Merveilleuses playing the game of Hot HandsMerveilleuses in flimsy muslin dresses play the game of Hot Hands. One girl buries her head in another's lap, and has to guess which friend slaps her arm
Party goers playing the game of Seated Blind Man's Buff. A dandy in Regency fashion guesses the identity of the woman in muslin dress who provides his chair. Le Colin-Maillard Assis
Fashionable people playing the party game of Guess the KisserFashionable people at a party play the game of Guess the Kisser, a parlour game where a blindfolded girl has to guess who is kissing her on the cheek
Merveilleuses playing the game of blind man's buff. A blindfolded woman runs in a garden as one woman strokes her hand and another grabs her muslin dress
Fashionable people playing the party game, Gentle KnightFashionable people playing the memory game of the Gentle Knight. Players who make errors reciting a long sentence have to wear paper horns in their hair. Les Chevaliers Gentiles (Jeu de societe)
Regency party-goers playing the game of The Little Man Lives OnParty-goers playing the parlour game of The Little Man Lives On. Regency dandies and belles must pass around a lit match. Le petit bon homme vit encore. Non, non, il ne vit plus
Gentlemen and ladies playing the kissing game The Clock. A woman asks the time and is kissed according to the hour on the clock. La Pendule
Gentlemen and ladies playing the kissing game, Cradle of Love. Couples link hands and form arches to trap others as they beneath. Freedom is granted with a kiss. Le Berceau d'Amour
Gentlemen and ladies playing a kissing game, 1800sGentlemen and ladies playing a kissing game. A penitent holds a candle while his guide goes around kissing women at the party. Jeu de Societe. Le Chevalier a la triste Figure
Fashionable people playing the party game of Three Little Pats. A dandy bumps his buttocks on the floor three times as a forfeit. Women clap and chant: Trois petits pates ma chemise brule
Various party games popular during the Napoleonic Era. Kissing games including the Convent Porter, Bridge of Love, Sultan, Base of the Candlestick
Party goers playing the Convent Porter gameParty goers playing the kissing game, Convent Porter. A Regency dandy guards the door to a closet where men and women take turns to secretly kiss. Le Portier de la Couvent. Jeu de Societe
Fashionable people playing the game of the Candlestick BaseFashionable people playing the parlour game of the Candlestick Base. For a forfeit, one fool kisses a candlestick base which drips hot wax on a woman on a sofa