Large anthurium leaf with white veins, Anthurium crystallinum.. Illustration and lithograph by P. de Pannemaeker of Ghent, from Jean Lindens L Illustration Horticole, 1873
Amaryllis cultivar, Mlle. Yvonne Linden, Hippeastrum yvonne. Chromolithograph by P. de Pannemaeker after an illustration by A. Goossens from Jean Lindens l Illustration Horticole, Brussels, 1894
Various carnations or pinks, Dianthus caryophyllus Linn. Var. Nov.. Illustration lithographed by P. de Pannemaeker of Ghent, from Jean Lindens L Illustration Horticole, 1880s
Pink camellia Madame P de Pannemaeker, Thea japonicaPink camellia Madame P. de Pannemaeker, Thea japonica.. Illustration and chromolithograph by P. de Pannemaeker of Ghent, from Jean Lindens L Illustration Horticole, 1880s
Zamia tonkinensis. Chromolithograph by Pieter de Pannemaeker from Jean Lindens l Illustration Horticole, Brussels, 1885
Short haired paphiopedilum orchid, Paphiopedilum ciliolare (Cypripedium ciliolare). Endangered. Chromolithograph by P. de Pannemaeker from Jean Lindens l Illustration Horticole, Brussels, 1884
Fuchsia varieties: Fritz, Mathilde and Juliette. Chromolithograph by Pieter de Pannemaeker from Jean Lindens l Illustration Horticole, Brussels, 1883
Red leaf palm, Chambeyronia macrocarpaRed leaf palm or flamethrower palm tree, Chambeyronia macrocarpa (Kentia luciani). Chromolithograph by P. de Pannemaeker from Jean Lindens l Illustration Horticole, Brussels, 1882
Yellow hybrid rose, Princesse Julie d Arenberg, Rosa indica odoratissima.. Illustration and lithograph by P. de Pannemaeker of Ghent, from Jean Lindens L Illustration Horticole, 1880s
Dumbcane, Dieffenbachia seguine (Dieffenbachia magnifica). Chromolithograph by P. de Pannemaeker from Jean Lindens l Illustration Horticole, Brussels, 1883
Homalomena lindenii (Alocasia lindeni). Chromolithograph by Pieter de Pannemaeker from Jean Lindens l Illustration Horticole, Brussels, 1885
Ladys purse varieties, Calceolaria arachnoidea (Calceolaria arachnoideo-crenatiflora). Drawn and chromolithographed by Pieter de Pannemaeker from Jean Lindens l Illustration Horticole, Brussels, 1888
Brazilian giant-rhubarb, Gunnera manicata. Chromolithograph by P. de Pannemaeker from Jean Lindens l Illustration Horticole, Brussels, 1884
Leea amabilis foliage plant (Leea amabilis var. splendens). Chromolithograph by Pieter de Pannemaeker from Jean Lindens l Illustration Horticole, Brussels, 1884
Flamingo flower, Anthurium splendidum. Chromolithograph by Pieter de Pannemaeker from Jean Lindens l Illustration Horticole, Brussels, 1884
Golden arum or calla lily, Zantedeschia elliottiana (Calla elliottiana)
Apoballis acuminatissima foliage plant (Schismatoglottis lavallei var. lansbergeana). Chromolithograph by P. de Pannemaeker from Jean Lindens l Illustration Horticole, Brussels, 1882
Alocasia longiloba foliage plant (Alocasia putzeysii). Chromolithograph by P. de Pannemaeker from Jean Lindens l Illustration Horticole, Brussels, 1882
Crosss Paphiopedilum orchidCrosss orchid, Paphiopedilum crossianum, hybrid of Paphiopedilum venustum x Paphiopedilum insigne
Hippeastrum stylosum (Hippeastrum muesserianum). Chromolithograph by Pieter de Pannemaeker after an illustration by J. de Bosschere from Jean Lindens l Illustration Horticole, Brussels, 1896
Codiaeum hybrid, le Tzar, Codiaeum variegatum. Drawn and chromolithographed by Pieter de Pannemaeker from Jean Lindens l Illustration Horticole, Brussels, 1888
Gladiolus lemoinei hybrid, Paul Margueritte, raised by Emile Lemoine of Nancy. Chromolithograph by Pieter de Pannemaeker after an illustration by J
Prayer plant, Malanta leuconeura (Maranta Calathea fascinator). Chromolithograph by P. de Pannemaeker after an illustration by A. Goossens from Jean Lindens l Illustration Horticole, Brussels, 1894
Oncidium orthotis orchid. Drawn and chromolithographed by Pieter de Pannemaeker from Jean Lindens l Illustration Horticole, Brussels, 1888
Begonia hybrid, Madame Charles de Bosschere, raised by F. Crousse of Nancy. Chromolithograph by Pieter de Pannemaeker after an illustration by J
Bertolonia hybrid, Mlle. Lucienne Linden (Bertonerila Mlle. Lucienne Linden). Chromolithograph by Pieter de Pannemaeker after an illustration by J
Duvals vriesea, Vriesea duvaliana, hybrid produced by L. Duval from Vriesea carinata x Vriesea brachystachys
