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Pails Collection

Background imagePails Collection: Industry / Cooper 1827

Industry / Cooper 1827
Coopers made flasks, tubs, pails etc; this particular cooper is putting together a hogshead. Various iron and wooden hoops wall his shop

Background imagePails Collection: Farm Stall in St. Jamess Park, London - New Milkstall

Farm Stall in St. Jamess Park, London - New Milkstall
Farm Stall in St. Jamess Park, London - The New Milkstall - " Rus in Urbe" ( the countryside in the city) - latn quote on the card

Background imagePails Collection: Draycott, Cotswold village, Edith Hodgkins, milkmaid

Draycott, Cotswold village, Edith Hodgkins, milkmaid
Draycott, Cotswold village, Edith Hodgkins (later Mrs Brown), milkmaid. Date: 1916

Background imagePails Collection: Miss Furrow the Farmer's Daughter

Miss Furrow the Farmer's Daughter

Background imagePails Collection: Flemish Milkmaid with her dog cart, Brussels, Belgium

Flemish Milkmaid with her dog cart, Brussels, Belgium. Dog carts pulled by two or more dogs were historically used in Belgium and the Netherlands for delivering milk, bread, and other trades

Background imagePails Collection: Extended family outside stone county home

Extended family outside stone county home
A countryside scene with parents, son and Grandmother all stood outside their lovely stone cottage. The son appears to be holding two pails of milk. Date: circa 1910s

Background imagePails Collection: Victorian scrap, an Irish milkmaid

Victorian scrap, an Irish milkmaid, with a yoke, two pails and a churn. circa 1890

Background imagePails Collection: Advert, Brown & Co, Glasgow, Scotland

Advert, Brown & Co, Glasgow, Scotland
Advert for Brown & Co, Iron Packaging, Cisterns, Casks, Pails etc, Wigton Street, Glasgow, Scotland. 1905

Background imagePails Collection: The Morning - rural scene

The Morning - rural scene with milkmaid milking cows and others with milk pails outside a cottage. late 18th century

Background imagePails Collection: Cries of Paris - water carrier

Cries of Paris - water carrier

Background imagePails Collection: Children with tree and holly on a Christmas postcard

Children with tree and holly on a Christmas postcard
Children in the snow with tree and holly on a Christmas postcard. Date: circa 1890s

Background imagePails Collection: Barnet Industrial School - Milk Round

Barnet Industrial School - Milk Round
Boys with milk pails stand in front of horses and carts loaded with milk churns at the Barnet Industrial School, Hertfordshire. Date: early 1900s

Background imagePails Collection: LONDON MILKMAN / PETHERICK

A London milkman pours milk from his pails into a cup Date: circa 1870

Background imagePails Collection: LONDON MILK MAID / 1798

A London milkmaid cries Milk below maids! Date: 1798

Background imagePails Collection: Milkwoman

A milkwoman of 1813 carrying pails of milk on a yoke. Artist: Ethel Parkinson Date: 1902

Background imagePails Collection: Land Rover advertisement, 1952

Land Rover advertisement, 1952
Advertisement for Land Rover showing the versatile work horse of a vehicle being used to transport churns of fresh milk at a farm. Date: 1952

Background imagePails Collection: Dutch Milkmaid

Dutch Milkmaid
Terrific photographic postcard of a Dutch Milkmaid, with two large milk pails supported by a wooden yolk across her shoulders. Date: circa 1910s

Background imagePails Collection: Woman in national costume, Mundal, Norway

Woman in national costume, Mundal, Norway. She is carrying two milk pails with a yoke across her shoulders. The costume was worn by most people on Sundays and also as a uniform by hotel waitresses

Background imagePails Collection: The Round Game of Happy Families, Mr Pumps

The Round Game of Happy Families, Mr Pumps
Chad Valley, The Round Game of Happy Families, Mr Pumps the Milkman. circa 1910

Background imagePails Collection: The Channel Islands - Cottages, Sark

The Channel Islands - Cottages, Sark - Row of cottages - lady carrying pails

Background imagePails Collection: White earthenware, Plate 59

White earthenware, Plate 59, showing dishes, serving dishes, jugs, bowls and other items. Date: circa 1880s

Background imagePails Collection: Recycling Pig Swill

Recycling Pig Swill
The Lobb Brothers (Charles & Henry) collect pig swill in special pails, twice a week from the homes of 25-30 neighbours, who are pleased that their waste is recycled. Date: 1930s

Background imagePails Collection: Parisian Water Carrier

Parisian Water Carrier
A L EAU ! A Parisian water vendor carries two pails of water suspended from a shoulder- yoke. Date: circa 1815

