Venus of BrassempouyThe Venus of Brassempouy carved out of ivory some 18, 000 years ago and discovered in Brassempouy, France. Believed to have been carved during the last stage of the Upper Palaeolithic age
Paleolithic. France. Cabrerets. Pech Merle cave. The dottedPrehistory. Paleolithic. France. Cabrerets. Pech Merle cave. The dotted horse. His head is drawn in the natural cut of the rock. On his back, a large red fish. Six black hands all around the horses
Venus of Laussel. 25 mil. -18 mil. BC. Venus holding a horn. Upper Paleolithic. Solutrean. Relief on rock. FRANCE. Bordeaux. Mus饠 d Aquitaine (Aquitaine Museum). Proc: FRANCE. LOT-ET-GARONNE
SPAIN. Santillana de Mar. Altamira Caves. Bison. Upper Paleolithic. Magdalenian. Cave
SPAIN. Ribadesella. Tito Bustillo Cave. Shaggy rhinoceros. Upper Paleolithic. Magdalenian. Cave
FRANCE. Montignac. The Cave of Lascaux. Horses and a bull, decoration of the great halls right wall. Upper Paleolithic
Mrs. Ples skullMrs. Ples. Reproduction of a skull of a Plesianthropus transvaalensis. Found at Sterkfontein. South Africa
Homo rudolfensis (KNM-ER 1470) Homo habilis (KNM-ER 1813)On the left, KNM-ER 1470 (also attributed to H. rudolfensis). On the right, KNM-ER 1813. Both skulls are about 2 million years old. Held at The Natural History Museum, London
Upper Palaeolithic tools 18 - 30, 000 years oldL-R: a) Bone used to make needle blanks. b) Bone needle. c & d) Harpoon head and Barbed Point carved from antler. e & f) Two heads carved in mammoth ivory
Prehistory. Paleolithic. Hunters manufacturing weapons and cutting skins. Illustration by Lluis Bargall atercolour
SPAIN. Kortezubi. Horse (13000 BF). Upper Paleolithic. Magdalenian. Cave
Java Man or Pithecanthropus erectus (Homo Erectus erectus). Early human fossills discovered on island Java (Indonesia). Paleolithic
Wooden tray. C. 48000 BC. fromr ockshelter of Abric RomaniWooden tray. C. 48000 BC. from rockshelter of Abric Romani. Middle Paleolithic. Capellades. Catalonia. Spain
FRANCE. Montignac. The Cave of Lascaux. Hall of the Bulls. Group of deers. Upper Paleolithic. Magdalenian. Cave
Venus of Willendorf. Paleolithic artVenus of Willendorf. 23rd mil. BC. Representation of fertility. Upper Paleolithic. Gravettian. Sculpture on rock. AUSTRIA. VIENNA. Vienna. Natural History Museum. Proc: AUSTRIA. LOWER AUSTRIA
Tanzania. Kondoa Irangi. Koro rock paintingsTANZANIA. Kondoa Irangi. Animals grazing. Koro rock paintings. Upper Paleolithic. Cave
Cave of Niaux. Prehistoric painting. Horse head. FranceCave of Niaux. Prehistoric painting. Magdalenian period. Upper Paleolithic. Horse head. France
Spain. Lower Paleolithic. Cleaver flintPrehistory. Spain. Lower Paleolithic. Cleaver flint. Arenero Hermanos, Madrid. National Archaeological Museum. Madrid. Spain
Spain. Cantabria. Cave of Altamira. BisonSpain. Cantabria. Cave of Altamira. Upper Paleolithic Paintings. Bison. Polychrome ceiling. Around Santillana del Mar. World Heritage Site by UNESCO
Prehistory. Paleolithic. Lucy skeleton. ReproductionPrehistory. Paleolithic. Lucy. Common name of AL 288-1. Reproduction of the bones representing the skeleton of a female Australopithecus afarensis
Tools of Bromme Culture. 11000 BCBromme Culture, 11000 BC. Points, scrapers, burins, blades and cores. National Museum of Denmark. Copenhagen. Denmark
Hand axes. Acheulian Culture. 1500000-200000 BCHand axes. Culture of Homo erectus, know as Acheulian Culture. 1500000-200000 BC. Lower Paleolithic. From Tanzania, Java, France and England. National Museum of Denmark. Copenhagen. Denmark
Tools of flint and animal bones. Performed by Homo sapiens (Cro-Magnon). Upper Paleolithic. National Museum of Denmark. Copenhagen. Denmark
Reindeer antler harpoons. 9500 BC. Paleolithic. New Zealand. National Museum of Denmark. Copenhagen. Denmark
Neanderthal man skull (Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis). It comes from Chapelle-aux-Saints. Paleolithic art. FRANCE. Ό E-DE-FRANCE. YVELINES. Saint-Germain-en-Laye. Museum of National Antiquities
Homo neanderthalensis (Ferrassie 1) cranium castCranium cast of an adult male Neandertal Man (Homo neanderthalensis) discovered at La Ferrassie, Dordogne, France, by D Peyrony and L. Captian in 1909. The original specimen dates back 70, 000 years
