Smooth newt, male, female and larvae, Lissotriton vulgaris (as common newt, Lacerta vulgaris, common water newt, Lacerta palustris, Lacerta punctata)
China aster varieties, Callistephus x sinensis. Chromolithograph from an illustration by Desire Bois from Edward Steps Favourite Flowers of Garden and Greenhouse, Frederick Warne, London, 1896
Marsh violet, Viola palustris. Handcoloured copperplate engraving after a drawing by James Sowerby for James Smiths English Botany, 1798
Spiny water starwort, Callitriche palustris (Water starwort, Callitriche aquatica). Handcoloured copperplate engraving after a drawing by James Sowerby for James Smiths English Botany, 1800
Marsh fleawort or swamp ragwort, Tephroseris palustris (Cineraria palustris). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by James Sowerby from James Smiths English Botany, London, 1793
Fire salamander and smooth newtFire salamander, Salamandra salamandra (salamander, Lacerta salamandra) and smooth newt, Lissotriton vulgaris (great water-newt, Lacerta palustris)
Ceylon crocodile var. from Seba. (Mugger crocodile, Crocodylus palustris or saltwater crocodile, Crocodylus porosus.) Handcoloured copperplate engraving by Heath after an illustration by George Shaw
Marsh helleborine, Epipactis palustris. Handcoloured lithograph from Diederich von Schlechtendals German Flora (Flora von Deutschland), Jena, 1871
Marsh gladiolus or sword lily, Gladiolus palustris. Handcoloured lithograph from Diederich von Schlechtendals German Flora (Flora von Deutschland), Jena, 1871
Elder tree, Sambucus palustris, and dogwood, Cornus species? Handcoloured woodblock engraving of a botanical illustration from Adam Lonicers Krauterbuch, or Herbal, Frankfurt, 1557
Bog arum, Calla palustris. Handcoloured woodblock engraving of a botanical illustration from Adam Lonicers Krauterbuch, or Herbal, Frankfurt, 1557
Water germander, Teucrium scordium, arum, Arum maculatum, and seed of Iris tuberosa. Handcoloured woodblock engraving of a botanical illustration from Adam Lonicers Krauterbuch, or Herbal, Frankfurt
Duckweed, Lemna minor, and marsh horsetail, Equisetum palustre. Handcoloured woodblock engraving of a botanical illustration from Adam Lonicers Krauterbuch, or Herbal, Frankfurt, 1557
Marsh marigold or kingcup, Caltha palustris, Populage des marais. Handcoloured steel engraving by Alphonse-Leon Noel after a botanical illustration by Charles Louis Constans from Pierre Oscar Reveil
False apollo, white dragontail and clearwing swallowtailFalse apollo, Archon apollinus 1, white dragontail, Lamproptera curius 2, and clearwing swallowtail, Cressida cressida 3, grass of parnassus, Parnassia palustris 4
Forget me not, Myosotis palustris, and calligraphic poem. Chromolithograph by Louis Prang from Alice Ward Baileys Flower Fancies, Boston, 1889
Horned pondweed, Zannichellia palustris. Handcoloured copperplate engraving after an illustration by Richard Duppa from his The Classes and Orders of the Linnaean System of Botany, Longman, Hurst
Water starwort, Callitriche palustris (Callitriche aquatica). Handcoloured copperplate engraving after an illustration by Richard Duppa from his The Classes
Marsh marigold, Caltha palustris. Handcoloured copperplate engraving after an illustration by Richard Duppa from his The Classes and Orders of the Linnaean System of Botany, Longman, Hurst, London
Alpine asphodel, Tofieldia calyculata (Scottish asphodel, Tofieldia palustris). Handcoloured copperplate engraving after an illustration by Richard Duppa from his The Classes
Grass of parnassus, Parnassia palustris. Handcoloured copperplate engraving after an illustration by Richard Duppa from his The Classes and Orders of the Linnaean System of Botany, Longman, Hurst
