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Pancakes Collection

Background imagePancakes Collection: Olney Pancake Race

Olney Pancake Race
SHROVE TUESDAY The starter line for the Olney pancake race which has been held in the village for over 500 years. Any Olney woman over 18 can compete

Background imagePancakes Collection: DESSERTS (1890)

Jelly, blancmange, trifle, tarts and tartlets, puddings, pancakes, dumplings, biscuits and Christmas Plum Pudding !

Background imagePancakes Collection: Pancake Race / Olney

Pancake Race / Olney
SHROVE TUESDAY The starter line for the Olney pancake race, 1951, which has been held in the village for over 500 years. Any Olney woman over 18 can compete. Date: 1951

Background imagePancakes Collection: As a pancake

As a pancake
Front cover showing a young French woman with short red hair, revealing pinny and rolled stockings, tossing a pancake! 1927

Background imagePancakes Collection: CREPE PAN

A flat-bottomed, shallow frying pan made for cooking crepes or pancakes to perfection

Background imagePancakes Collection: Advert / Pancake Mix 1931

Advert / Pancake Mix 1931
Aunt Jemimas Pancake Mix for tender, fluffy pancakes

Background imagePancakes Collection: Ufo / Simonton / Eagle River

Ufo / Simonton / Eagle River
While eating his breakfast in Eagle river Wisconsin, Joe Simonton is visited by aliens who provide him with a jug, and ask him for some water. In return, they give him pancakes

Background imagePancakes Collection: Flipping Pancakes Date: 1948

Flipping Pancakes Date: 1948

Background imagePancakes Collection: Susi - with a pancake on her head

Susi - with a pancake on her head. 1950s

Background imagePancakes Collection: Woodgo Eats Pancakes

Woodgo Eats Pancakes
During a pancake eating contest, Oliver Woodgo of Hell Gate, Montreal, eats 156 pancakes to win. Date: 1886

Background imagePancakes Collection: Flying Terms Defined - Flier Education

Flying Terms Defined - Flier Education. A jolly cartoon dog demonstrates some flight terminology: Power Diving (attempt to grab a bone thwarted)

Background imagePancakes Collection: Pancake Day Cooking

Pancake Day Cooking
Les Crepes du Mardi-Gras are as traditional as Shrove Tuesday pancakes in England

Background imagePancakes Collection: Girl with a Dishe

Girl with a Dishe
She carries the casserole she has just prepared and hopes that people will like it

Background imagePancakes Collection: Cooking a Pancake

Cooking a Pancake
She tosses a pancake

Background imagePancakes Collection: Beeton Desserts

Beeton Desserts
pancakes - rice & apple cake - eclairs - pastries - rice pudding - stewed fruits - sugar trifle - pyramid cream - rice croquettes - Gateau St Honore - simnel cake

Background imagePancakes Collection: Various Desserts C1939

Various Desserts C1939
An array of desserts, and a few savouries for good measure

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