 watercolour drawings of birds from the Himalaya Mountains in the collection of Lady Mary Bentinck. Artist unknown, date 1833, Library & Archives Z88 f BEN Date: 1833
Variegated LaughingthrushNumber 26 of 61 watercolour drawings of birds from the Himalaya Mountains in the collection of Lady Mary Bentinck. Artist unknown, date 1833, Library & Archives Z88 f BEN Date: 1833
Grey-winged Blackbird (Female) Turdus boilboulNumber 25 of 61 watercolour drawings of birds from the Himalaya Mountains in the collection of Lady Mary Bentinck. Artist unknown, date 1833, Library & Archives Z88 f BEN Date: 1833
Sri Lanka Thrush, Zoothera dauma imbricataNumber 24 of 61 watercolour drawings of birds from the Himalaya Mountains in the collection of Lady Mary Bentinck. Artist unknown, date 1833, Library & Archives Z88 f BEN Date: 1833
White-throated LaughingthrushNumber 21 of 61 watercolour drawings of birds from the Himalaya Mountains in the collection of Lady Mary Bentinck. Artist unknown, date 1833, Library & Archives Z88 f BEN Date: 1833
Mistle Thrush, Turdus viscivorusNumber 23 of 61 watercolour drawings of birds from the Himalaya Mountains in the collection of Lady Mary Bentinck. Artist unknown, date 1833, Library & Archives Z88 f BEN Date: 1833
Striated Laughingthrush, Garrulax striatusNumber 22 of 61 watercolour drawings of birds from the Himalaya Mountains in the collection of Lady Mary Bentinck. Artist unknown, date 1833, Library & Archives Z88 f BEN Date: 1833
Black-headed Jay, Garrulus lanceolatusNumber 14 of 61 watercolour drawings of birds from the Himalaya Mountains in the collection of Lady Mary Bentinck. Artist unknown, date 1833, Library & Archives Z88 f BEN Date: 1833
Grey-winged blackbird, Turdus boulboulNumber 3 of 61 watercolour drawings of birds from the Himalaya Mountains in the collection of Lady Mary Bentinck. Artist unknown, date 1833, Library & Archives ref: Z88 f BEN Date: 1833
Blue whistling thrush, Myoponus caeruleusNumber 2 of 61 watercolour drawings of birds from the Himalaya Mountains in the collection of Lady Mary Bentinck. Artist unknown, date 1833, Library & Archives ref: Z88 f BEN Date: 1833
Motacilla flava, Western Yellow Wagtail, maleSkin of Western Yellow Wagtail collected by 19th Century naturalist Emin Pasha in Tingasi, Equatorial Africa. 02/10/1883. Original NHM label: Budytes flava 1887.9.28.156 Date: 1887
Notes relating to Asian Paradise FlycatcherOriginal watercolour drawings and illustrated MS relating to Indian Birds, forming one of a set of volumes from which the illustrated MS work by Tickell on Mammals, &c
North Island Kokako, Callaeas wilsoni. Artwork by JG Keulemans from Sir Walter Lawry Bullers A History of the Birds of New Zealand, Vol.1 Plate 1 Date: 1888
Rifleman, Bush Wren & Rock WrenRifleman Tititipounamu, Acanthisitta chloris (female and male). Bush Wren Matuhituhi, Zenicus longipes. Rock Wren Piwauwau, Xenicus gilviventris
Long-tailed Cuckoo and Grey WarblerLong-tailed Cuckoo Koekoea, Eudynamys taitensis (adult and young). Grey Warbler Riroriro, Gregone igata
Black Robin and Chatham Island WarblerBlack Robin, Petroica (Miro) traversi and Chatham Island Warbler, Gerygone albofrontata. Artwork by JG Keulemans from Sir Walter Lawry Bullers A History of the Birds of New Zealand, Vol.4 Plate 59
Nucifraga caryocatactes, NutcrackerIllustration from the Brian Houghton Hodgson Collection; c. 1850s Date: circa 1850
Key for Eggs of ParadiseidaeKey to Plate X from Novitates Zoologicae, Volume XVII, 1910. By Henrik Gronvold. Please see image 100055 for original plate