Marsh grass of Parnassus or bog-star, Parnassia palustrisLe Chiendent du parnasse. Marsh grass of Parnassus or bog-star, Parnassia palustris. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz Collection precieuse et enluminee des fleurs les plus belles et les
Smooth newt, Lissotriton vulgaris: female 1, male 2, female depositing eggs on an aquatic leaf 3, egg 4, development of the young 5-12
Longleaf pine, Pinus palustris (Broom pine, pitch pine or yellow pine, Pinus australis). Handcoloured lithograph by Hanhart after a botanical illustration by David Blair from Robert Bentley
Cape marigold and marsh marigoldCape marigold, Dimorphotheca sinuata, and marsh marigold, Caltha palustris. (Calendula seu caltha, Caltha palustris.) Handcoloured copperplate engraving after Mario Cammerari from Professor Filippo
Curtis British Entomology Plate 718Coleoptera: Phytosus spinifer Curtis [Plant: Zannichellia palustris (Horned Pondweed)] Date: 1824-39
Curtis British Entomology Plate 599Lepidoptera: Bactra pauperana = Epiblema pauperana [Plant: Eleocharis palustris Common Spike-rush)] Date: 1824-39
Curtis British Entomology Plate 558Coleoptera: Pachyrhinus comari = Phytobius comari (Marsh Cinqfoil Weevil) [Plant: Potentilla palustris (Comarum palustre, Marsh Cinquefoil)] Date: 1824-39
Curtis British Entomology Plate 527Lepidoptera: Pyralis cribralis = Microchilo cribrumalis (Dotted Fan-foot) [Plant: Epipactis palustris (Marsh Epipactis)] Date: 1824-39
Curtis British Entomology Plate 492Hemiptera: Livia juncorum (Rush Jumping-louse) [Plant: Lathyrus palustris (Marsh Vetchling)] Date: 1824-39
Curtis British Entomology Plate 411Hymenoptera: Mymar pulchellum Curtis (Feather-winged Mymar) [Plant: Viola palustris (Marsh Violet)] Date: 1824-39
Curtis British Entomology Plate 312Lepidoptera: Scopula longipedalis = Dolicharthria punctalis (Long-legged China-mark) [Plant: Cirsium palustre (Cnicus palustris, Marsh Thistle)] Date: 1824-39
Curtis British Entomology Plate 247Coleoptera: Attagenus trifasciatus (Banded Attagenus. Adventive) [Plant: Stachys palustris (Marsh Woundwort)] Date: 1824-39
Curtis British Entomology Plate 224Coleoptera: Heterocerus obsoletus (Largest Heterocerus) [Plant: Caltha palustris (Marsh Marigold)] Date: 1824-39
Curtis British Entomology Plate 151Coleoptera: Cybister roeselii (Roesel?s Diving Beetle, a Mainland-European species) [Plant: Hottonia palustris (Water Violet)] Date: 1824-39
Curtis British Entomology Plate 79Coleoptera: Gyrinus bicolor (Elongated Whirl-wig or Whirligig Beetle) [Plant: Parnassia palustris (Grass of Parnassus)] Date: 1824-39
Curtis British Entomology Plate 63Coleoptera: Acilius caliginosus = Acilius canaliculatus (Pale-thighed Acilius) [Plant: Myosotis palustris (March Mouse-ear)] Date: 1824-39
Epipactis palustris, marsh helliborine - Plate 36 from British Orchids (1799) by Franz Andreas Bauer (1758-1840). Held in the Botany Library at the Natural History Museum, London. Date: 1799
Marsh Marigolds (Caltha Palustris) - a view of the flowers outside. (Location: Ireland). Date: circa early 1900s
Illustration, Lithosidae -- Arctiidae -- Nudaria Mundana, Calligenia Miniata, Setina Irrorella, Setina Aurita, Setina Aurita (variety Ramosa), Setina Mesomella, Lithosia Deplana, Lithosia Sororcula
Water or alligator-apple tree, Annona palustris.. Handcoloured botanical illustration drawn and lithographed by Walter Hood Fitch for Sir William Jackson Hookers Curtiss Botanical Magazine, London
Marsh marigold / Kingcup - flowering in flooded forest near river Taz (Caltha palustris ). North Tumen region, Siberia, Russia. (Ranu subspecies ?)
Myosotis PalustrisFORGET-ME-NOT
Plants / Caltha PalustrisKing Cup with Matricaria Chamomillae (Camomile)
Gladiolus PalustrisMARSH GLADIOLUS