Begonia hybrid raised by F. Crousse of Nancy, Begonia hybrida festiva. Chromolithograph by Pieter de Pannemaeker after an illustration by J
Oncidium constrictum orchid (Odontoglossum constrictum var. castaneum). Drawn and chromolithographed by Pieter de Pannemaeker from Jean Lindens l Illustration Horticole, Brussels, 1888
Philodendron mamei. Chromolithograph by Pieter de Pannemaeker after an illustration by J. de Bosschere from Jean Lindens l Illustration Horticole, Brussels, 1896
Kris plant, Alocasia sanderiana. Critically endangeredKris plant, Alocasia sanderiana var. gandavensis. Critically endangered
Alocasia x chantrieri. Alocasia x chantrieriAlocasia x chantrieri, hybrid produced by Chantrier from Alocasia metallica and critically endangered Alocasia sanderiana (Alocasia chantrieriana)
Bertolonia hybrid, Madame Treyeran (Bertonerila Madame Treyeran). Chromolithograph by Pieter de Pannemaeker after an illustration by A
Giant cyclamen cultivar, Cyclamen persicum var. giganteum. Chromolithograph by Pieter de Pannemaeker after an illustration by A. Goossens from Jean Lindens l Illustration Horticole, Brussels, 1896
Clivia hybrid, Prince Charles, raised by Charles Vermeire from Clivia Madame Donner x Clivia chevalier Heynderycx
Paphiopedilum x ashburtoniae hybrid orchid, cross between Paphiopedilum barbatum and Paphiopedilum insigne (Cypripedium ashburtoniae)
Large-fruited catasetum, Catasetum macrocarpum. Chromolithograph by Pieter de Pannemaeker from Jean Lindens l Illustration Horticole, Brussels, 1885
Dr. Maxwell Masters pitcher plant, Nepenthes x mastersiana, cross of Nepenthes sanguinea and Nepenthes khasiana
St. Christopher lily, Crinum jagus (Crinum vanillodorum). Chromolithograph by Pieter de Pannemaeker from Jean Lindens l Illustration Horticole, Brussels, 1885
Dr. Hildebrandts crinum, Crinum hildebrandtii (Crinum hildebrandti). Chromolithograph by Pieter de Pannemaeker from Jean Lindens l Illustration Horticole, Brussels, 1885
Pinanga decora palm tree. Chromolithograph by Pieter de Pannemaeker from Jean Lindens l Illustration Horticole, Brussels, 1885
Gaskells cattleya orchid, Cattleya gaskelliana (Cattleya gaskeliana). Chromolithograph by Pieter de Pannemaeker from Jean Lindens l Illustration Horticole, Brussels, 1885
Screw pine, Pandanus augustianus. Chromolithograph by Pieter de Pannemaeker from Jean Lindens l Illustration Horticole, Brussels, 1885
Alocasia puber foliage plant (Alocasia margaritae). Chromolithograph by Pieter de Pannemaeker from Jean Lindens l Illustration Horticole, Brussels, 1885
Silver spot ginger, Kaempferia elegans (Kaempferia atrovirens). Chromolithograph by Pieter de Pannemaeker from Jean Lindens l Illustration Horticole, Brussels, 1885
Columbine hybrids raised from Aquilegia glandulosa and Aquilegia canadensis at Laken. Chromolithograph by Pieter de Pannemaeker after an illustration by J
Carnation varieties, Dianthus caryophyllus. Drawn and chromolithographed by Pieter de Pannemaeker from Jean Lindens l Illustration Horticole, Brussels, 1888
Japanese angelica-tree, Aralia elata var. mandshurica (Dimorphanthus mandshuricus maxim. var. foliis varieg)
Bulbophyllum longiflorum orchid (Cirrhopetalum pulchrum). Chromolithograph by Pieter de Pannemaeker from Jean Lindens l Illustration Horticole, Brussels, 1885
White flamingo flower, Anthurium scherzianum varWhite flamingo flower hybrid raised by de la Devansaye at Bergman, Anthurium scherzianum var. (Anthurium album maximum flavescens de la Devansaye)
Maranta or arrowroot, Maranta arundinacea (Phrynium variegatum). Chromolithograph by Pieter de Pannemaeker from Jean Lindens l Illustration Horticole, Brussels, 1885
Labisia alata. Chromolithograph by Pieter de Pannemaeker from Jean Lindens l Illustration Horticole, Brussels, 1885
Unresolved fern species, Gymnogramma farinifera. Chromolithograph by Pieter de Pannemaeker from Jean Lindens l Illustration Horticole, Brussels, 1885
Anthurium hybrid, Madame du Trieu de Terdonck, Anthurium scherzianum. Chromolithograph by Pieter de Pannemaeker after an illustration by A
Cordyline cultivar, Madame Lucien Linden, cross of Cordyline fruticosa and Cordyline stricta (Dracaena Madame Lucien Linden)