Darwin finch drawn for the cover of the 99% Ape publication
La fauvette a queue rousse, a red-tailed warblerSylvia russeicauda. Plate 70 from Vieillots Histoire naturelle de oiseaux d Amerique Central Volume 12. The Natural History of Birds from Central America
Fregilupus varius specimen collected in Reunion
Fregilupus varius, reunion starlingThe reunion starling is an extinct bird native to the Mascarenes. It became extinct c. 1860
Eggs of ParadiseidaePlate X from Novitates Zoologicae, Volume XVII, 1910. By Henrik Gronvold. Please see image 100056 for key
Mocking birdAn illustration (Plate 17, Birds) from the Zoology of the Beagle
Epimachus ellioti, elliots sicklebillPlate from a first edition of Birds of New Guinea by John Gould (1804 - 1881)
Botany staff, March 1900. The Natural History Museum, LondoRobert Hugh Bunting photographed his colleagues in a relaxed mood during March 1900
Bird-of-paradisePlate 612 from Konrad Gesners Historia Animalium, Vol.3, (1555)
birdA specimen collected by Dr A. Habel, labelled Camarhynchus variegatus
European GoldfinchIllustration of a European Goldfinch by John Keulemans (1842-1912)
Phoenicurus phoenicurus, common redstart nest and eggsPlate 54 from James Boltons third edition of Harmonia Ruralis: or an essay towards a natural history of British Song Birds, Vol.2, (1845)
Red owl, warbling flycatcher, purple finch, brown larkPage 82 from A. Wilsons American Ornithology, (1835). Annotated Red owl, Warbling flycatcher, Purple finch, Brown lark
Greater Bird of ParadiseIllustration of a Greater Bird of Paradise by Eleazar Albin
Sturnus vulgaris, starling
Anthus novaeseelandiae, New Zealand pipitWatercolour 270 by the Port Jackson Painter from the Watling Collection titled New-Holland Lark
Pardalotus punctatus, spotted pardaloteWatercolour 287 by Thomas Watling from the Watling Collection titled New Holland Manakins
Flycatcher, elliottia, purple malve and pipitDrawin 19 from the Botanical and Zoological Drawings, 1756-1788 by William Bartram. Original artwork held in the Natural History Museum, London
Certhidea olivacea, warbler-finchA specimen of a warbler-finch (Certhidea olivacea) collected in the Galapagos Islands during the Voyage of the Beagle
Specimen label for Geospiza difficilis, sharp-beaked groundSecond of three specimen labels for a finch collected by Dr A. Habel from Abingdon Island, Galapagos Islands in 1868
Geospiza fuliginosa, small ground finchA specimen of a small ground finch (Geospiza fuliginosa) collected by Robert FitzRoy in the Galapagos Islands during the Voyage of the Beagle
Leiothrix argentauris, silver-eared mesiaPlate 221, a watercolour by Rajman Singh, from Brian Houghton Hodgsons collection of birds and mammals of Nepal
Nesomimus parvulus, Galapagos mockingbirdA specimen of a Galapagos mockingbird (Nesomimus parvulus) collected by Charles Robert Darwin in the Galapagos Islands during the Voyage of the Beagle
Certhidea olivacea fusca, warbler-finchA specimen of a warbler-finch (Certhidea olivacea fusca) collected by Dr A. Habel in the Galapagos Islands
Camarhynchus prosthemelasA specimen collected by Dr A. Habel, labelled Camarhynchus prosthemelas
Pyrrhoxcorax pyrrhocorax, red-billed choughPlate 29 from William MacGillivrays Watercolour drawings of British Animals (1831-1841)
Muscicapa striata, spotted flycatcherPlate 120 from William MacGillivrays Watercolour drawings of British Animals (1831-1841)