Mousterian toolsA slide scraper and a pointed tool made from black flint of Mousterian age, 40, 000 - 55, 000 years old (Middle Palaeolithic), from Le Moustier, France
Homo habilis toolsA collection of pebble tools (Oldowan) discovered at the Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. They date back to about 1.8 million years ago
Prehistory. Upper Paleolithic. Cromagnon men got together around the fire in a cave
Skeleton of Man. Skhull Cave (Me arat Hagedi). Middle Paleolithic period. Ca. 100, 000 years before the present. 40-50 years old of the arcahic Homo Sapiens Sapiens
Abrigo del Navazo. Roc art of the Iberian Mediterranean Basin or Levantine art. Province of Teruel. Aragon. Spain
Paleolithic. Baltic area. Europe. Settlements of the first rprehistory. Paleolithic. Baltic area. Europe. Settlements of the first reindeer hunters. Lithic industry. Museum of History and Navigation. Riga. Latvia
Stone tool. Lower Paleolithic (30. 000 -10. 000 BC). Flint bifStone tool. Lower Paleolithic (30.000 -10.000 BC). Flint biface from Balaguer. County Museum of Noguera. Balaguer. Catalonia. Spain
Prehistory. Paleolithic. Spain. Archaeologcal site of Atapuerca. Railway Trench. It provides the oldest hominid fossils found so far on the Iberian Peninsula
Flint tools used by reindeer hunters. Solbjerg, Lolland. AhrFlint tools used by reindeer hunters. From the camp at Solbjerg, Lolland. Ahrensburg Culture. Mesolithic. Northwestern Europe. 9500 BC. National Museum of Denmark. Copenhagen. Denmark
Hand axes of quartzite. Petite Lande, France. Mousterian Culture. 100000-40000 BC. National Museum of Denmark. Copenhagen. Denmark
Hand axes of flint. Aisne Valley, France. Mousterian Culture. 100000-40000 BC. National Museum of Denmark. Copenhagen. Denmark
Lithic industry. Tools used by reindeer hunters. Solbjerg, LLithic industry. Tools used by reindeer hunters. From the camp at Solbjerg, Lolland. Ahrensburg Culture. Mesolithic. Northwestern Europe. 12200 BC. National Museum of Denmark. Copenhagen. Denmark
Rockshelter of Abric Romani. SpainRockshelter of Abric Romani. Middle Paleolithic. Capellades. Catalonia. Spain
Quartzite cleaver and bifaces. Middle Paleolithic or MoustePrehistory. Middle Paleolithic or Mousterian (90, 000 to 35, 000 BC). Quartzite cleaver and bifaces of Aranzaduya (Urbasa). Museum of Navarre. Pamplona. Spain
Palaeolithic L scapeA paleolithic landscape Date: circa 30, 000 BC
Horse-head engraved on boneLate Pleistocene wild horses head engraved on the right fourth metatarsal bone of a horse, specimen (NHM 38745). Found among horse remains from the Late Magdalenian site of Roc du Courbet, Bruniquel
BREUIL, Henri (1877-1961). French abbot. ArchaeologistHenri Breuil (1877-1961), often referred to as Abbe Breuil. French Catholic priest, archaeologist, anthropologist, ethnologist and geologist. Portrait
Illustration that recreates the hunting of large mammals (mammoths, woolly rhinos and elephants) using traps during the Upper Paleolithic. Painting
Chopper. Lower PaleolithicChopper on pebble. Lower Paleolithic. SPAIN. CATALONIA. BARCELONA. Barcelona. Archaeology Museum of Catalonia. Proc: SPAIN. CATALONIA. GERONA. Torroella de Montgr Cau del Duc
Cantabria. Camargo. Cave of El PendoSPAIN. Camargo. Escobedo de Camargo. El Pendo cave. World Heritage Site since 2008. Upper Paleolithic. Magdalenian. Cave
Limestone lamp, Magdalenian, from FranceLimestone lamp of Magdalenian age, 11, 000 - 18, 000 years old (Upper Palaeolithic) from La Mouthe, France
Aurignacian toolsA bone point, probably a spearhead and a flint end-scraper tool of Aurignacian age, 30, 000 - 34, 000 years old from France
Limestone lamp with ibex carved on backLimestone lamp with ibex carving, of Magdalenian age, 11, 000 - 18, 000 years old (Upper Palaeolithic) from La Mouthe, France
Venus in limestoneFigure of a woman, or Venus, engraved in limestone, Gravettian age 22, 000 - 30, 000 years old (Upper Palaeolithic) from Abri Pataud in France. Created by Cro-Magnon man
Harpoon carved from antlerCast of an antler harpoon from the Magdalenian culture, 11, 000-18, 000 years ago (Upper Palaeolithic)