Background imagePails Collection: Ruins of Mayfield Palace, Mayfield, Sussex

Ruins of Mayfield Palace, Mayfield, Sussex, a medieval palace dating back to the 13th century. Date: 1809

Background imagePails Collection: Scene on a dairy farm, Netherlands

Scene on a dairy farm, Netherlands. Date: early 20th century

Background imagePails Collection: Barnet Industrial School - Milk Round

Barnet Industrial School - Milk Round
The daily milk round at the Barnet Industrial School, Hertfordshire. Boys with milk pails stand in front of horses and carts which are each loaded up with a milk churn. Date: 1908

Background imagePails Collection: Two young Moroccan Girls with buckets on their heads

Two young Moroccan Girls with buckets on their heads Date: circa 1930s

Background imagePails Collection: Thessaloniki, Greece - Milk Seller

Thessaloniki, Greece - Milk Seller. Date: circa 1910s

Background imagePails Collection: Design with milkmaid, animals and birds

Design with milkmaid, animals and birds. Watercolour on detail paper. Silver Studio. 1950

Background imagePails Collection: Land Army Girls carry milk pails, 1939

Land Army Girls carry milk pails, 1939
Two women at the Cheshire School of Agriculture pictured carrying milk pails to the dairy. Here, Womens Land Army volunteers learnt all classes of farm work from feeding pigs to milking the cows

Background imagePails Collection: A Milkwoman - Lima, Peru

A Milkwoman - Lima, Peru Date: 1906

Background imagePails Collection: Milkmaid and Milk Seller at Hennebont, Brittany

Milkmaid and Milk Seller at Hennebont, Brittany
Milkmaid and Milk Seller at Hennebont, in the Morbihan department of Brittany, France. Date: circa 1910s

Background imagePails Collection: India - Women carrying milk on their heads

India - Women carrying milk on their heads in stacked pots Date: circa 1910

Background imagePails Collection: Flemish Milk cart - Belgium

Flemish Milk cart - Belgium
Flemish Milk cart pulled by a labrador - Belgium. The milkmaid is pouring out a windmill owners daily jug of the white stuff. Date: circa 1910s

Background imagePails Collection: Will you buy any milk today?

Will you buy any milk today?
Old Street Cries -- Will you buy any milk today? 20th century

Background imagePails Collection: Little Smeaton, near Pontefract, Yorkshire

Little Smeaton, near Pontefract, Yorkshire
View of the village of Little Smeaton, near Pontefract, Yorkshire, with two little girls carrying milk in pails. Date: circa 1900

Background imagePails Collection: Bringing Fresh milk to the Cadburys Factory

Bringing Fresh milk to the Cadburys Factory
Canal narrow boats/barges bringing fresh milk for Cadburys Milk Chocolate through the canal system running close by the Cadburys Factory at Bournville, Birmingham

Background imagePails Collection: The Ironmongers Shop

The Ironmongers Shop. A little girl amid the metal tools, pails, buckets, kettles, cans, scythes and rakes in an Ironmongers store

Background imagePails Collection: Farmer Scrubs Cow

Farmer Scrubs Cow
A dairy farmer scrubs down his cows using Hudsons Dry Soap while the women wash the churns & pails

Background imagePails Collection: Milking pails, words and music

Milking pails, words and music
Buy me a pair of milking pails, Oh sweet gentle mother mine. Where shall I get the money from, oh beautiful daughter mine?

Background imagePails Collection: Milk / Cries of London

Milk / Cries of London
A milkmaid sells fresh milk from two pails

Background imagePails Collection: Milkmaid with Pails

Milkmaid with Pails
A milkmaid wearing a pretty bonnet and carrying a yoke with two pails cries Milk O!

Background imagePails Collection: Working Class Dress 1798

Working Class Dress 1798
Clothing worn by a young, working class woman (a milkmaid) and a young boy and girl who are her customers, at the end of the eighteenth century

Background imagePails Collection: London Milkmaid / Crane

London Milkmaid / Crane
A London milkmaid carries two pails of milk for sale from a yoke around her neck

Background imagePails Collection: Kitchen Scene C1760

Kitchen Scene C1760
A young woman carries two pails, and a piece of meat is roasted on a spit

Background imagePails Collection: London Milkman / Petherick

London Milkman / Petherick
London characters: the MILKMAN goes from door to door, with two churns suspended by a yoke from his shoulders, from which he fills your pot on your doorstep

Background imagePails Collection: German Peasant Girls

German Peasant Girls
Two German milkmaids, one barefoot, carry pails of milk which they have collected from the horse and cart

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