Jeremiah (650-585 BC) dictating his prophecies to Baruch. EnJeremiah (650-585 BC). Hebrew Prophet. Jeremiah dictating his prophecies to Baruch. Engraving by Pannemaker. The Bible in pictures by Gustave Dore. Colored
Tarantism Cure / 1877FRINGE CURES : Curing tarantism by dancing the tarantella
Old Testament. Mattathias and the Apostate. Drawing by GustaOld Testament. Mattathias slays the profane. Mattathias and the Apostate. Drawing by Gustave Dore, engraving by Pannemaker. Maccabees. Colored. Date: 20140629
Jesus on the Mount of Olives. Engraving. ColoredNew Testament. Gospel of Luke. Chapter XXII. Jesus on the Mount of Olives. Gustave Dores drawing. Engraving by Pannemaker. 19th century. Colored
Heliodorus expulsed of the Temple of Jerusalem by heavenly mHeliodorus. 2nd century BC. Minister of the Syrian king Seleucus IV Philopator. Tried to seize the treasures of the Temple of Jerusalem. Heliodorus expulsed of the temple by heavenly messengers
The Judas kiss (1866). Gospel of John. Drawing by Gustave Dore and engraving by Pannemaker
Family reading tales of Charles Perrault. Engraving by Pannemaker. 19th century
Jesus insulted. Engraving. ColoredNew Testament. Gospel of Matthew. Chapter XXVII. Jesus insulted. Gustave Dores drawing. Engraving by Pannemaker. Colored
Louis Joseph, Prince of Conde (1736-1818)Louis Joseph de Bourbon (1736-1818), Prince of Conde from 1740 to his death. He held the prestigious rank of Prince du Sang. Engraving by Pannemaker. Colored
Fortuna (Pannemaker)The Roman goddess of luck, emptying a purse full of coins on the world as she flies above it
Richard Howe / PannemakerRICHARD 1ST EARL HOWE MP and English Naval Officer Date: 1726 - 1799
Stephane PannemakerSTEPHANE PANNEMAKER French illustrator and engraver, member of a family of artists (don t confuse him with any of his relatives !) Date: 1847 - 1930
Maximilian I / PannemakerMAXIMILIAN I
Saint Agnes / PannemakerSAINT AGNES Roman saint who survived an ordeal in a brothel but was fatally stabbed when about 13 years old