Tea, Camellia sinensis, native to China
Flame lily, Gloriosa superba
Blueberry ash, Elaeocarpus reticulatus, native to Australia
Stiff jasmine, Jasminum simplicifolium subsp AustralienseStiff jasmine, Jasminum simplicifolium subsp. Australiense
Honeybell, Freylinia lanceolata, native to South Africa
Aztec lily, Sprekelia formosissima
Belladonna lily or naked lady, Amaryllis belladonna
Loquat tree or Japanese medlar, Eriobotrya japonica
Mayflower or trailing arbutus, Epigaea repens
Rose noisette, Rosa noisettaeana, and yellow rose, Rosa lutea.. Rose noisette, Rosa noisettaeana, and rose jaune, yellow rose, Rosa lutea
Damask rose, Rosa celsiana, and dog rose, Rosa canina.. Damask rose, Rosa celsiana, and dog rose with shiny leaves, Rosa canina
Bigarade bitter orange, Citrus x aurantium
Ceylon hill gooseberry, Rhodomyrtus tomentosa, native to Asia
Lychee tree, Litchi chinensis
Gum cistus, wavy leaved variety, Cistus ladaniferus undulatus
Black ironwood or olive tree, Olea capensis, native to Africa
Orchid cactus, Disocactus speciosus
Franklin tree, Franklinia alatamaha, extinct in the wild
Little gem daffodil, Narcissus minor
Pink button rose and double Provence rose.. Pink button rose, Rosa pomponia, and double Provence rose, Rosa provincialis
Multiflora rose, Rosa multiflora, and Rose panachee.. Multiflora rose, Rosa multiflora, and Rose panachee
Hemp-leaved rose, Rosa cannabina, and lustre d eglise, Rosa gallica.. Hemp-leaved rose, Rosa cannabina, and lustre d eglise, Rosa gallica
Thornless pink rose and cinnamon rose.. Thornless pink rose, Rosa inermis, and cinnamon rose, Rosa cinnamomea
White rose unique and simple capucine, Austrian copper rose.. White rose unique and simple capucine, Austrian copper rose
Pink moss rose, Rosa muscosa, and yellow dog rose, Rosa canina.. Pink moss rose, Rosa muscosa, and yellow dog rose, Rosa canina
China rose, Rosa indica, and hybrid tea rose.. Rose bengale bichonne, China rose, Rosa indica, and hybrid tea rose
Damas simple, Rosa damascena, and manteau d eveque, Rosa gallica.. Damas simple, Rosa damascena, and manteau d eveque, Rosa gallica
Great maidens blush rose and Duchess of Portland rose.. Grande cuisse de nymphe rose, great maidens blush rose, Rosa alba hybrid, and Duchess of Portland rose, Rosa portlandica
Golden flame lily, Pyrolirion aureum, native to Peru and Chile
Autumn daffodil, Sternbergia lutea
Guernsey lily, Nerine sarniensis, native to South Africa
Narrowleaved cyrtanthus, Cyrtanthus angustifolius
Southern Indian azalea, Azalea indica
Cats claw flower, Martynia speciosa
Pompom tree, Dais cotinifolia
Many-flowered russelia, Russelia multiflora, native to Mexico
Mask flower, Alonsoa meridionalis, native to South America
Cheiridopsis denticulata, succulent native to South Africa
Heavenly or sacred bamboo, Nandina domestica
Everlasting rose of India, Rosa semperflorens var du BengaleEverlasting rose of India, Rosa semperflorens var. du Bengale
Billbush or mutton porridge, Phyllanthus epiphyllanthus
Creeping snapdragon or chickabiddy, Maurandya scandens
Chrysanthemum, Anthemis artemisiaefolia, native to China
Mosquito flower or pink brush, Lopezia racemosa, native to Mexico
Michaelmas daisy, Aster calendulaefolius, native to Europe
Buttonbush, Cephalanthus occidentalis, native to North America
Chinese hibiscus, Hibiscus rosa sinensis, native to East Asia
Japanese privet, Ligustrum japonicum
Bigflower pawpaw tree, Asimina obovata, native to America
Coral tree, Erythrina americana, native to the American tropics
Sea mango, Cerbera manghas
Splint spike-thorn, Gloveria integrifolia, native to South Africa
Velvet groundsel, Roldana petasitis
Adams needle, Yucca filamentosa, native to North America
Narrowleaf bottle brush, Callistemon linearis
Victorian Christmas bush, Prostranthera lasianthos
Bushy triggerplant, Stylidium glandulosum
Narrowleaf ginger, Hedychium angustifolium
New Zealand flax, Phormium tenax
Chinese fairy bells, Disporum cantoniense, native to China
Chinese hawthorn, Crataegus sinensis, native to China
Platylobium lanceolatum, native to Australia
Lady Banks rose, Rosa banksiae, native to China
Sterculia balanghas, native to Africa, America and Asia
Dendrium buxifolium, native to America
Nivenia corymbosa, native to South Africa
Lachnaea eriocephala, native of South Africa
Phylica orientalis, native to South Africa
Clamshell orchid, Epidendrum cochleatum
Lady of the night, Brunfelsia americana
Pickerel weed, Pontederia cordata
Fiddlehead jatropha, Jatropha pandurifolia
Latin American lady orchid, Stenorrhynchos speciosus
Indigofera juncea.. Handcolored stipple copperplate engraving by Barrois from a botanical illustration by Pancrace Bessa from Mordant de Launays Herbier General de l Amateur, Audot, Paris, 1820
White lady, Thunbergia fragrans, native to Australia
Cats claw, Martynia speciosa, native to Brazil
Blanket flower, Gaillardia aristata, native to America
Klapperbos or Chinese lantern tree, Nymania capensis
Dagger hakea, Hakea teretifolia
Cupids bower, Achimenes erecta
Pink azalea, Rhododendron nudiflorum
Atamasco lily, Zephryanthes atamasco
Cape anemone, Anemone tenuifolia, native to South Africa
Perfume passionflower, Passiflora violacea