Alocasia augustiana. Chromolithograph by Pieter de Pannemaeker from Jean Lindens l Illustration Horticole, Brussels, 1885
Aerangis citrata orchid (Angraecum citratum). Chromolithograph by Pieter de Pannemaeker from Jean Lindens l Illustration Horticole, Brussels, 1885
Philodendron squamiferum foliage plant. Chromolithograph by Pieter de Pannemaeker from Jean Lindens l Illustration Horticole, Brussels, 1885
English plum varieties, Prunus domesticaEnglish plum varieties, Prince of Wales and Rivers Early Transparent Gage, Prunus domestica
Cosmianthemum bullatum (Dianthera bullata). Chromolithograph by Pieter de Pannemaeker from Jean Lindens l Illustration Horticole, Brussels, 1885
Flamingo flower variety, Anthurium Reine des Belges. Cross of Anthurium andraeanum and Anthurium lindenii
Pfaus trichocentrum orchid, Trichocentrum pfavii. Chromolithograph by Pieter de Pannemaeker from Jean Lindens l Illustration Horticole, Brussels, 1885
Zamia tonkinensis palm tree (Cycas bellefontii). Chromolithograph by Pieter de Pannemaeker from Jean Lindens l Illustration Horticole, Brussels, 1885
Cordyline hybrid Don Pedro PastorCordyline hybrid, cross of Cordyline stricta and Cordyline fruticosa (Dracaena Don Pedro Pastor y Landero, named for the Madrid gardener)
Laelia anceps orchid (var. hilliana). Chromolithograph by Pieter de Pannemaeker from Jean Lindens l Illustration Horticole, Brussels, 1885
Aphelandra macedoiana foliage plant, named for de Macedo Costa who brought it from Brazil. Chromolithograph by Pieter de Pannemaeker from Jean Lindens l Illustration Horticole, Brussels, 1885
Crepidium resupinatum orchid (Microstylis bella). Chromolithograph by Pieter de Pannemaeker from Jean Lindens l Illustration Horticole, Brussels, 1885
Coralberry or marlberry, Ardisia malouiana (Labisia malouiana). Chromolithograph by Pieter de Pannemaeker from Jean Lindens l Illustration Horticole, Brussels, 1885
Begonia hybrid, Gloire de Lorraine, raised by V. Lemoine Son, Nancy. Cross of Begonia socotrana x Begonia dregei. Chromolithograph by Pieter de Pannemaeker after an illustration by A
Pastors orchid, Dendrobium macrophyllum. Drawn and chromolithographed by Pieter de Pannemaeker from Jean Lindens l Illustration Horticole, Brussels, 1888
Flamingo flower hybrid, Anthurium Archiduc Joseph, cross of Anthurium lindenii and Anthurium andraeanum
Phalaenopsis x gersenii. Phalaenopsis x gerseniiPhalaenopsis x gersenii (Phalaenopsis violacea var. schroderi). Chromolithograph by Pieter de Pannemaeker from Jean Lindens l Illustration Horticole, Brussels, 1885
New varieties of begonia raised by Forgeot Co. of Paris, Begonia species. Chromolithograph by Pieter de Pannemaeker from Jean Lindens l Illustration Horticole, Brussels, 1885
Rustic bridge at Esquenoy. Chromolithograph by Pieter de Pannemaeker from Jean Lindens l Illustration Horticole, Brussels, 1885
Cashew nut, Anacardium occidentale. Chromolithograph by Pieter de Pannemaeker from Jean Lindens l Illustration Horticole, Brussels, 1885
New varieties of hoary stock, Matthiola incana (Giroflees quarantaines nouvelles). Chromolithograph by J. de Pannemaeker from Jean Lindens l Illustration Horticole, Brussels, 1885
Cainito, caimito or star apple, Chrysophyllum cainito. Chromolithograph by J. de Pannemaeker from Jean Lindens l Illustration Horticole, Brussels, 1885
Chirimuya fruit, Annona cherimola (Anona cherimolia). Chromolithograph by Pieter de Pannemaeker from Jean Lindens l Illustration Horticole, Brussels, 1885
Rossioglossum krameri orchid (Odontoglossum krameri). Chromolithograph by Pieter de Pannemaeker from Jean Lindens l Illustration Horticole, Brussels, 1885
Labisia pothoina. Chromolithograph by Pieter de Pannemaeker from Jean Lindens l Illustration Horticole, Brussels, 1885
Homalomena insignis foliage plant. Chromolithograph by Pieter de Pannemaeker from Jean Lindens l Illustration Horticole, Brussels, 1885
Acalypha wilkesiana foliage plant (Acalypha triumphans). Drawn and chromolithographed by Pieter de Pannemaeker from Jean Lindens l Illustration Horticole, Brussels, 1888
Harlequin azalea hybrid, Rhododendron indica. Chromolithograph by Pieter de Pannemaeker from Jean Lindens l Illustration Horticole, Brussels, 1885
Mapania cuspidata (Mapania lucida). Chromolithograph by Pieter de Pannemaeker from Jean Lindens l Illustration Horticole, Brussels, 1885