Hand-axes, blades & harpoonThe two axe-heads on the left are from the Middle Palaeolithic about 40, 000 BC; the three specimens on the right are from the Upper Palaeolithic abot 20, 000 BC (Agfa Film)
Bone needles of Magdalenian ageBone needles dating back to about 15, 000 years ago. The Magdalenian tools discovered in France are believed to have belonged to early Homo sapiens who hunted reindeer during the last ice age
Vanguard cave, GibraltarExterior view of Vanguard Cave, Gibraltar which has been excavated by palaeontologists. Discoveries of interest include chert flake tools and charcoal beds
Womans head carved in mammoth ivoryGravettian age 25, 000 - 30, 000 years old (Upper Palaeolithic) from Dolni Vestonice, Moravia, Czech Republic
Homo erectus, Acheulian manAn illustration of a lakeside campsite 400, 000 years ago of Acheulian man (Homo erectus) in the Quaternary Hoxnian Interglacial period, Lower Palaeolithic
Hand-axeFlint hand-axe of Acheulian culture (Lower Palaeolithic) with rounded spall pot-lid split by frost action. Specimen from University of London, Institute of Archaeology
The Clacton SpearThis spear is named after Clacton-on-sea which is where it was discovered in 1911. It dates back 450, 000 years old making it the oldest wooden spear to have been found in the British Isles
Piltdown Palaeolith flintPiltdown, Sussex item E.685 held at The Natural History Museum, London
Neanderthal artifactsStone tools believed to once have belonged to Neanderthal Man (Homo neanderthalensis) who lived in Gorhams Cave, Gibraltar
Gibraltar excavationExcavation of Neanderthal fireplace at Vanguard Cave, Gibraltar. (Middle Palaeolithic)
Gorhams Cave, GibraltarA view of Gorhams Cave from the sea. Neanderthal artifacts have been found, dating from the Middle Palaeolithic inside this cave system
Flint hand-axeLate Palaeolithic from Farnham, Surrey, England
Black hind. Upper Paleolithic. Solutrean. SPAIN. Valencia. Valencias Prehistory and Cultures Museum. Proc: SPAIN. VALENCIAN COMMUNITY. Barx. Parpall ve
FRANCE. Montignac. The Cave of Lascaux. Horses. Upper Paleolithic. Magdalenian. Cave
FRANCE. Montignac. The Cave of Lascaux. Fighting scene between men and bisons (c.17000-15000 BC). Upper Paleolithic. Magdalenian. Cave
Neanderthal man skull (ca. 5000 BC). Found at the cave of Forbes Quarry in 1848. Upper Paleolithic. SPAIN. Barcelona. Archaeology Museum of Catalonia
Hind on limestone. Upper Paleolithic. Solutrean. Petroglyph. SPAIN. Valencia. Valencias Prehistory and Cultures Museum. Proc: SPAIN. VALENCIAN COMMUNITY. Barx. Parpall ve
Engraved drawing of a bull. Upper Paleolithic. Solutrean. Petroglyph. SPAIN. Valencia. Valencias Prehistory and Cultures Museum. Proc: SPAIN. VALENCIAN COMMUNITY. Barx. Parpall ve
Axes. Middle Paleolithic. SPAIN. Barcelona. Archaeology Museum of Catalonia. Proc: SPAIN. Hoyo de Manzanares
Knife belonging to sand sellers in river Manzanares. Upper Paleolithic. Solutrean. SPAIN. Barcelona. Archaeology Museum of Catalonia. Proc: SPAIN. MADRID (AUTONOMOUS COMMUNITY)
Arrow tip. Upper Paleolithic. Solutrean. SPAIN. Barcelona. Archaeology Museum of Catalonia. Proc: SPAIN. ANDALUSIA. V鬥 z Blanco. Ambrosio Cave
Bison turning the head. 15th-10th mil. BC. Copy
Prehistory. Lower Paleolithic. Sinathropus skull (Homo erectus). SPAIN. Barcelona. Archaeology Museum of Catalonia
SPAIN. BenajoᮮLa Pileta Cave. PrehistoricSPAIN. Benajoᮮ La Pileta Cave. Prehistoric site. Upper Paleolithic. Magdalenian. Cave; Architecture
SPAIN. Santillana de Mar. Altamira Caves. Parietal
Bifaces from the Acheulean period. Lower Paleolithic. Proc: SPAIN. MADRID (AUTONOMOUS COMMUNITY)
SPAIN. Santillana de Mar. Altamira Caves. Schematic figures. Upper Paleolithic. Magdalenian. Cave
SPAIN. Santillana de Mar. Altamira Caves. Red female deer painted on the roof of the Polychrome Ceiling. Upper Paleolithic. Magdalenian. Cave
SPAIN. V鬥z Blanco. Cave of Los Letreros. SchematicSPAIN. V鬥 z Blanco. Cave of Los Letreros. Schematic figures (7500-5000 BC). Upper Paleolithic.; Neolithic art. Cave
AUSTRALIA. NORTHERN TERRITORY. Ayers Rock. Paleolithic art. Cave
SPAIN. El Perellave of La Cabra FreixetSPAIN. El Perell ave of La Cabra Freixet. Deer (25000-15000 BC). Upper Paleolithic. Cave